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Everything posted by jaimeastin

  1. That's more of what I meant..
  2. I am sure it has GPS, so you should be fine. It will place you on the correct body of water. The only thing is if your lake is available on the unit/map card...
  3. @Bolar The weedless prop actually works. I got in some nasty stuff with the original prop. I purchased the weedless prop the very next day. I made a big difference.
  4. I found a prop kit a couple years ago for $3. I got them and happy that I had spare pins. When I replaced the stock prop with the weedless one, my original pin was broken. I changed it then. Those pins just break. Good fix on the water!!!
  5. My extra fuel tank is just to fill up the boat or truck when I want to go fishing right now with no stops. I fish 3 + times a week. This engine saves gas! I have never come close to running out. Just be sure to be a fuel stabilizer in with each fill as the gas will last so dang long. @FreeDivr put a hose clamp on the fuel line... the only issue I had with the tank is that the fuel line fell off inside the team. That made me think I was running out of gas or engine was failing because the boat would not stay cranked up. See post: https://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/199951-tracker-2018-heritage2019-classic-edition-boat/?do=findComment&comment=2356884
  6. Yep, that will go BOOM just like any other. My kit was a blemish kit. I don't mind that at all. I was surprised it came with the BCG and all at that price. I should purchased a second one just because of the price.
  7. Another thing is no wires going down the motor shaft... So I wonder will they make one with livescope built in? If so, can livescope be independent of the motor movement?
  8. jaimeastin

