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Maxximus Redneckus

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Everything posted by Maxximus Redneckus

  1. Btw if u have a garden near a stream they will eat most of the small stuff growing the roots anyway they love to eat roots of soft plants
  2. ya and if u touch his tail end he will sqiurt out a sticky fluid that is like glue just dont put it near ur mouth or eyes wont harm ur skin though
  3. I don't have no lakes around here that are over 250 acres ,But i have the Potomac river i love that river salt/fresh mix i did live in ark for 2 yrs and fished the Arkansas river WOW
  4. Hiking,swimming ,playing pool,racing, riding my bikes ,mudddin,traveling places i never been , fairs/carnivals ,lookin for snakes,sleeping LOL
  5. I use a garcia conolon 5'6" pistol grip rod has a fast tip doubles as a fluke rod also
  6. I *** all of yall that can carry in your state im in Maryland only ppl that can carry are police and if you own a business's do carry my 870 in my truck at all times .I suppose that's a deterrent .I still find it hilarious that Wash DC has a no guns in any homes laws but has the highest crime rate in my area >you would think hey politicians "here's your sign" LAWS don't work Criminals don't give a shyt about your stupid little laws its proven each day in DC >We all know the states with the lowest murder rates are states that allow concealed carry.Another thing places that have high murder rates with firearms ALWAYS get on TV and blab about how they have a 300 mill dollar TASK FORCE to fight crime each YR with our tax money HMMMMMMMM
  7. I voted 130 to 200 some reason when i see a stx revo or sx i need it 12 so far and 4 revo -s im getting close to the amount of Garcia C3,s and C4,s i have
  8. Are you seriously suggesting that high school kids should carry handguns to school? Anyone seen what a AXE or Machete will do to a person.Being shot is bad enough but using a AXE on a person is gruesome
  9. Very hard to choose ........but id use a MANNS 6 inch grape jelly worm <u can cut the flat tail off and have a bait that shimmies on fall or use it wacky rigged,texas rigged Carolina rigged on a small jig or drop shotted it can be cut to match what size forage is present very versatile
  10. Couldnt have Worded it better myself ....Also add the docs and teachers DOPE the kids up to calm um down BUT what if the KID misses his pill popping that mornin or the night before school something has to give ??? thats our problem instead of CORRECTING our kids like the good old days the GOV the teachers, consulars demand that we make our kids zombies with drugs !!
  11. If they aint biting i look for snakes If i dont find any snakes i go to the beach and look at sweetbeavers ;D ;D
  12. EXACTLY Muddy ......if they want to get serious about this i think ppl in cars and trucks should wear um .They get head trauma also USUALLY why a car or truck accident is a fatality,from head trauma.It should be a choice i mean ill wear a helmet when its cold and at night anyway but DURING the day 110 deg with humididty BLAH i hate it i ride also ive seen a lot of accidents 98% are cuased by ppl pulling out ,the accident report usaully says i didnt see um TAKE there license away then. I have my CDL each yr i have to get a pyhsical done which includes eyesight tests and hearing AND also there are 2 million drivers on our roads with no driving knowledge driving ILLEGAL
  13. 1. Manns jelly worm grape 6 inch or 9 depending on what area ur fishing 2.Zoom 6 in lizard in black with a blue tail 3.Zoom super fluke white 4.Manns augertail in black 5.Zoom magnum lizard in PB& jelly
  14. Dang!!! Half a bottle of Jack for Marinade?!?!?! Thats gonna cost more than the steak! shoulda said half a PINT oops but u can use half a 5th as u take a few hits while ur prepping the other stuff .I like a small buzz when im cookin its traditional.But yall wont see me on Funniest Vids i hope not at least this month............Ill tell yall what though no breeze blowing and under a canopy sure will leave your goatee BLONDE ,curly and smelly for a few hrs dont ask me how i no i just know...
  15. I agree ......I can feather the line and close my bail in one motion as my lures goes to the target u get used to doin it becomes second nature >When i was younger i had a shimano the spring broke i used the reel for 2 yrs without a spring i had no clue where to buy one back then!
  16. You can use all same time or try each one seperate or one of your fav whiskeys i even tried beer before it so so .If u use beer make sure its REAL beer no light beer. I favor the SC cause it is sweet BUt u can try any bourbon or whiskey and coke seems to be better then pepsi also let me know what u concoture up ill give it a try also main thing is the longer it marinades the better the taste then again im a steak man i can throw a REG steak on the grill and eat it also plain
  17. LMAO rodney the TRUEIST comediian to ever speak.I miss Farley also :'(
  18. Reflex strikes like with spinnerbaits,lipless vibs, buzzbaits ,Slashbaits, etc catch bass by sound color and speed IMO i think more then not they catch fisherman and make them feel secure fishing it which to me is part of the game
  19. Put 2 BIG steaks in a ziplock bag fill with REGULAR half bottle of coke, jack daniels, or southern comfort in this bag put 2 tablespoons salt , 1 oz vinigar, lot of chives, 1 0z of olive oil, half bottle A-1 steak sauce, 3 BIG sqeezes of ketchup, a BIG drop of mustard ,onions ,any kind of BBQ suace let it marinade at least 8 hrs.......... NOW ABUSE THIS STEAK...... twist it turn it shake it in that bag....... i use charcoal and with 2 big steaks i let it cook about 1 hr close ur vents pour the rest of ur contents in the bag over ur steak as they cook save anything solid like onions as a topping for the steak on ur plate .I have been told i should become a chef but all i can make are steaks and its all im interested in BTW i have had many ppl say it was worth 50 to 60 bucks some friends some where freinds of freinds so it wanst no favoritizm LOL CAN i brag about my steak the best steak on the east coast NO ONE can touch me yehawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  20. I hope not... Vince has the money too do it also .This is when we will see who is a sell out amoung UFC fighters sad thing is in one hand vince will hold out a mill bucks to be fake or 20 tho in the other hand to be real
  21. I agree completely with all you have said Them MMA fighters from Brazil and Russia train inside there mommy's womb boxers usually start out late as a child i don't think there are programs in America to train kids 2 and 3 for boxing but MMA its a family tradition don't see many boxers with a harem of family and 4 or 5 generations standing on the sides as u do MMA fighters.Most boxers have good cardio and fast arms thats about it
  22. Revo-S all i can say !!!!
  23. 10-4 on a Manns jelly worm 9 inch grape in 1985 a 9 pounder the yr before that on a live frog ,, 4 7 pounders through the yrs on zoom lizards and 1 on a chugbug, 1 8 pounder with a berkley eel, many many 5 pounders with various lures from rapalas to spinnerbaits
  24. Truthfully i woulda thrown him on the shore :'( and seen if any more his length were like that .If u found anymore it wouldn't be so bad it would show lack of food but if it was just one could be a disease
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