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Lead Head

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Everything posted by Lead Head

  1. One of the reasons I never could pull the trigger on a carbonlite is the grips. I very much so prefer cork. I'm also one of the few that really like the power hump. Would you say the tip is the same on the carbonlite and JM? Thanks for the feedback!
  2. Im getting ready to buy a new soft plastics rod and have narrowed my search down to these two. I plan to run 30lb braid and throw 1/4 - 3/8oz (occasionally 1/2) weights. Very little open water, mostly moderate cover. I operate on a pretty limited budget and have no experience with rods in the 100$+ price range. I can get either rod right now for about the same price but after changing my mind on which one to get about 10 times in the last 3 days I need some help. Looking at MH/F action rods. As I said, i have no real experience with rods in general beyond some cheaper BPS stuff so any info or advice (especially relative to how these rods compare to one another) will be greatly appreciated.
  3. Can't speak for USPS, but UPS moves every package through facilities on conveyor belts. Long package gets stuck, others pile up behind it and "pop".
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