    CCW Class

    Congrats! I have a CCW recognized in other states but the irrational state of CA. Thankfully, I now live in a "county" that can issue a CCW. I have been through the course and currently working to get mine for CA. The cources are great and more people should take them. They are mostly how to AVOID shooting someone and if you have to with no other choice, how to be effective. They talked about grief and legalities. Ultimately shooting another person is not something we want to do. It is nice to legally have protection just in case...
  9. I just ordered a parts kit for $250 for a lower I have in another state. I will be putting it together next month. You put one together for $300 with all their parts. Personally, I have yet to find a "bad" AR. That's the beauty of them, they are very basic and fully serviceable. I can update next month
  10. Yeah, I finally did an Instagram a couple years ago... Yeah, facebook owns it . Instagram is not so intrusive, so set it up with your phone number. Do not allow people look up by your phone number or the app access your contacts. This way you can watch the stream without being bothered by people who know you or want to know you. DO NOT let Instagram create a facebook account for you like I mistakenly did. I then decided to use the FB account. It automatically assumed my Instagram name was first and last name. I changed my name to my real name and FB kicked me off, even after I sent in my ID and everything. Good riddance.
  11. Same here... But I did just buy a truck and sold my FJ cruiser so I could put my kayak in the back of it easier. This was more necessity due to by back surgery recovery. These alternate propulsion, to me, seem like they are more work for setup and break down. I do not want to trailer a kayak in to a destination unless it is behind my mountain bike. My Pescador is the same as a wilderness systems tarpon 120. I just love this kayak and hate that I have not been able to use it in over a year... I have a few other kayaks that are 10ft. Now with the truck, I plan to take it very soon!
  12. The issue is that all of The kayaks that are being made for fishing now for super wide and slow. Many fisherman prefer a kayak that can carry lots of weight for themselves/ gear and is stable. No one wants to paddle yeah alone pedal the anymore. I can see why people would like to have a pedal or motor. When I look at these type of kayaks, I I like them but they do not fit my style. They look like good fishing boats, but they are so wide, heavy, and slow. I passed them up, until now. I am interested in a Johnny boat or another... But I do not "truely" consider them kayaks or that I am kayak fishing. I personally never had an issue paddling. I will take a paddle any day and nice, faster kayak.
  13. I lovey kayak fishing. Started before it got so dang popular. Modding it was some fun times. I have have had 5, currently 4, and they are all paddle. One of the very best things about it is that I get a decent workout in while fishing. It's the same with float tubing, my legs get a workout. I was working on putting a trolling motor on one of my kayak at one point. Hacked a trolling motor up, got to cables to run the steering... Then I stopped. It took away something I liked. Seriously, for me, it is the worse part about fishing put of a boat. I feel like I get no workout and kinda lazy. I was kayak fishing or float tubing 3-5 days/nights a week. That was before my back surgery at 32 due to a distracted driver... I am getting better, but float tubing hurts and I cannot kayak fish too long. I had an incident last month where my back went out and I couldn't walk... Thankfully I was home cleaning by boat out rather than fishing by myself on the boat. With all that said... I truly believe the best part of kayak fishing is manual/propulsion. But reality is if you aren't taking care of your body or you get injured, that method of phishing is limited. Not only that we're all getting older, and if we are not taking care of our bodies... We're not going to be to do what we love. Have a budget set aside just for fishing big purchases like this... I showed my wife last night and I think I'm going to buy it. I might go to Lodi this evening to see it. I think it would be good content for my other media. I really don't want it in California to compete with my kayaks and boat and would rather have it back in Arkansas... But it's so new I would not have the time to spend with it and make the content that I would like if I left it in Arkansas. Is it kayak or a boat... I think it's something that gets a person on the water to fish. And that's the bottom line. I've seen people fish out of contraptions that they made floating with a lawn chair on top. It was no laughing matter. I don't look at anyone and start to judged him by what their fishing out of or how expensive it is... The bottom line is a person's fishing.
  14. Happy for you!!! Can't wait to get some new blood and activity on the thread. I have looked into to it, but I will wait until I make my mind up on the larger, permanent tank. I current just check and sometimes use the vessel view app on my phone. To use Vessel view, you have to add on a module: https://publications.brunswick.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=VV-MM Vessel view could be a better investment in the long run. We can check our engine hours, track services, get engine error codes, get a better estimate of fuel range, and more! It gives a lot of us peace of mind that we know what up with our boats. The dealer will most likely charge you to read codes. This app has the reall engine hours, not a guess or an add on timer that could be off. A lot of us got in on a promotion to get it for $150 a few months ago... The promotion has ended, but here it is on ebay, brand new for $175 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Mercury-Smartcraft-Vessel-View-Mobile-Kit-8M0115080-New-OEM-iOS-or-Android/232712843454?epid=590340626&hash=item362ec430be:g:dpIAAOSwrXdauqu~ This is the same company I purchased mine from. It came in perfect and brand new. It's $25 more now, but still a good deal. It is very easy to install! I have a video showing the install, but there are others with a detailed video of how to install it. It is a 10 minute job.
  15. I agree. I use you livescope Dow far more than forwards. Forward is good for checking out docks and walls. Livescope has a been a fun toy for sure! Looking forward to the trolling motors being revealed.
  16. Some of us do not need maps. Some bodies of waters we fish do not have maps with contours anyhow. The striker plus has a great trick for this. You can create your own maps with 1 foot contours for everywhere you go. GPS and quickdraw to a map and mark specific place on a large farm pond or small lake in the woods that is not on some "fancy" map card is great feature! The striker units are great for their intended purpose. If you want mapping, go to the Echomap or GPSmap units.
  17. I must say that a trout is a fun fight. Fun like catching spotted bass, very aggressive. i to fly fish for trout which is fun.
  18. Man, the maxxum is heavy. I used to use a lock on my edge and I would sometimes remove it. I have yet to remove my maxxum. I will put a lock on it again. I keep all of my sonar screens off of the boat. hatch is locked... but the rear hatch has no lock... I will be adding TWO locks to my rear hatch so that my batteries and gas is protected a little more. By boat is secured by trailer locks in the hitch, a hitch pin lock is on the breakaway tongue, and I use a wheel lock on one of the wheels. my bedroom window overlooks my boat and my dog is very keen. If I saw someone... they better HOPE they are out of my sights :0
  19. @TheRodFather Your question and this forum topic led me to make a video discussing the Garmin Livescope Setup and Networking. I talk about what I have, the differences in the models, how I have it networked, networking for less than $30, and more. I am NOT trying to promote my channel at all... I talked to Glenn a while back about my methods and I promote BR in all videos. I just found it easier to make a video, that WENT WAAY too long, but I hope it helps. It was too dark to show my boat networking, but I can if needed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PlXTKQtmwA
  20. I hate to hear this. I know it was just "material"... But it was your personal property. Man. If I caught someone violating me, man... Lets just say I hope they don't for both our sakes. Check Craigslist, letgo, OfferUp, and talk to other fishermen to see if some is trying to unload or had a lot of new stuff. Finally as much as I think just kind of way I would teach this person a lesson, I need to learn from your experience. I will be. Creating a l lock for my boat rear hatches TODAY! I always thought it would be someone taking my gas... But the batteries too? I keep my boat on the driveway. I have cameras and all, but it does not prevent anyone from trying. Good luck!
  21. Garmin striker for sure,! I used a striker 4 plus on my bow before moving to an echomap plus.
  22. I thought 360 video was going to be the big thing in fishing videos. I purchased a Nikon Keymission 360... but returned it because it was garbage. I have have an LG 360 camera, but do not use it much. I don't like that I cannot edit videos as faster either... All in all, your video works!
  23. Okay.. here is the deal. If you want to network the echomap, you need to either have both echomap "plus" units or just echomap chirp. Your current unit sounds like echomap chirp, so your need unit needs to be a en echomap chirp. You network the two units by connect the the blue and brown wires together from both units m. Blue to brown and brown to blue. They are just basic bidirectional cables. You can share waypoints. You cannot share sonar information. This is the same for the striker units Garmin added network support via cat5 to the echomap plus. The echomap chirp will not network to the plus units at all. The blue/brown cable is now used for a different transmission. I talked to Garmin about this. I really think it was a bad confusing move. Now. The plus units are fully networkable. You can share livescope and soner via their dedicated black boxes GLS10 (livescope) & gcv20/gt34 (has 3 network ports plus HD sonar). I was able to make a network hub for my Garmin units for about $50. Garmin and other companies charge $200 plus for a network hub. I will be making a video soon to show everyone how to do this.
  24. Tell me about it... I find myself working on it almost weekly. I am constantly putting gear I am using in the foot Controller tray when I a moving from spot to spot so it stays. I bought this cupholder from BPS for $5 on sale. It is mounted on a sheet of kydex. Now I can put my lures, bait, drink, etc right in front of me.
  25. Not trying to promote.. just want to share some relevant videos to the group. Polishing the Heritage/Classic Bimini Top Setup
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