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Justin Schreiber

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About Justin Schreiber

  • Birthday 03/02/1998

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  1. Looking for a good pitching and flipping baitcasting rod and reel for jigs for bass. Around $150.00 do yall have any suggestions anything would be much appreciated, thanks.
  2. I’ve got two rock quarry’s the biggest one is about 60 feet down all the way around the smaller one if I had to guess is about 40 feet deep at most. Anyways i have trouble catching bass in both in the small one if I use a new lure I will catch a decent amount for the first couple of days but after that it’s the like bass remember that it’s a lure even If I stop using it for a year they won’t touch it again with the exception of jigs but I still catch very few on them. The bass in the small one are mostly 1 pounders with a few long but skinny 3-4 pounders. In the big quarry there’s a lot more bass and bluegills and the bass are a lot more heathly with big belly’s. I have better luck in the big one but I still catch 3 a day at most and I can switch up my baits and fish all day it doesn’t matter in both quarry’s the bass seem to love brush hogs when it’s freezing outside im talking in the twenties. Anyways the big rock quarry's bottom is covered in dead trees, mining stuff, pipes from when they tried pumping the water out, cars, car stuff, ovens, couches. I mean it's not like trashed but there's a cop car down there an oven and a couch and a ton of trees. The water isn't that clear in either. Kinda greenish brown. Sorry for the spelling errors if you have any advice please give it.
  3. Yeah well luckily there’s another quarry not 100 feet from the one I using fish at so I could just catch them and chuck them. The bass in the other quarry are vary fat a ton more bluegill.
  4. I fish out of a rock quarry and I’ve noticed all of the bass are super skinny I knew there were bluegill in there so I didn’t know what was up with the unhealthy bass. So I went fishing for bluegill and they are all the size of my hand and bigger. So obviously any of the bass can’t eat them and I mean I couldn’t find one regular sized bluegill and I caught about 50. Anyways the reason I’m telling you this it to get help and tips on what should I do. Should I just start taking small bluegill from other ponds and putting them in the quarry. Any tips would be great thanks!!
  5. Would a chatter bait work just as good as a spinner?
  6. I’ve bin wondering this for a while but do large mouth bass and spotted bass cross breed. I fish out of 2 small bodies of water not 100 feet from each other anyways I’ve caught both large mouth and spotted bass. Out of one of them and the bass in that certain pond don’t seem to get as big as a normal large mouth should. So I was wondering if there’s any chance of there being cross breeds in that certain pond. Thanks.
  7. You’d be surprised what’s managed to get in this quarry. We have 1 oven 1 car 1 lawn chair 2 tires and a bumper off a car and about 50 dead trees that have fallen in and pipes from when they tried to drain the water before it filled up the quarry. But thanks for the advice
  8. So I have lived in a subdivision that has 2 rock quarrys. My entire life but I can’t seem to figure the bass out in the quarry’s the only real luck I have with them is if I use night crawlers but I’m looking for a cheaper alternative. At its clearest you can probably see 5 feet beneath the water. Bluegill is what the bass eat. They seem to like brush hogs but it’s kinda an off and on again kinda deal. Anyways looking for advice. On how to fish them.
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