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  1. I went fishing on the Miami Canal yesterday an observed fish surfacing all over the place. I could not get a look at what type of fish these were. I tried beetle spins, poppers, and all types of search baits with no avail. Does anyone have an idea what type of fish exhibit this type of behavior. I am also looking for some advice to catch more bass out of this canal. I was successful catching a couple of smaller bass during the day. Will I have to change to the dreaded worm fishing?
  2. What is the most fish you caught during one outing?
  3. I have been fishing the canals of my childhood for the past 3 days. In the past the canals were loaded with bass but all I have caught for the past 3 days are gar. Do gar take over the canals by eating all of the bass or is something else happening? Granted it has been 20 years since I have fished them.
  4. Sweet fish, I hope to catch my first smallies very soon!
  5. The day after eating Brussell Sprouts!
  6. Snickers and a coke.
  7. What are your lake recommendations for smallmouth fishing in southeastern Tennessee? Since I have only caught one smallmouth in my life, I am looking for numbers! I will be going in the spring.
  8. I was raised in south Florida and saw firsthand the "bucket fisherman" mentality. I do however, feel for their plight but the fish are a resource for all people. It is very rarely that I keep any fish for myself but if someone with me wants to keep some I would have no objection if within legal limits. I have even been asked for the fish I caught. In my opinion we have two choices: raise the fee for licenses for more wildlife officers or we can call anytime we see someone not obeying the law.
  9. I currently live in Asheville, NC and am looking to catch some smallmouth bass. My current boat is a 14 ft modified v hull with a 9.9 hp motor. I'm looking for a lake that I can catch numbers of this species. Any help would be appreciated.
  10. I recently relocated to Asheville, NC and would like to fish for smallmouth in the spring. I have a small modified v Jon boat with a 10 horse motor and wanted recommendations on lakes that I could fish with this boat.
  11. 2011 Accomplishments: learned to use a baitcaster, caught my first of many fish on a Spinnerbaits, caught my first trout and caught over 120lbs of catfish on Lake Norman in one day. 2012 Goals: learn to fly fish, catch my first smallmouth bass and spend more time on the water.
  12. Blanked again! I can't buy a fish in April. Threw spinnerbaits all morning long with no luck. Maybe I will be waiting until May to fish.
  13. Does anyone catfish the Rez? I was thinking I would give it a try in the morning. I would really like to catch a flathead but have no clue as to what part of the Rez to try or what bait to use. Any general info would be appreciated.
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