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Everything posted by IdaYak

  1. My initial kayak was a Perception Pescador 12.0. It wasn't the 'Pro' model, (the Pro model having a much nicer, more comfortable seat) and I got it new, but highly discounted when Sports Authority went out of business. I love it, it's very sturdy and stable. I've since handed it down to my 19 year old son. My one complaint about the non pro model was the seat. As has been said a couple times, the seat is crucial to enjoying the experience. The seat on the Pescador Pro is MUCH nicer, and I would think that you could probably find a used Pescador Pro 12.0 for at or near your budget, possibly even below. Chances are, anyone selling a used kayak, would probably include the paddle. As to the PFD? make sure that if they are including that as well, that it actually fits you. A PFD that doesn't fit is almost worthless. Have fun with this!
  2. Just an FYI to anyone considering purchasing a Perception Pilot 12.0 peddle drive kayak (I bought one, have been rigging it this winter, waiting for the snow to melt, can't wait). I was cruising amazon this morning and noticed that they have them listed for $1595.00 with free shipping. They list for $1799.00 and I've rarely seen them much lower than list. This is for a 'New' kayak, not used, or a showroom model. For a peddle drive entry level model, I think they're a great option. I know they had issues with the peddle drive and a couple issues with the seats, but they're (Perception) very good about follow through and customer service. Compared to other peddle drive systems and what they cost, you could really rig this thing out well with the savings. Forgive me if this sounds like a sales pitch, I'm not remotely associated with Confluence (the parent company), Perception, or any of their retailers. I just did a whole lot of research before making my purchase, and know when I see a good deal.
  3. I've used this kayak cart for the past 3 years. I used to live 1/8 mile from a lake, would strap the yak to the cart and just push it up the road to the lake, launch the boat, break down the cart and store it in the hatch while fishing. No complaints. For $40, I couldn't buy the parts, and my time is worth at least that much. https://www.amazon.com/TMS-Kayak-Carrier-Trailer-Trolleyw/dp/B07777K455/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1519161296&sr=8-4&keywords=kayak+cart
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