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Everything posted by MacJig

  1. That looks really nice and much better then those cheap circular ones they have in the stores.
  2. Ahhh. That's what I figured! Excellent!
  3. You are my forever friend! Love it. My weakness are rods/reels that are on major sale: 50% or more off. Hard to say no unless it's s Googan rod. 😁 I looked at your profile and see you have an interest in acoustic guitars. Now I know you're my brother! I've been playing for about 50 years.
  4. Oh that's beautiful! At 72 rods I thought I was the only rod- aholic. Ohhh. That's like a fishing 🌈.
  5. Thanks. I'm sure it's better than my soon to be newly 70 year old brain! 🤦
  6. Considering that I've been fishing for a number of years and, well, collecting a lot of rods and reels, I have a question about organization. How do you all do it? How do you organize your Rods? What rod holders do you use? It's getting to the point with me where if I want to find one I need a treasure map to do it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  7. Dang. 20 5 lb'ers? Up north if we catch one or two a year we're doing the jig!
  8. I think most would go with either a M or MH, fast action. all around versatility.
  9. Love my SLX. Have mine as a combo. Great combo at a nice price.
  10. If you had the opportunity to go fishing but could take only one rod and reel combination which would it be? Let's narrow it down to Bass fishing. Which brand, model, power and action would you bring and why? Spinning or casting? How about the reel? It would be interesting to see how similar or dissimilar anglers truly are. Would most go to the higher end brands or do they have some lower tier favorites? I'm interested to read your answers and see whether those higher, more expensive brands really live up to the hype.
  11. There are many reasons to buy fishing rods. Nostalgia is certainly one. My big thing is passing by or not passing by a rod that is so discounted that you can't pass it up. So you add it to your collection only because the price is so fabulous!
  12. Wow!! You must have been the neighborhood fishing Santa Claus! That's a lot of rods to give away! ?
  13. Always excellent when you fish a rod that you've built yourself. I was going to do this myself but thought that if I invested $$$ in the equipment I better build more than one. 10? 15? 50? If I did that, then I would have 100+ Rods. ? The only change I would make is maybe organizing those garage rods better. Then at least you would have a better eyeball view of what you really have. You may even find the one you thought you lost. ?
  14. Very interesting. Fishing rods are much more than just fishing rods. They are a representation of us: who we are, where we have been, a picture of our youth and a snapshot of our adulthood. Yes these fishing rods that represent our many fishing experiences throughout the years, say much about who we are and where we've been! They are truly memory chasers.
  15. I had one of my dad's in the garage and snapped the tip. From way back in the 50s/60s. ? All it takes is a bit of this ? ? Yeah, expensive and iffy. You just hope they arrive at one piece!
  16. Nice. Do you always remove your reels when storing your rods? That wall mount is nice!
  17. Curious where you store them all. I have a few over 50 and find that now my garage is a holding tank for some of them. Why did you quit fishing? Was it boredom? Not catching enough? After I retired it became the thing I liked doing most. I could not stomach the thought of being stuck inside watching the View !!
  18. I know what you are saying. I have a little over 50 right now but try to keep it at 50, period. I will give some to charity to bring the number down. ? I have an Excel sheet that lists all my rods, the reels they are married to, characteristics of each rod and how many times I fished them. So, I know the ones I have fished the most and those I have fished the least. If I see some rods lagging in usage time I make a point to fish them more. But it does get stressful.
  19. I agree. Trying new things be it rods, reels, lures, etc, is just part of the enjoyment. I am not snobbish towards any brand. I will try anything (not including the pocket fisherman). ?
  20. I guess that means yes !! ?
  21. Question: why is it that after submitting a question or topic on this forum it reads at the end "sponsored by" such and such a company? I posted this question and notice that it says sponsored by Delaware tackle company at the end. Or something like that. I am not sponsored by this company. Why does that show up? Many thanks!
  22. Are you a rod-aholic? Is there anyone on this forum that owns 50 or more fishing rods? If so how many do you own and do you have favorites? Also do you have some that you wished you never bought? Welcome to the 50 plus club. We salute (or pity) you. ?
  23. Oh yeah! You will get taught by them very quickly. You will make sure there's not a ... round 2. Oh yeah. I'm scratching right now!
  24. Yeah thanks. There is little you can do once they hone in on you !
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