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Maxximus Redneckus

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Everything posted by Maxximus Redneckus

  1. 12 lb biggame in solar collector
  2. i dont think shiners and such pose a threat like say goldfish
  3. I think most frogs are toxic anyhow they have a bitter taste (Dont ask) i know the tadpoles put off a smell that bass dont like .When bass bust a frog they swallow it whole they dont sniff it first so thats why they eat um not cause of there scent just a reaction for feeding
  4. Anyone know if any companys have a promotion goin on for a state record bass???? X point hooks had one a few yrs ago dont know if they still do though !
  5. From what i heard of them lakes in Mexico you can catch that many bass with any lure ;D
  6. Big game is a little more stretchy for shock XT is not as stretchy and not as soft as biggame
  7. There is a certain amount of arrogance and elitisim to this remark I can afford 3 dollars a bag to fish, why do i need to give up fishing. i work lioke everyone else , I am puttin myself through collegwe, as well as my daughter. Why do i need 6 dollars a bag to blow off steam and enjoying fishing. WHAT A STATEMENT TO MAKE you are dissmissing many working fellas who also fish. Yup muddy i can catch bass with 3 dollar baits or 50 cent clearance ones dont matter to me .I use what is workin i dont need baits at 6 bucks a bag to catch fish . NO OFFENSE but if he thinks u can only catch bass with 6 dollar a bag baits i think he is in the wrong hobbie ;D
  8. Ya magnesium Garcia's that weigh 2 oz and ugly sticks that weigh 1 oz and Hair size braid with 100 lb test strength and is invisible we all have something to look forward to yeeeehawwwwwwww
  9. PP rules so it dont matter nayhow ;D
  10. Actually Gene Larew invented the salt impregnated baits in 81 and also the patent
  11. Fire departments use water from places like that to fight fires it coulda been your house!!!!
  12. They are a innovative company thats for sure i use a lot of there products
  13. I agree they last forever and if the fish are agressive nothing can beat them,I dont fish senko baits much anyhow but 6 or 7 bucks for 5 baits yikes .I use what works best for me and if they aint biting senko baits ill switch to something else or already doin it .When fish are picky i have found a razor worm works better then a stick bait anyhow ;D
  14. Im takin a wild guess and a lifetime of bassfishing for me but id say for me 1 out of 25 over 12 inches 8-)
  15. Raps been catching fish for me about 20 yrs thats all that matters ,no need to fix what ain't broken specially at 20 plus bucks a bait ridiculous
  16. It dont hold well u can try diff tag line loops with crazy glue till u get a strong knot its what i do hard to explain cause its trial and error ;D
  17. And you can go to med or med light action rods also with braid BTW i have been using braid on a lightning rod for a good month now prob 4 days a week fishing using small spinnerbaits and i have checked my guides prob a million times since spinnerbaits are always putting pressure on the guides as you reel and i have not seen or felt anything on my tip a good way to check is take a q tip and barley touch your guides if they are cracked or groooved it will pick up the fine cotton on a qtip really good
  18. They work and are tough as a anvil i use um for stripers in salt and get the occasional bluefish
  19. Its always better to have a heavier reel then rod u can take a 7000 garcia put it on a pistol grip it will feel great but look really funny
  20. I dont know about that my line spooling station has been going strong for a long time
  21. I use a lot of there lures and line and have a few lightning rods and I FEEL CONFIDENT im going to catch something SALT OR FRESH and 98% of the time i usually do so thats all that matters .Its nice to have a company that can fill all ur needs reels/rods/lines/lures just something about it makes u feel invincible and that if u dont catch anything you no it was becuase the fish had lockjaw
  22. I dont buy the tape thing for backin braid ,i mean it prob wont ever lose its stickiness but just knowing it can happen bothers me i always tie mono to braid and use superglue for the knot.Braid and floro last for ever but mono becomes brittle after a few months of sunlight .Always good to use about the same diameter lines when u connect also IMO
  23. Another way to do it a little more work but well hidden get a electric engraver open up all of your reels sidecovers start putting your SS # or your initials or just your last name even >NO one can say it aint urs if u open it up like a pro and show um your name etc,,,
  24. Super glue is great for this among many other things for fishing ,Knots,holding bullets weights, ... when u put it the head of the plastic Ur using it makes it shrink and really hard to get off the hook .I have found any brand works for this and its cheap ,You can also put it where ur hooks come out and where it goes in makes it last longer............But shhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is suppose to be a secret BUt when it hits water it tends to make the spots with glue turn white
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