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Everything posted by jaimeastin

  1. Garmin is just more modern. Been using garmins for about 8 years. Never had an issue... When I needed to call them, they helped and replaced. My experience with Lowrance is not good... I would love fish reveal. I wanted that to be a feature for so long as it made sense. Hummingbird, good... but expensive and just not user friendly. Lowrance has a lot of units, but really, you beeter start with the TI as anything below is garbage. Gamin has the best packages for features and value. Those two companies let garmin come in and take the market. They just sat there and gamin came in with a hungry stomach. I am not loyal to any brand, but in my experience, Gamin keeps me very happy.
  2. I fished a tournament... Used the calming juice, cool water, etc. I had 2 fish get very lethargic... One I was penalized for had I gone with my first mind, I would have used the cooler. I wired up a new aerator earlier in the year. I have it in the live well for now, but it is ready to go into any cooler. I am still planning the deck extension. What I would do is make a livewell run the water lines from the current live well to the new one and used the current well for storage. You need to keep the fish alive. The size is not the biggest issue other than keeping them alive :). If I would have had 5 good fish, they would have been on top of one another and possibly preventing one or all from breathing. I did just buy a new culling system. I plan to fish tournaments this next year again.
  3. Are you moving or just stationary? Fish finders show line when you are just sitting rather than moving.
  4. Garmin has been good to me over the years. Their package is hard to beat. You can also go to livescope in the future.
  5. check ebay for a used one. Amazon might have one used as well. Save some money. Paying retail for one where buying a lowerend unit with the ducer you want might be better.
  6. I'm a garmin guy with livescope, but fish reveal is something wanted... Garmin just had a better package when I was upgrading it all. That fish reveal is still very nice. Maybe I will get one for Christmas.
  7. pound for pound, you get more with Garmin.
  8. Just took my boat out this evening. Had a great time. Hunting has taking me away from fishing, lol! Had to get some in and had a great time. I just love this boat. Once I get don't hunting, I just might go ahead and pull the trigger on the Garmin force. I just need and an ATV or keep/small truck for hunting.
  9. Well my wife said I could upgrade my trolling motor at the beginning of the year. I upgraded my edge to a maxxum because I wanted to wait till the beginning of the year for the ultrex, since I then upgraded to livescope and all of that. When the forced was teased and then announced, I was very interested. I told my wife about and she said... OKAY, but is it the last thing after the fish finders? My honest response, "Should be" :). Anywho, got a raise and bonus last week and knew what I was going to get, but we went to Tahoe and lost, LOL! Still she says, I can get the force TODAY if I sell my current trolling motor. I said, I cant do that first... I need to get the new motor first so I can still fish... She said no because I will end up keeping it or something. So, I need to sell this 65lb Maxxum that I purchased a little over 6 months ago. I am setup for 24volt already. I have a bass tracker heritage and this is a lot of motor for this boat. I want this motor for the integration with my all garmin electronics. The anchor lock is the biggest draw as I am tired of using an anchor. The wireless foot controller is worrisome, but nice to have. With that and the remote, I can fish from any part of the boat. I believe the UHD will not work with my Echomap plus, if I read that correctly... With all that said, I really just want anchor lock if anything. The newness has my attention and I want to get over it if possible. I have been talking to @Sprocket about how he likes it. I don't know if I should just get the ultrex or try something new. Bleeding edge is very dangerous. I plan to keep my livescope on the shaft. Sprocket said he has no issues with that, even in anchor lock mode... He makes adjustments as so. Would you all stay with tried and true or go all in? Think waiting for black Friday or for the spring fishing classic will net some kind of a deal? … Also, need to sell that motor >_<
  10. I did not think I would care for it... All of my other garmin units are non-touch. When I installed the 93SV Plus on my bow and console, touch was used instantly. I like that it as the side hot buttons, but the garmin interface is so nice. In my opinion, Garmin has the best inferface out there.
  11. I have seen a couple heritages leave the lake as I was going in. I saw a guy with a classic when they first came out. I went over at talked to him on the water. The dealer gave him their showroom model, so he didn't even wait. I agree, it is like we are in a cool club with this boat. We all know what it is not, but we also know what we have. We have a boat that first sold out and then has spawned more people to just get this model boat and go fishing. A glass boat would be nice for the wind, but I love this boat. It is just right for me.
  12. I agree! Customer service has been great with garmin!
  13. GoPros are buggy... I personally do not like them. I like the sony action cameras much better. They have better microphones and software. I have been burned by my GoPros to many times. Read reviews to see if the 7 black is better. GoPros are popular by brand and with people... but if you look, you don't have to look hard, there are many people like me who record all the time and find GoPro to be troublesome.
  14. I have what you are describing you want! Of course, two 93SV units, one on bow and console. My live scope is on the bow, and my UHD is on the transom. Since my livescope and the UHD have their black boxes and the two 93SV units are networked, both units can see and use both the livescope and the UHD. I use the UHD when scouting for fish. I can use the UHD to see the returns from the transom when I am on the bow as well. I use the livescope from the bow. Sometimes when I my wife's goes fishing, I see the livescope to down or forward, put it in a position where we can both share it , then I turn the console unit to a different position and Bam! She can see it... I can kick myself for not buying the livescope cable when it was $400... If I had a second cable, I would just make a separate setup for crappie fishing with others. What your pain is describing is not what is one paper when considering what units to purchase. I think I will make a video on this...
