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Everything posted by jaimeastin

  1. I used 1" 1/4" 20 thread bolts. I tapped the holes to the bolts. I was going to use self tapers, but I didn't have any in the size I wanted to use. Love that filter has a drain. So, I can see if water is infact getting in later. I siphoned the old gas out.
  2. Just finished my water separator addition. Very easy and inexpensive job... Wish I had did this day one
  3. Largemouth gas out quickly... Spotted bass always give a nice strong fight. No doubt, smallmouth are bulldozers for sure.
  4. Thanks. I purchased two of them online and they will be here tomorrow. I will see which one I want to install. Appears very easy and I will put mine in the splashwell too. I can't wait to get it one so I can take the boat out again.
  5. I did not change my wiring when I went to a 65LBS 24v motor. I did a lot of research and was going to run new wire, but ultimately didn't. I did use a new male/female plug. The marinco that you insert and twist to lock. no issues with plug or wiring. I check things over now and then. If I move the batteries up front when I do my extended deck, then I will give it new wire. can you show me a picture of the install and what filter you used? I am looking at them... but do not know which one to get yet. Still researching. Will call my dealer later, but I want to install it myself.
  6. Silly question... Do the 40HP outboards have a water separator? is that standard on all boats? Ignorant about this... I guess and scared too I might just buy a new tank until I can find a place to dump the gas. I will check with gas stations, but this is CA. I will probably have to find recycle location. I done want to salvage any gas, but want to clean the lines as best I can. I might even change the oil after all other work.
  7. I ran it twice after I saw what happened... I will try to get rid of the gas. It is really just a little, but I don't want the engine having issues. Makes me want to open it up... I guess I will have to take it in for service one day just so we can make sure all is fine. it was really just a little, couldn't have been an ounce. Yeah, I added 3 gallons. The tank is only 6 gallons.
  8. Well... I was adding gas to my tank and I did not pour my tank over to make sure there was no water in the spout. I got maybe an ounce or so of water in the gas tank now... What do you all think will happen with this type of issued? I plan on using some type of water remover and of contemplate even just dumping that tank of gas and getting new gas... I did fish in the boat yesterday but didn't drive it much at all and was on the trolling motor.
  9. I'm just thinking of making it easier for my wife and I both to jig for Crappie and bream. No line casting, just drop, jig, and pull up fish. For bass fishing and the like, will keep it the same. I might just take the livescope off of the trolling motor... Hmmm.
  10. Ethernet... Do you already have a nema network?! If not, do Ethernet. I know with Garmin, you can network for $50 of so... Custom work. I have or had the chance to do lowrance, but I make network hubs.
  11. Well... better to have somewhere close than unattended where it can be stolen. Leaving in vehicle at the boat ramp is terrible idea. As a gun owner, we are responsible for the gun at all times. It is not that many of us walk in fear, but people and animals can be unpredictable. The majority of gun owners NEVER need to use their guns... But there is that time where you may. I hope to never in my life have to use it.
  12. Yes sir. Just trying to finalize a few details. Like the front storage... Maybe I will move two batteries up there and let the rear have more storage. The rods... I am thinking of hollowing out the tubes to make a mini rod locker. I do not want to get rid of too much leg space for me and passenger... but I am thinking that if extend the deck, to put another seat post up front. This way, someone can fish up on the bow with me... or at least in that space. Finally, how permenant… Do I want to make it something removing or permanent? Still drawing things out. But I should start the project soon.
  13. Dang... I know you will find a solution. These are just the little things that mess up a great idea in projects. I don't have a clue to help you right now, but hopefully you will come up with something or someone can chime in.
  14. I guess I will finally start the deck extension. I will frame with aluminum, wood top, and build a bigger livewell. I will make it fully functional. Still thinking what to do with rod locker.
  15. There are always conflict, correct. I just don't think the temp difference has ever affected me. They are always close enough. Hotter days I can imagine the inside of the yak being warmer. My transducers is just about submerged in duct seal. It is in the deepest, most forward part of my kayak. This way, if I am jigging, I can see the jig in relation to the fish. I have not used the duct seal method with a transducer that does down or side imaging yet... I am sure it would work find with down imaging. I have one setup, where I just let the transducer hang of the side of kayak or float tube. Depending on how you want to do it... You can get a battery yourself. Just add female quick connects and a battery... They are not expensive. Most garmin units come with an inline fuse, but if it does not have one, you can add one. 7amp hour battery 15 amp Hour Battery You can also use AA alkaline, rechargeable or lithium batteries. Saves weight. I do this on my float tube and a couple kayaks. All you need to add is this AA Battery Holder and 9V Wire Kit and the batteries. Examples of my use on one of my kayaks https://www.instagram.com/p/BwgDfPQlVqC/ Example of use on a boat https://www.instagram.com/p/BwlmaLCFX-J/ Just saying there are options that don't cost extra. The kits are nice packages that will work just fine. I would be out of 4-500 if I bought a kit for each fish finder that I use on my smaller fishing vessels. I have a video on youtube that shoes my inside hull transducer setup, I can find it if needed... But there are plenty of examples online.
