Never heard of that happening with a leader that long. Gotta be the bait choice. Too small and a probably sitting still between jerk/pull/twitches allowing them to line it up perfect and get the whole thing at once. If it's a bait that swings out wide maybe the leader ends up next to the bait instead of out in front of it. Better change something quick before he kills a few more fish. You don't even hear about this happening with live bait and some guys waiting minutes to set the hook (which you shouldn't do).
If you end up over in Vilas county I could help you out with some info. We fish a 16.5' Lund as well and it's perfect size for those lakes. I also went to ISU but for grad school.
Too light. I use 15 lb 832 on spinning reels but won't go less than 30 lb on baitcasters. I dont need the strength of 30 but the 15's just too thin and has the problem you describe.
Something about LVD... Jeff Van Remortel guides up there. I can only guess this one came from there.
I've caught one natural tiger that was only 28" I believe.
I have heard parking it overnight with a cover is worse than uncovered because they can slip underneath and grab all your electronics and gear without anyone noticing. Park near lights and if you use a cover maybe get some sort of motion alarm to put underneath as well.
Only had to learn this lesson 3 times. Now I'm a little more intentional with my morning routine before going out on the boat. Worth getting on the water a few minutes later instead of getting a bait in the water only to put the rods away and run back to the dock or nearest undeveloped shoreline.
1. Bed fishing
2. FFS
3. Snags because I fish a lot of rock
4. Wake boats
5. Tournaments (or even more so non competitive anglers) that load up there 5 biggest bass during spawning to drive them around all day for a photo at the launch before releasing them in one spot miles from where they picked them up
I've got a new style for my mower that you click a button, then tip it upside down and push down to fill like a racecar pitstop. Then when you lift it up the nozzle closes automatically. Maybe not ideal for every situation but it works great.
What kind? I'm not familiar with the different species enough to know whether they're all good for eating or not. I'm sure somebody here's got a good recipe.
Same. Not with White River's history with welded aluminum hulls. Rivets leak and the fix is replace the rivets. Welded hulls crack and the solution is replace the whole boat.
Thickness is 0.125 which matches the ranger deep Vs. The ranger mod Vs are 0.1 as far as I can tell.
Fellow 2005 ranger fish n ski owner here but mines a 1850 with a 150. I'm going through replacing the torsion axle right now since it's wore out and rubs one of the tires on the fender. Something to watch out for if you don't sell it any time soon. The 1850 deep V brings a little more cash from the northern crowd than the bass hull and they go for mid to high 20s from what I've seen for the mid 2000s VS models. Your price seems appropriate to me. How much attention or how many inquiries you get will tell you how it's priced.
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