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    East Falmouth, Cape Cod
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  1. You are all very helpful. I was thinking 55 lb thrust as well. I have seen them on Craigslist, but hesitate to buy used when new isn't that bad and gives me a warranty. Speaking of warranty, I imagine that would just cover the motor? (I am thinking of the props that I chipped up as a kid). I am leaning toward the 36" 55 lb thrust. My transom height is 19"...so is my thinking right? The battery charger looks good and is less expensive than the one I was looking at. I have no idea what mca means, but will look for the numbers that you say. I am hoping to start with one that weighs 50 lbs or so as that is about how much this grandmother can lug up the hill to the shed for charging. Then, if the battery use and time on pond warrant it, figure I will pick up a second battery. I had been wondering if I was crazy to want to set up something to get out on the water asap. Now I feel better/excited about it. The weather here was so nice this weekend that I took out the kayak, but boat would be better. I like the seat that you show, fishnkamp. It might allow my husband to join in the adventure. He is a stroke survivor and would need the back support to feel solid and balanced in the boat. Might I ask how it is secured to the bench? Finally, I need to pick up new oars and reading up on it seem 7ft would be best. (48" between oarlocks) I like the idea of light aluminum oars ...which seem to have a wider blade (vs oak). As I don't plan on being out in any wind or whitecaps, wonder if you all think that this makes sense? Thanks again for all of your info. Very Helpful!
  2. Greetings, I am new and in need of some advice. I have inherited an old 12 ft craftsman aluminum boat...even water tight. It used to have a small outboard that we'd load on the back of my Dad's pickup and take to local ponds for day fishing (when I was a kid)... My Dad has passed on and it is time to try to resurrect it for myself and the visiting grandkids (I'm a 63 yr old teacher). I am lucky enough to be on a 200 acre pond that is great for fishing. The outboard is long gone and I'm wondering what you all think about an electric trolling motor. We have been limited to dock and kayak fishing. The grandkids (14 of them) are growing up ...getting to be tweens and all are comfortable on the water and confident swimmers. I'd like them to be able to take out the old boat, but not be limited to rowing. I'd like the same. With Dad gone, I have no idea how to go about this. As far as I have gotten in researching this is that a 50 lb thrust motor and a good marine 12 volt might work. We would not be out on windy days. We would not be out for hours at a time. Any thoughts and feedback would be much appreciated.
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