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About lazeebum

  • Birthday 02/17/1960

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Lawrenceburg, Tennessee
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    The one I am fishing at the moment. But I love the Tennessee River
  • Other Interests
    I enjoy riding my motorcycle and playing my guitar, when I ain't seducing my wife or fishing.

Profile Fields

  • About Me
    I'm just an old guy who likes to fish.

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Dink (3/9)



  1. Sounds like a good day to me.
  2. I caught this one, its twin, and 3 more small ones.
  3. I retired in 2020 at the age of 60. I don't regret it one bit. I fish a couple of times per week. My fishing buddy has a cattle farm, and I help with that some. I don't fish as much as I thought I would, but more than when I was employed.
  4. I don't understand that. Public waters are for everyone. I thought it was cool the way Poche won that tournament. And I also have an admiration for the anglers who know how to use modern technology. I'm no tournament angler, but I do have a certain amount of respect for the ones who are.
  5. I didn't realize how long ago the video was posted.
  6. I just happened across a video by Randy Blaukett in which he was discussing Kieth Poche's victory in a tournament being protested. According to Blaukett, some of Poche's competitors tried to block the entrance to his extremely shallow fishing hole with rocks. Poche gained access, and won the tournament. I'm confused as to why the victory was protested.
  7. Nice catch. My biggest smallmouth this year was caught from the bank.
  8. I've moved to Tennessee from Florence, Alabama. And have fished the tailrace Below Wilson dam a lot. I've yet to fish below Pickwick dam, but I have caught some fish near Clifton. It's pricey keeping 2 fishing licenses, but worth it to me.
  9. So, how did you do?
  10. No big ones, but I managed to catch 8 in 4 hours.
  11. Lol.. I did that in Waterloo, Alabama, on Pickwick lake. I mean the grill the chair, the whole nine. I slept in the back of my truck, no problem. A couple of weeks later, I pup up a tent. You woulda' thought I had committed a major crime. They had a sign about the size of a car tag that said no camping and I didn't see it. The Waterloo police department must have been really bored.
  12. lol.. I was just thinking of the stress on the fish.
  13. My bad. I reckon that shows how well I keep up with tournament trails. Still kind of a shame to haul your catch from Guntersville to Birmingham.
  14. From Guntersville lake to Birmingham for a weigh in seems a bit of a travel for fish in a livewell. I reckon since espn owns B.A.S.S. it will go the way of nascar, no longer interesting.
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