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    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Toledo Bend, Lake Greenbriar

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  1. 165 to 170lbs, pulled them up with no problem. I did swap to more of a power prop to get better acceleration when fishing so that definitely helped too. Please post some pictures when you are working on it, I'd love to make that change to mine too.
  2. It's been quite a while since I visited the heritage site, it's good to see that it's still going. I've been enjoying the heck out of mine and not doing much web surfing. The biggest mod I've made is a Xi-5 trolling motor. It's a game changer when it comes to fishing in the wind and staying over structure. I don't ever want to go back to a trolling motor that doesn't have an anchor/spot lock function. Call me lazy, but I want to fish not worry about holding the boat in position. I put in the gateway network so that I could control it from my Ti-9 on the console. Dropping a cursor on structure and then using the depth finder touch screen to return to it without having to get up from the driver seat is awesome. I don't use the foot control at all, it stays at home and I do everything with the remote control around my neck. When I fish by myself I fish from both the front and the back platforms using the remote. The biggest thing I would like to change is rod storage. Has anyone come up with a better solution? Both for ease of use as well as security. I've looked at the classic with the 50, but I still think the original deal was the best for me. We've pulled kneeboards and wakeboards with the 40 with no issues. Bottom line is that I don't have any regrets with getting the heritage and not waiting.
  3. The Sabine is over it's banks to the North, so there is more to come.
  4. Yes I am! My plan is to go after the rain is gone this weekend and I'm hoping it's not too off color in Housen Bay. Even if it is, it will be good just to get back on the lake! I'm also hoping the wind will allow some spoon fishing.
  5. The ones we caught were all in 14-20'.
  6. I've swapped to the MKP-6 and it works great. I haven't been in a lot of weeds, but it seems to pull strong. I've also swapped props on the Merc to a Spitfire 4 blade 10.6x12 for more acceleration. I may see if it is possible to get the prop cupped as it now pulls about 6200 rpm@ 29 -30 mph.
  7. Fished Friday-Sunday, we also saw a lot of fish, but it was slow with only 3 keepers. Cat was right though about deep divers...caught a 7lb 7oz on Friday to increase the size of my biggest fish by a pound.
  8. I was on the lake the same time as you and I agree with everything you said. You can see a lot of fish, but they didn't want to bite anything I used. My best luck was also at night. I also agree with what Catt said about having some grass in Housen in June, but what I saw back then is now missing. Any idea what killed it/or ate it? I've been fishing TB since the early 80's and I've never seen anything like this.
  9. Just got done fishing Housen bay. What happened to all of the hydrilla? It was there back in June, but the moss flats west of Hurricane are just flats! The lily pads and hydrilla by my father-in-laws place by Fox's is all gone too. With the moss gone my fishing luck was bad, just 2 spotted bass and a dink. I saw lots of bait on the electronics and fish, but I couldn't get them to bite. My old standby was to fish the outside of the moss line, but I'm lost now. What do you guys recommend? I'm going back to try it again in 2 weeks.
  10. Here my prototype "jump seat/storage" addition for the Tracker. Will be trying it out this weekend, but I can already tell it will help keep the boat more organised and make getting up on the back casting deck easier. It will also give me a good spot for my grandson to ride. Has anyone had problems with fish dying in the live well? It's hot down here in Texas and the underside of the live well cover gets too hot to touch. It will actually burn your hand. Splashing water on the carpet helps, but I'm thinking about trying the pink foam panel insulation that they use on houses to try and keep the heat out of the live well and save the fish.
  11. I think it is real sensitive to being bumped. I've had mine come loose when I was working in that area.
  12. Sorry I don't have the order paperwork, so I don't have the item numbers.
  13. I haven't been able to find a way to post a review, but I did send the Boating Sales Manager a copy of what I have posted on this forum.
  14. I must say my visit to BPS was the best experience I have had when getting service done. The issue with my front pedestal mount was that the factory forgot the 2 screws on the passenger side of the bracket. With the bracket being under the carpet I worked with the technician and decided that I wanted to "through" bolt it going through the plywood decking and the aluminum under it to make sure it would stay secure. When taking out the 2 screws that the factory had installed it became evident that they used blind captive nuts on the underside of the plywood to screw into. I had the technician drill out the captive nuts and use through bolts on all of the mounting holes. With the countersunk machine screws that we used, the carpet is thick enough that it does a good job covering the screw heads. They also ordered the hubcaps that I lost. All in all a good day. The BPS in Pearland, Tx gets my vote for giving great service.
  15. Has anyone had a problem with the front pedestal seat bracket coming loose? My back pedestal seat has through bolts holding it in place, while the front has no visible attachment visible from the bottom when you look inside the storage compartment. Do you guys have bolts visible for the front pedestal mount inside the storage compartment? BPS says there is a panel they can take off to tighten it up. I don't see how that panel, but I'm taking it in tomorrow to see what they can do.
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