Disclaimer: long rant...
As someone who did a bit of fishing as a kid but never really “learned”, especially about bass fishing, as others have said, nothing replaces time on the water. That said, ive learned a ton (Dont judge) from youtube. Nicktheinformativefisherman, bassresource and some old KVD videos are a good/free start. Ive learned not to take anything as gospel of course, but just absorb everything.
When you start, anticipate it will be tough. You will fish a spot for 30-60 minutes without a bite, then someone will pop by and pick up 2 bass. DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED. more importantly, see what they were doing differently and note that. Maybe luck, maybe subtle differences. If participating in dock talk tell folks you are new to bass fishing right away and humble yourself and ask questions. You will learn who is a true fisherman and who is full of it right away.
After that starting with a spinning rod/reel setup, then slowly learning On a baitcaster can help.
That is more of a general overview i guess. Otherwise, as other have mentioend learn how to texas rig and wacky rig a senko or other platic bait and then learn the fish. What i mean is go hunting. At first dont worry about catching fish (easy to say right!) focus more on where the fish are in your area, in what time of year and in what weather. Dont overthink it but just be aware every time you get a bite, what bait, what color, what time of day, what weather conditions etc. were. Think structure to start with, that will usually produce the easiest bites to get you excited to keep going. The real deal is once you get that first 3-5 pounder you will be hooked. Showing my stripes here but the buzz i got from my first 3 pounder lasted hours and i was sold. As i said, humble yourself. ?
Tips from an amateur, so take it for what it is. One thing i have come to love about the fishing community is that the real anglers are a very open, educational bunch, as displayed in this forum. At this point all i can share is what got me going and has fueld my now addiction...I remember how overwhelming it was ar first too.