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Everything posted by NJBassDevil3254

  1. I understand about letting fish go ASAP but the thing that gets me is that $60 is alot for me and if I am spending that much money, I want to have my picture taken and have people pat me on the back and say good job and ask me what I caught him on. At least then I know my $60 isnt totally going to waste.
  2. Spruce and RVR are my home lakes. I just started fishing MC this year and same for Mountain. Out off all of them, MC or Mountain are my favorites.
  3. Find a forum that is in your state. I live in NJ and we have an NJ Fishing forum with all the club level tourny guys. You kinda have to know someone to get into these clubs so if you go on these forums that are based in your home state, you will definatly be able to find a good club for you.
  4. Its about the comradery between you and the guys that you fish with. Mostly club tournies but I know much guys that come to open tournies too. At the end of the day, I like talking with the guys and compairing the day. What worked, what didnt. I also like weigh-in. I like to see the other guys fish and I like for them to see my own fish, even if its only one or not big. The thing I cant stand is in an open tourny, when guys throw their fish back into the water and chose not to weigh them in because they know they dont have a chance at winning. This really burns me because you payed $60 to get into this tourny and your not even going to get your fished weighed? What did you come here for then? Just the money? Thats what they may say but thats not true. It also bothers me because I will pay the $60 and bring my fish to the scale, get them weighed and get my picture taken, even if its one fish. I am so proud of my fish even when its small. These guys dont even bother and that just really ticks me off. I also love the early morning, everyone is pumped up ready for the start. Here in NJ, we dont usually do the numbers thing. We just say GO and everyone rockets away from the launch. I like those kinda blast offs better then the ones that you call numbers.
  5. Thanks! Did you fish Bomoseen?
  6. Yup! The Norton change worked! Thanks Muddy and Glenn!!
  7. This is what the guys with the scroll problem see...
  8. How do a erase my Cache?
  9. I have to scroll to the right also. I dont even have a settings tab when I click on Properties. I dont know what to do to fix it. Any help?
  10. 3-5" Case Plastics Soft Jerkbait. We have 75 fish days on the river with these things. Just nose hook them and start jerking. Best in June and July!
  11. Country and Rock. If it aint either of those, it aint music! ;D Pretty cool song tho huh?
  12. They never said the world was going to end on Dec. 21st 2012. Thats when their calender stopped. They didnt continue after that. It doesnt mean the world is going to end on that day. Maybe they got tired of making the calender and just called it quits on that date knowing that they will never make it that far anyways.
  13. Whats up guys. I just found this on the net and thought it was SWEET. I was just wondering if anyone knew who sings it and what its called? Tell me how you guys like it! http://www.fishingpixels.com/fishsong1.html Clay
  14. Good Luck Man! Rip some lips!
  15. WOW. Doesnt matter what it weighed. Its a GIANT! I was getting a little annoyed by the stupid drag but I still cant believe how big that fish was! Great post!
  16. Hows it going everyone? This report was a while ago but it was my vacation so I figured I would tell ya guys about it. I'm not on here much but I'm looking to hang out here a bit more so I'll share with ya all my trip up to Lake Bomoseen, Vermont... To make a long story short, I rocked this lake. I got at least 100 bass and 50 or more were keepers. The worst day I had was 3 keepers (not including the last morning when I got 2 keepers. I only had an hour to fish). We got there that afternoon and I headed out in the kayak. 20 yards from our dock, I land a 2.5lber. Landed a few more keepers that night and I pretty much had them figured out by then. I had them so down to a science, I dont think it was fair to the fish. They were under boats that were attached to docks. They prefered the Pontoon boats over the other boats, they were on the docks that had weeds around them or deep water by them, and they would hit any plastic thrown under the boat. The first morning I shoved off at 6:00am (just like a real tourny) and had an 12lb limit by 8am. My parents called me at 8:30am and I headed in to show them my catch. The rest of the week was pretty much the same thing exept for a COLD front that moved in and cooled the water down 5-6 degrees. I had a bit of a slump but I still pulled some small keepers out. It was another great week at Lake Bomoseen. My parents caught a couple keepers and my bro, who stay for 4 days, caught some nice bass himself. Oh, we caught a couple small bass deep and my dad managed to pull one 14" keeper outta the weeds on a drop shot in 13 foot of water. My Brother lost a HUGE fish in the weeds on a DS as well. The thing was pulling so hard my bro could barly hang on. It got caught up in the weeds and shook loose. My 12lb limit the first morning(Pics of 4 out of the 5 fish. The one I didnt get a pic of wasnt doing well and was only a 12")... Nice 16"er Good yak bass! While I was messin around with my crankin' rod, I got a pleasent suprise! Another limit (again, I only took pics of the biggest 4 fish)... Dad's Drop Shot bass... Two solid fish... Thanks for reading everyone and I hope to stick around to chat with y'all in the future! Clay
  17. About an hour south but in NJ
  18. WOW! As a 16 year old, this is a dream! You have all my support Ben! Go get'um! One question, How do you get to compete in the Junior Classic? Where do I sign up and what tournies do you have to entry and win?
  19. I think they are adding to our walmart too! They are also putting alot of stuff on clearence. FLW jigs for 75 cents and Hair Jigs for 50 cents. Fenwick Venture Rods for $19, and a bunch of other plastics and line for REAL cheap.
  20. Thats how you rig them? I thought you rigged them the other way.
  21. I got a couple of these baits from my buddy and I dont know much about them. All I know is that it placed him 5th outta 20 boats in a tourny. He caught 2 keeper largemouths on it in the last couple minutes of fishing time. The color I have is Orange/Green Flake. How do you rig them and in what different situations will you use them in? I may pick up a couple more packs because I really like the look of the bait. Thanks, Clay
  22. I coulda gone with topwater or spinnerbait but I picked topwater. Spooks!!!! ;D
  23. Natural, I'm amazed! Got any spear stuff for a youth?! ;D I dont know if I will ever get that muck tackle. I dont think I'll ever have the money to get that much tackle!!!!
  24. I like taking pics when I'm done organizing my tackle. Its kinda a reference to see how far I have progressed in my collection and the guys on the other forums like to see it. So I thought I'd throw this thread out there and ask ya'll to post pics of your tackle, tackle boxes, tackle bags, or even your tackle room! Just something to get us amped up for the upcoming season:) I got some more tackle like a spinnerbait box and another crankbait box and a couple others. Clay
  25. Not enough, never enough........Why the heck is this monkey clawing into my back?! GET IT OFF!!!;D
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