  16. @GPG Well stick around. You have to do what you have to do to fish comfortably. heritage boat or not, don't stop fishing. What lakes you fish in NorCal? Maybe I will see you on the water.
  17. ultrex… I fish out of an aluminum boat too. I have garmin units on front and bow as well as livecope… I have to drop and anchor to fish with live scope on windy days. I use a minnkota maxxum, but I need spotlock for sure. Get the trolling motor. They stick around and electronics change. With spotlock, you can be fishing the same spots that your current electronics show you. Find a hump in open water with fish, you can get them... Upgrade your electronics first and all you will see are spots out open that you cannot just fish without lots of work. You can blow out of a spot in seconds. They you cause more disturbances getting back. I used this for drifting... I will some times throw out drift socks, but still the same thing... Lots of hassle. Spot lock is a real investment.
  18. are you selling this?
  19. I would start and if like me and the two guys above, stop with Garmin. I use the Echomap Plus units now... You can go live scope in the future. hard to beat the package of all you get. If you do not need mapping, get the striker. It has GPS for waypoints and tracking, but no maps. Go to the store and play with display units. Garmin, for me is very intuitive and user friendly.
  20. I have been using electronics since I started kayak fishing. I got a boat a couple years ago and put in nicer electronics... Then I upgraded all of them again to go with livescope. I put in a lot of time learning the units... I mainly did it so I could be completive in tournaments. last thing I need, maybe should have been first is a trolling motor with spotlock. Thing is, I make it a HABIT to still fish sans electronics. Be it on the shore, my kayaks, float tubes, and my boat. I will fish without taking them or turning them on. You have to still have the skills to fish and know things based on season, nature, and experience. I will leave my graphs at home or just bring one of my smaller units. I never want to be in a position were I think I cannot fish because I do not have X. Like that woman in the picture... I grew up fishing like this and I know people that will whoop the pants off of some of us with a cane pole... My aunt and grandmother being one of them... never use electronics and always catch good fish, PERIOD. I was talking with an older tournament fisherman a few months back. We discussed this very thing. Using the old methods still work today. mainly you need to know the depth and contours. Find the bait fish... Things like that. Now, when I am on the boat, even if I do not want to use sonar for fishing, I use the GPS and maps. Man.. The water level is dropping and I fish at night a lot. A few months ago, I went over a spot that made me think the graph was incorrect. I thought, no way is this that shallow. I went back a month ago before sun down and I saw the exposed rocks. GPS is great for not only marking fish, but getting back the same way you came.
  21. That kayak hull is just as cold as the water. My water temps have never been adversely affected. Even on hot days, the kayak gets warm inside (sit inside models)m, but things are still pretty good. What I like about having the transducer inside the kayak rather than the outside is there is less to fuss with. I will kayak over branches and sometimes other shallow water... Even taking it in and out of the water. Pretty much I just slap my fish finder on and start moving. No matter the case, just go fishing, You will figure out what works best for you.
  22. I make all of my fish finders portable. You just need a 12v battery. In fact a lot of mine run on 8 AA batteries. I also use duct seal for the transducer inside the hull of my kayaks. Very easy, just kneed the putty good. You will then use the transducer to mash the putty down inside the hull. You do not want any air in the putty between the yak and the transducer. I also have a some fish finders super portable where I can sling them off the boat, off of my other kayaks, or on my float tube. I have my transducer on a piece of pvc pipe, about 8 inches or so. I have pool noodle on it. It just hang the transducer over the side and it works just fine. No need to pay the extra $100 for a lesser model. You can take any fish finder model with the features you want.
  23. Yeah, you want a model with the 3 in the model name. 4 is coastal. 3 is lakes. 0 I believe is no mapping at all. maybe 2 is Canada... I don't remember off the top of my head. I purchased a 74 model from BPS and they also gave me a lake card, so I had both. Maybe they are doing the same in your market, no matter how crazy it seems, lol. I live on the west coast, so I can see that being a little logical in my case. Only other thing is make sure it comes with the transducer that works for you. The coastal transducer will work for deeper water. I had no issues with mine in lakes, other than it being long, lol.
  24. Get on the water... and just play with the unit. These are not fishing days... These are learning days. Go to spots you know with fish and find new ones. Play with the settings. If it goes bad, do a factory reset and start over. You need to learn how to use the unit so you can be successful when you are actually fishing... Otherwise it will be something that you turn on each trip and a disappointment. I do the same when I get new units. Get on the water and mess with the settings. Then drive around, sonars need movement to stich the image together. Seriously, put some time in. Every body of water is different. The default settings usually work, but dialing the unit in works best. Sometimes it is just our expectations of grandeur. You have to learn the unit.
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