  15. I have purchased many of that brands lights. Only one had a sealing issue. I used them on many projects
  16. Garmin is not making it easy. I think I may have discussed the difference between the two lights coupe units on one of my videos but it is quickly over looked by many people. Garmin especially markets tag you can just use this $500 element. that unit is very attractive in price to people but as the diagram above points out the functionality is so limited. I knew it was limited but I think it was that limited, I guess the visualization just really puts it in perspective. I'm using to 93sv, UHD upgrade as well as the full livescope setup. It's easy to go the route that you went. On paper the price is completely the same. when you look at the 93sv, you think you need a networking unit, the UHD, and then you're looking at the $1,500 price for the livescope. you compare that to the ultra which has its own networking, can use a $500 element, comes with the UHD transducer, and the brand new maps... it really looks like the better deal and the you get the most bang for your buck. I'm not sure how soon or late you bought the $500 element, but what if you just returned that and spend another thousand and got the full set up? I know it's crazy... But maybe. I will let you all in on one of my little secret I've been watching. There are people buying these units on Amazon and returning them Amazon has sold parts of the lascaux unit for as little as $400. essentially I could have got a second livescop unit for less than $900
  17. You will be down imaging from 455kHz to 820kHz Side imaging goes from 800kHz to 1120kHz See my attached images. Those are down and side images taken from my cellphone, so no the best quality... The detail I now get with the UHD blackbox and GT transducer is amazing in comparison. Now I actually use side imaging. I know it will work with your echomap plus unit... I believe it will work with your echomap chirp units as well. d
  18. Nice job! You got the anchor light too! I like the mounts you used. I was fishing the other night and a couple of guys asked me about my light and wanted to buy it that night, lol. I also used mine in the delta memorial day. I move around open water with my navigation system, but when I get to areas with conditions I need to see or when I am fishing, the lights have made a huge difference. Did you use spot or flood lights? I will making an upgraded one soon.
  19. I rarely use down and side for fish. Can you see fish, yes... But the fish are usually white specs. Bigger fish, you can see them a little more. I usually have down/side on with chirp sonar. So I will see the cover and the specs and use the sonar to distinguish the fish. I will go out and get some pics or make a video. I know I can record the sonar and DI/SI... but I have not found a way to record the livescope. @Sprocket
  20. there are some guys on the facebook group that has done it. Some look really nice. I want to it, but I have been doing other projects. I will probable do it in the fall/winter.
  21. I have both as well and taking my kayak to this honey hole is just more fun than going to the lake full of people. There is more prep time with the boat.. I can't go into spots that I would like to go if I were in my kayak... And for me, I love the exercise. I never felt more lazy than fishing out of my bass boat. But this is coming from a guy who would rather hike or bike than ride an to go hunting, a guy who likes the float tube most of all. I love my boat and I am so happy I have the options of choice. The boat is good for taking others, covering more and bigger waters, has the most technology outfitted (livescope), which is more fun these days... But i am considering getting another one for my kayak. I am just glad I have a choice. The boat is great, but it is just more of a hassle to drag out. The kayak is not as comfortable all the time, but they have trade offs.
  22. Not yet, but I have thought about it...
  23. Yeah, depending on the water and settings, I am quite amazed what I see. I am still learning what settings are good for what waters. I am always changing up to makes better. Auto works good most of the time.
  24. Glad you got test or and get want you want and need. Worse choice to get one you can load easily... You don't need any excuse not to go fishing, lol! Very nice to be able to demo on the spot, some of us have to wait for demo days. Congrats! Now keep us informed for any rigging you do to it. That might be my most fun part. I have some new items for my kayak in the garage. I will get them on later this month, I think
  25. I'm so traditional with paddles. I don't have one I can standup in either and I have 5 kayaks right now. I like speed and maneuverability over standup and stable. With that said, I tried a $4k Hobie and it was nice. You can pedal, stand, laydown, dance, invite some people on there and party... Okay, not all of that, but it was killer. My wife doesn't complain about my kayaks because I keep 3 on the perimeter of my house in the landscaping. And the other two are in another state. Mind you my largest is a 12-foot and the others are 10 ft. I have them all rigged up, but I haven't had the money right now to pay more than $600 for a kayak. I get all the bells and whistles, but by time I rig up my kayaks and catching fish it hasn't bothered me one single bit. My pescador 120 which is the same as a tarpon 120 is my absolute favorite. Believe me I am taken a lot of gear out there with me 6 fishing poles, crate, fish finder, all other types of gear. I got started on the project to put a trolling motor on my kayak, but I just decided I didn't want to do that. I like being able to throw my kayaks in the back of the truck gets Hill lake throw whatever gear I have on it and leave. No need for kayak wheels, no need for a kayak trailer.
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