I hear you. The kayak was my very best fishing investment. I have 5 kayaks right now, but I went backwards. I started with kayaks and then bought a boat. I like my boss and I go places I would not take the kayak...but the kayak experience is second to none.
Glad other people are getting into it. I started in like 2014. Made a kayak a fishing kayak. Digging them up is fun. Getting drug around is fun. Even more is I leave work, grab my kayak and go fishing... Better yet, my kayak would go with me to work and other places just because I could find almost anytime to launch. I could fish anywhere and anytime. Boat, not the case. Takes more money, gas, etc. I still drag my boat for two hours and fish for one... But I can also take my kayak 20 mins and fish for ours. Still catch big bass and have fun.
What makes me change is the desire to learn a new bod of water or try something different in different environment. So, it's all good. Kayak, float tube, or boat. I am happy. Let's not forget about the shore