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Everything posted by ljmax

  1. There is a 2000 Javelin Renegade 20 for sale in North FL that very well may be worth the drive. Info is below and if you are interested I'll pm the link to you. I just bought a 186TF Charger a couple of weeks ago and if I'd seen this first I'd own it. $8500 will probably buy it. Good luck. 2000 Javelin/Stratos Renegade 20 2000 Johnson 225 Outboard Motor (low hours) 4 blade stainless steel prop 74lb thrust Minnkota trolling motor On-board charger Front mounted Lowrance Fish Finder Console Mounted Hummingbird Fish Finder Divided large live weel Hydraulic steering power tilt and trim hydraulic jack plate 3 batteries Tandem axle trailer Freshwater only
  2. I've been wanting to fish an area I drive over on I-75 around Mile Marker 302. It is a few miles west of the Webster Exit on I-75. When I pass it to the north is a decent sized canal and to the east it turns into a lake. Anybody know what lake it is and how to launch a boat to fish it? Any help much appreciated. TIA! Found it on Google Earth. Looks like it's part of the Withalacoothcee River and it's called Silver Lake. Anybody know where the closest ramp is???
  3. My Dad gave me his Nitro NX882 which is a 2004 with 73 hours on it. I have a 1996 Nitro TF170 with a 2005 115 on it so I'm going to sell one of them probably the 882. I've checked around and see the average asking price for the 882 is around $16K. What do you guys think it should sell for? Thanks for any help. Here's a link to the 882. http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1243187526
  4. That's one way to keep the gnats out of your face.
  5. Thanks for your reply. I'll keep the suggestions in mind. Thanks again.
  6. I have a TX this coming Sunday and was wondering if anyone has fished this lake in the last couple of weeks and if so what tactics worked? I'm thinking the fish should still be on the beds. Any info much appreciated. TIA!!!
  7. We have a tx this coming sunday and was wondering if anyone knows if the bass are on the beds and if so where is the best place to find them? Any info much appreciated. TIA!
  8. Thanks for your PM. Since you were the only one to respond to this thread I guess Rodman is not well know with the people on this board. I'll take your advice and give it a go. Thanks again.
  9. Hey all. I haven't fished Rodman since the drawdown. I have a tourny there this coming weekend and was wondering if anyone has been fishing Rodman. Any pointers would be appreciated. TIA!
  10. Sounds like you had a good day on the lake. Our club fished Panasoffkee on Sunday which was the second day of our 2 day tourny. First day was on Lake Harris and Ill say now I hate fishing LH. We caught 2 fish there with one of them a dink and the other was 8 lbs 14 ounces. The next day was much more enjoyable where we were culling bass by 9:00. We caught all of them on the Devils Horse and they continued hitting topwater all day long. We fished in the northern part of the lake over eel grass. We ended up with 12 lbs 8 ounces for the day and it was enough to win our clubs classic with a total weight of 21 lbs 2 ounces but after a 4 ounce penalty because of a dead fish we ended up at 20 lbs 14 ounces. We had never fished Panasoffkee before but we will be back for sure.
  11. Hey all, I have a tourny on the 17th of May on Lake Panasoffkee and won't have time to pre fish it. I was wondering if any of you have fished the lake and if so where should I go and what should I throw? Any info very much appreciated. I hope all of you are catching fish and have a great fishing season.
  12. Thanks for the reply. Yep HB is where the tourney launches from. Funny thing is Orange Lake is only 20 minutes from me and I haven't fished it since 2000. Part of it was the level has been low for a few years but the other reason was I got into red fishing. Now I'm back to bass fishing so I get to re discover all of the great bass fishing there is in this area. Thanks again for taking the time to reply and I'll be fishing the south end of the lake as you suggested.
  13. I have a tournament on Orange Lake next Sunday and was wondering if anyone has been fishing the lake??? From what I've been told the water has come up quite a bit and the bite is pretty steady now. Any thoughts much appreciated.
  14. I have a tournament this coming Sunday on the CR/KB area and have never fished it for bass. Anyone ever fished it and know where to go? I'm assuming since the water is so clear braided line is not the first choice here. TIA for any info.
  15. It doesn't even feel right beating you guys this year. I have great pity on you! ;D My family and I have a tradition to go to the Bills/Fins game every year in Buffalo. Praying for snow for this one. I love the snow bowls! Time to use an old John McKay quote aimed at the Dolphins. Reported: Coach what do you think of your teams exucution today? John Mckay: I'm in favor of it. Don't send any pity my way. I can still remember 20 straight defeats by the Fins over the Bills. ;D
  16. NFL - Miami Dolphins :'( :-[ MLB - Florida Marlins - :'( NCCA - University Of Miami :'( 2nd team is any playing against Alabama's Nick Satin (Saban) : NBA - ;D ;D ;D NHL - ;D ;D ;D All I do know is the Dolphins have a lock on the first pick in the 2008 draft. Please find the Fins a new owner and head coach. :
  17. Anybody use either the Revo SX or Quantum Kevin Vandam Signature Series reels below and if so what do you like and dislike about them. I have 4 Shimano Bantam High Speed Baitcasters that are 15 years old and it's time to upgrade to newer reels. All thoughts appreciated. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_84683_100001001_100000000_100001000_100-1-1 http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_58414?cmCat=CROSSSELL&cmid=PP_P0_2
  18. Last time we were there my nephew found an Ambassadeur Record that looked like new for $40 just like the one below. http://cgi.ebay.com/ABU-Garcia-Ambassadeur-Record-Series-RCN-51-LEFT_W0QQitemZ160102180019QQihZ006QQcategoryZ108153QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem
  19. You may want to visit The Candy Store in Lake Wales. They have any and everything you'd want. They also have 20 bins full of rebuilt baitcasters and spinners. Be warned if you go there you will spend hundreds.
  20. I noticed the nylon pull straps for the lids on my Nitro are starting to wear out and was wondering if anyone here knows where to buy replacement straps? I've looked on line and at the local marine store but so far no luck. I bought a nylon strap dog leash and will cut it into small pieces if I can't find the straps already pre cut and ready to screw in. The problem with cuting the leash is the end will start to fray and need to be replaced frequently. Thanks in advance for any help.
  21. Welcome to the forum. I live between Ocala and Gainesville. Info is below for the Ocala Bass Club that I joined a couple of months ago. You are less than an hours drive to 7 excellent Bass Lakes so enjoy the area. Good luck. Big Sun Bassmasters Ocala, FL Dave Simms 352-694-2308
  22. Back in the late 80's I had a 20' Storm my nephew and I used on the Red Man Tournaments in Florida. The name of the boat was Bastermation.
  23. I'm pulling a 17' Nitro with a 1997 Nissan 4 cyl 5 speed tranny. I have no problem cruising at 70 mph or pulling the boat out of the ramp.
  24. The expense of having a bass boat is much less than the enjoyment you'll get out of it if you use it. If you buy a boat and use it a few times then just let it sit that's when the expense becomes an issue. I'd recommend you buy a used boat and use it for a year or so. If you find you use it frequently then buy the exact boat you want. By the way if you look around there are some great deals this time of year on bass boats so you may be able to get something you'll keep far longer than a year. I know where there is a 99 Bass Boat with a 2000 Johnson 90 with less than 100 hours for $5K and if you want to know where PM me. Good luck.
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