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  • Gender
  • Location
    Aloha Oregon
  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Hagg, Tenmile, Tahkenitch

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  1. The Nucanoe Frontier 12 or the Nucanoe Classic/Original 12 will handle tandem just fine. I started out with a Classic years ago. I took my brother with me a couple of times and we had no issues. Both of us are 6' and 200lbs. The track system allows you to position 2 seats easily where you will balance out. Good luck, there will be some great memories made while on the water.
  2. TimberTodd

    NRA member?

    I called their membership number and requested they stop with all the emails, junkmail and calls. That was several years ago and so far its been successful.
  3. Look for a copy of Complete Anglers Guide To Oregon by John Shewey. It will list a whole slew of lakes, ponds, rivers and creeks in the region around K Falls. Its a great resource book.
  4. I had a 5 lb window weight in the shop. Put a few coats of rubberized paint on it and use it exclusively now in my F12 Nucanoe. It holds great and Im not out much if I was to loose it.
  5. I use a Yakattak cell block with the transducer arm on my F12. I like that I can mount it on the track to either side leaving the deck in front of me open.
  6. Watched some videos on them and couldn't find anything on the Sportsman120 PDL. Anyone know if they did any changes on the Sportsman from the Topwater in the PDL configuration? I really like the integrated Plano box storage on the Autopilot unit and hope they added it to the PDL.
  7. Thanks for posting the review. I will be interested to hear your thoughts on this unit after a few months of use.
  8. I have 2 2017 Nucanoe Frontiers. I bought them for the stability and open deck plan. I can easily place my tackle bag in front while fishing and have easy access to my gear. I made my rod storage in the back so I can house 4 rods. Tried the crate with rod tubes but didn't like them standing straight up. The drawback is skinny water and remembering they are sticking out the back to catch tree limbs. The Frontier isnt a speed demon and takes a little to get moving but I can paddle at a comfortable pace all day. I do wish they would have put scupper holes in front so one could be used for mounting the transducer. The Yakattack transducer arm works well though. I also wish they would have put in hull access in the back for ease of mounting options like more rails. The dowel on the side of the rod storage holds my safety flag which is made out of a broken rod I found laying on the bank.
  9. Mike L. I wish you the best with the upcoming surgery.
  10. You and your son are going to have a blast fishing out of it once its done.
  11. NuCanoe Frontier 12.
  12. Its coming along nicely.
  13. Fun idea!
  14. May Santa fill your livewells and Plano boxes. Merry Christmas everyone!
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