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Maxximus Redneckus

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Everything posted by Maxximus Redneckus

  1. I have a problem with diversity cant have diversity and then claim you want equality .All jokes aside if you hollar as a culture you want a holiday for lets say a king that was in your mother country and lets say it actually happened it cannot be force fed apon US to celebrate it>because then your practicing your diversity and the next day equality its one way or no way if you ask me%%%
  2. I drive a school bus part time no accidents driving it for 12 yrs so i get to get on the accident task force sometimes if there is a bus accident and i also drive a bike .And about 9 out of 10 times the accident report taken by the police says the driver that ran into/pulled out in front of bus did not see it .OMG here's your sign BIG YELLOW BUS .So i assume anyone on the road/intersection/driveway does not see me .Its good to be paranoid
  3. Now i think im in love with the military girl ;D
  4. Some how i got to watching that show called Swan.And all i can say is WOW unbelievable .......... they made them Girls look better then the miss america contestants and winners .Im still
  5. I use a habaki rig thingy w-e its called it works 2 lb line and a ice rod i think its 3 foot long
  6. 2 kinds of "black" snakes depending were Ur from but you can tell the diff in a cottonmouth and black rat snake and racer by body size a black snake has a streamlined body and is Pearle white under the head cotton mouth is stocky short.And the other kind of black snake is a racer.These are mean snakes like the water banded snakes not venomous and are VERY fast swimmers and on the ground are very fast and usually run from ya all you will see is a tail>Black rat snakes are slower snakes and make good pets easy to catch.But its easy to tell the diff in them like i say think short /stocky =cottonmouth long/ lean =racer or rat snake ;D ;D
  7. Chugbug worked fast to med
  8. WOW LBH .Love the red paint if i seen that going down the rd id think its was a brand new one and around 4500 bucks easy
  9. 10 12 or 15 lb big game depending on what cover is present ,glad to see BIG Game fans on here BIG GAME rules for 99% of fishing
  10. Ok this dont cover all of what we have on the east coast but its close.I notice a lot of forumites are from my neck of the woods just want to see who eats what and is there favorite???
  11. And to think, I used to value your opinion. What if my wife reads this?!!!!!! Dispicable. ;D Im with you on this .....2 if all i had was 2 rods id think the world was gonna end
  12. All baits have a diff action .Because its 15 bucks dont mean its the only action that will catch fish.The fact of the matter is if you spend 15 bucks on a lure its in your bones u just spent a whole lot of money on a simple design and it BETTER catch fish>If i painted my own RAps it dont mean im catching more fish ONLY if i no for sure they will bite this color will i know it was worth painting .But serious all jokes aside>Why is it a lot of people are downing AMERICAN products when BASS Fishing was the brainchild of americans who FOUNDED bass fishing as sport worldwide>We cant say creme,manns, bagleys,storm or anyother ROOTS manufactor dont no what they are doin when they been doin it the longest FOR us to have fun and catch fish
  13. I still buy them but the key is too look on the back of the package if it says made in USA grab um they are way better hooks then the ones made in china .They are all starting to be made in china hard to find made in USA anymore!!!
  14. So true and the thing about this todays society you are judged by who you hang around and cheaters allllways seem to bring there friends into there business and ask you to lie for them.I stopped doin that stuff about 12 yrs ago when itty bitty words became 20 cops in less then 5 mins i hate it!!!
  15. I wish you guys that like them had the one that tryed to get in my boat Tue Morning. The 44 did him in. Im not trying to be a arsehole or start anything and im sure u used bird shot in the 44 and maybe you were on a private lake BUT shooting at water is bad if any anti- gun robots seen you do this it ads fire to there already small flame ya no .Just lookin out for ya man.No offense
  16. Anyone in Southern maryland or eastern virginia need snakes removed from there property PM me ill come catch ur snakes for free :)
  17. red white and blue By lynyrd skynyrd
  18. Looks like a water banded snake,I have a lot of them around here and kingsnakes love to eat them .Matter of fact thats a main diet for kingsnakes i have seen them many times around the edge of the ponds i fish hunting the water snakes.I have 3 pet snakes now that i caught over the yrs one is a king snake about 4 foot long the other 2 are black rat snakes 5 foot and my pride and joy is a 7 footer i cuaght at a friend of mines farm it got into his rabbit hucth ate a rabbit and couldnt get out .His head is 3 inches wide and his body is as big as my forearm.I love snakes
  19. beetle spin or a jig with a white grub "who says" a 5 inch bass isnt a bass anyway???
  20. All of um smell like grape to me its a pleasent smell i like the smell of GULP also... not really a pleasent smell but a smell like HMMM if i was a bass and i was that close to sniff it id eat it LOL .Another plastic that smells good is mister twister exudes.
  21. This bisping guy is one to watch also and if big nog fights anymore he could be a force also ,I heard he is going blind in 1 eye .Arlovski is underrated his stance and movement are pretty cool .Like what is said in the other post cro cop is way to easy to predict and if his opponents watches his fights its easy to capitalize on his mistakes>cro cop needs to look for more then just a LHK to the head for a win WE all know thats what he will TRY to do now.I see cro cop not coming back for about 6 months as he will learn more and not just rely on his signature move cause we no and he knows that everyone knows thats his gameplan for now.But i do see him coming back with a bang and a surprise for the next man... WAR FEDOR
  22. They are trained to fight until they either hear the bell or the ref pulls 'em off. Extra punches on someone thats down/out happens quite frequently. I can tell you that if I had Cro Cop on the mat....I'd make sure he wouldnt get back up. I'd be willing to bet thats what Gonzaga was thinking too. As far as the lucky part....I dont agree with that. If you watch the replay in slow mo, it clearly shows what happened. Gonzaga knew he was throwing a head kick....Cro Cop DIDN'T.....he thought it was a body kick, dropped his arms down to protect his ribs and BAM! NAP TIME! Cro Cop made a mistake and he paid for it.....there are no excuses. Gonzaga vs. Couture will be a great fight. Randy even said that he would rather fight Cro Cop. If he was executing any kind of MA kick he would have followed through instead of letting his leg hang on CRO cops shoulder... either brought his leg back fast or kept going through the motion BTW you can also tap out or the other side throws in a towel for a loss!!!
  23. Lots of manufacturors do this what i have found is they say this to cover there self .9 out of 10 times i have had them say this to me and get w-e i sent to them in 3 or 4 days ..
  24. YES this very important,Like when you shoot a handgun make that barrel a extension of your index finder the end of the rod becomes your finger and your pointing at that lone stick 50 yards away.It works its called instinctive shooting if your a hangunner or bow hunter .... matter of fact it works for anything that your hand is holding Knives, Darts, Rocks ,Etc .Once you get over the actual "what tool is is in my hand part" it comes natural The brain, eyes and muscles are extrodinary things when working together .
  25. From what i understand they aint gonna make um anymore i mean under the FLW name ,I bought a whole lot in january for 25 to 50 cents beavers and lizards .Manns baits are underrated and if you look at there website they have so much to choose from.If i walk into a fishing store and i see manns baits thats all i buy>i can garentee ya that no matter where you are you will CATCH fish with a MANNS plastic.And this year im hoping to break Marylands state record and im pretty sure if i do it will be with a manns jelly worm or augertail.. :)
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