I have two 93SV Echomap Plus units with Livescope and the UHD transducer... I added the UHD last and it was a worthy upgrade. In hindsight, the ultra units come out to a better retail price. I got my whole setup for
$600 x2 93SV
$1500 livescope
$-400 UHD Used on eBay
For $3100+ Tax.
With the ultra, you can use the LVS-12 -$500 livescope add-on. You could get one for the bow and back of the boat, lol!!!
UHD actually makes me use the down and side imaging. Before UHD, it was just foot to see what the blobs were from the chirp sonar. Now, i see so much finer details and fish! Bottom detail is even better, you can see beds and other items.
Garmin has a company has been very good to me. I have had 6 of their units and I still have 5. from black and white all the way up to my current setup. I also use Garmin in the field when I'm hunting. Garmin customer service is outstanding I have called them and always get someone from America, usually Kansas. Be a questions about the unit or customer service and replacement, all have been handled with high-quality.
I have never used humminbird, but chose Garmin over hummingbird in all my previous purchases because the features , interface, and price. I really like the interface of the Garmin units in comparison a hummingbird. I have one lowrance unit that I hate and I purchased a hook 2x unit that I hate it even more. I did have a lowrance elite TI 1. I thought I would keep that one, but then I decided to go livescope and Iam so glad I did. I do like the feature that Lowrance has that distinguishes fish into the arches on the down imaging screen. Now with the UHD, I have clear readings. With livescope you can actually see if they like your lure or not. You can see if they run or if they come. Fish are curious they pretty much checkout everything.
If you are going to make a plunge for the units and you are preparing for the cost, I don't think you can do any better with Garmin. Get the best screen resolution you can. Size is important, but resolution is key. Many times, the screensize is just stretched. You get the same detail, just a bigger screen.
My only issue right now is that I was originally going to upgrade to an ultrex, but now I am trying to raise another $3,000 for the Garmin Force. Thankfully already have my wife's buy in. She's the one who convinced me to go all out on the livescope. She didn't know what it was or how much it cost, but she told me if I was going to upgrade make sure it's my last upgrade and get what I want, lol!!!
Below are photographs of my UHD sonar taken with a cell phone.