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Maxximus Redneckus

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Everything posted by Maxximus Redneckus

  1. My best bass 10-4 came on a manns jelly worm 9 inch grape ,wal-mart had um on clearance yrs ago along with augertails i bought all i could find within 100 miles of me i now have 2 rubbermaid contianers filled with um.BTW walmart has a kit called a dragin finesse it has a few jelly worms in it along with some odd stuff you will have to look man i bought many of them up also they are like 10 bucks for 165 pieces.But keeep it hushh hushhh not many ppl know about MANNS being such a great plastic and they smell good too!!!!
  2. Im not looking for excuses for cro cop but i think gonzaga got lucky HE DIDNT EVEN KNOW he knocked him out but still pounded his face about 4 times before the ref split it i have seen the REF call a fight when a guy was down GETTING HIT IN THE FACE without any injury at all!!! And it Pi**ES off the guy on the floor.. The SYlvia vs Arlovski fight was one of them!!!
  3. Now thats funny right there i dont care who you are
  4. FLW are great baits get as many as u can they are made by manns really soft and good scents and a lot of diff colors !!
  5. And thats Cro cops finishing move... You no he is goin to watch that VID for a long time and assess HIS biggest mistake id ever seen him make>I have seen all of cro cops fights and his opponents NEVER take him standing>He got a reality check tonite that he is not the only guy with a devastating KO to the head !!
  6. Cro cop is great but he seems to get KO unexpectedly , him going to ground at first took a lot out of him he really needs to learn ground defense and more offense so when he does get up he is not shaken he took quite a few head shots from Gonzagas elbow on the ground and we all no that makes ya wobble when and if u get up, When Gonz said he wanted to stand and fight im thinking WOW what a mistake Then again never ever underestimate your opponent FIRST mistake in any fight all downhill after that !!
  7. Yes always use backing... mono, dacron w-e u have at least 4 or 5 turns of it on your spool!!! Some use tape but that seems like a weak link to me after 5 or 6 months casting id think tape would loose its stickyness IMO
  8. I use braid for grass thats it .......Braids downfall is a lot of ppl think its the best for everything,its does have drawbacks and most ppl have no clue what they are and many are mentioned in this thread .Being a confident fisherman is one thing but thinking that your line is a savoir is a whole new ballgame.Its why i choose mono over braid / floro 99% of the time i know the limits offensivly with my line .I know my knot will not break or my line will not break as long as i no its limits .Braid makes a lot of ppl feel like superman Then when a knot gets loose or IT breaks becuase of reasons unknown wich happens a lot from threads i have seen on this forum with braid and floro. IT makes you realize nothing is foolproof i dont see braid as a non sporting line just a tool that needs to be used with experiance!!!
  9. Maybe behind closed doors his angel is a mean B***h ya never no
  10. Even though i have used SB,s all my life i find a new intrest in them for some reason.W-E the reason im buying a lot more and all i can think for ease of use is a Flambua with the zerust in them the square ones they hold your SB so nice and they prevent rust .So im buying 4 of these and im putting them in a duffle bag suit ti size ill figure that out when i get um i think they would work for ya !!
  11. I like that turtle back spinnerbait i still have a few strike kings left i love um flash with thup and a whole diff feeling then a colorado !!!
  12. Congrats you still have a great line there 1!!!
  13. Good point Catt. your home should be inspected to make sure that there is a secure and locked location for your rifle if you have kids your home should be inspected regularly(6 months maybe) to make sure there still is a secure location -------This government inspection will not take place in my house, I can assure you. Also, let me reiterate a statement I made earlier, a gun never killed anyone. Same here and even if it did happen How many contractors gobbling up OUR tax money will benefit from this i can see it now "we need 600 billlion to start our HOMELAND SECURITY in our HOMES" what a joke and at our exspense .Hey but it will provide MARXIST jobs for ppl.Our GOV as it is now is checking OUR grannies worn out panties as our border is wide open for any 3 world threat that will get unchecked and not have to pay taxes and use our healthsystem FOR FREE >America needs to wake up and stop looking for excuses and GIVING smacks on the wrist and actually go for the throat !!!
  14. Todays society is based on the past<We can go deeper and say that todays society wich is not WHOLEY made up of bloodline ancesters has no rights then ,,,,Meaning anyone new in this country shall not posses the original rights of our founding fathers that would stop a lot of stuff from happeneing it boils down to familey values and morals lets divide the country those who oppose the constitution move out or live with it we are here for one reason only because our FOUNDING FATHERS wanted to get away from corrupt GOVERMENTS england and australia are laughing at the Va Tech terrorist act which happened i suppose there BUS bombings are funny also ALL in ALL people come to our country for freedom..and because they know certian pppl bend over backwards to make them feel like they fit in as a historical americans >>>
  15. Yes Please ,,,,Wayne
  16. This would undermine the 2nd amendment. I have a better idea lets get rid of all of our rights as Americans and see how long this country last,this will also mean your guilty until proven innocent >i mean if we are goin to do away with one thing that dont suit OTHERS opinion might as well go all the way ...Im just razzing ya man no offense
  17. Im 100% for CW permits its a fact states with less laws about guns have less crime.Maybe this guy was muslim and worked for osama it is said they have lonewolfs all in this country >they need to tighten the laws down not make more my buddy owns his own business took him 90 days to get a CW permit he was almost robbed if not for pulling his gun out on the robber ,this robber was CAUGHT with a illegal handgun ,long story short this went to court the robber's sentence at first was goin to be 5 yrs well they pleaded and dealed in court got him 45 days in jail I don&#39;t understand .Fact is we live in a country with so many loopholes to get around what has been done wrong we miss the whole point.they need to stop getting all personal and get to the point if u kill some one and your found guilty YOUR guilty none of this they were going through mental probs and such HEY WAKE up AMERICA everyone is jumping on this bandwagon.Its a sad day when if your caught shoplifting cause your hungry you get 10 yrs BUT if you had a bad day at work or your wife left ya you decide to kill 4 ppl and get sympathy and probation
  18. I have quite a few of them and i put them through there paces never had one break but really nice to know if it does it has a over the counter LIFETIME warrenty and im only 30 mins away from a place that has shimano rods i just bring my broken one in and waaalaaaa i got a brand new one, no questions asked!!!
  19. 10 lb maxx will do ya good !!
  20. Some of the Cheap gear has a better warranty then the high end stuff and a lot of it is more durable also. High end to me only means lighter and lighter = brittle.dont get me wrong when im wormin or jig fishing i like a lighter rod too but other then that i can do everything else with a reg grade rod IMO when it comes down to it a rod and reel weighing less then 7 oz together i prefer a ultra light spinning rod with 4 lb line .When im baitcasting i dont mind having a rod &reel weighing 12 to 15 oz together . Holding too light of a rod and reel makes me hold my arms the wrong way and they get fatigued.
  21. freshwater all i need is a chugbug and a jointed rap!!
  22. Ya you did i have garcias over 20 yrs old that are smooth as the day i bought um its how u take care of um at least a good cleaning and lube once or twice a yr !!!
  23. Ok im a diehard abu garcia man but i was lookin at the extreme baitcaster made by bassproshops the small one it weighs 8 oz im wondering is it worth it ??? Anyone have one??? I like the magnetic dial and aluminum frame .
  24. using a pistol grip helps also 5'6" or 6 foot with a medium tip!!
  25. I voted ABU oil on both my baitcasters and spinning reels,but in between fishing days i use mainly remoil just a light spray on my bearings when i go deep into my reels i use silicote!!
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