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Everything posted by jaimeastin

  1. Congratulations. I hope my day is coming this week.
  2. Yeah, I updated my trailer hitch hoping I will get the call next week. Congratulations!
  3. Linker, that was a good read and it made me smile. Yeah it is in all respects, it is a one 170. We should be able to carry more weight... Maybe it is marketing to make if seem less than. The layout is like a 160. We can easily make the sitting bench like. I might make a rod storage... Most like I will just have it as is.
  4. Thanks, you answered my question. I did not order boat with brakes seeing the load is fairly light. I was just not sure if it will still come with a 7 pin connector or not. My future proofing and adding a brake controller to my vehicle is more so if I ever decide to buy much larger trailer that does require a bake controller. So adding the brake controller to the vehicle was just something I would do regardless of this boat. As for as the trailer pins, there are 7 pin configurations in both flat and round... So I was wanting to make sure that it was 7 pin flat as I kinda expected. What you are buying is similar to what I have in my amazon cart. Thanks again.
  5. Trailering... As anyone noticed that the trailer has a 7 pin connector? I have a 2013 FJ Cruiser that I plan to tow the boat with. I installed a factory tow package years ago that only has a four round pin connection. I want to upgrade the wiring to a 7 pine and possibly install a brake controller just to future proof it. Can anyone confirm just want 7 pine connection it is (flat or round)? I don't want anything keeping me from driving off with the boat when my time comes. My dealer said I was two weeks out... Man I cannot wait.
  6. I am new to this forum. I belong to a lot of other forums, but never a fishing forum. I have a youtube channel under my username here. I joined because it was the most happening place for this boat. I have many kayaks, an inflatable boat, float tubes... but this is my first bass boat. I have helped launch boats and trailered before, but I have still be researching and prepping to test on a slow day for ramp etiquette. Now that I am here, I hope to be a productive member of the community.
  7. I guy responded to one of my post on YouTube lives in the town that is making the boats. He spoke to someone who works there and passed on some "hear-say". Their goal is to make 40 heritage boats a day. Hopefully I will be getting mine in a week or 3. I had a dream last night that I got it and the welds were bad and the fit and finish was horrible because they rushed the job... Despite all of thatz I was happy and kept the boat, lol! Foce me my boat
  8. I originally had mine on order in manteca. I put the order in around December 27-28. They sold their stock boat. I was there to buy one and they said it was sold. We and other looked over their first boat which was sold and being prepped for the buyer. On that morning, it was at least 7 people who ored the boat so I know manteca is that high. I ended up cancelling my order and moving it to a local reseller. I was quoted around the same time frame for delivery. Bass pro was nice and transferred all of my information. I hope they are still on track and I get the boat in a week or 3. The weather is so good now and my wife is looking forward to the boat. I will wait for the surprise call/email and go fishing today in my kayak. I like many check various forums daily to get updates on everyone's status. Any update is a good update.
  9. Oh yeah, when I went initially went to BP, I knew they had one in stock and I thought I was going to get my boat the same day. Not only did I not get my boat there 6-7 guys there before me, this was in the morning. There was a guy there when I was looking at a higher model, but ultimately decided to put a deposit down on the heritage boat after we all were all over it. Thing is, we were messing around on the only boat they had which was already sold.
  10. I've been lurking around since the boat was announced. I put a deposit down a couple days after Christmas and I wished I would have listened to my wife when she said do it a week before Christmas. I did not know the demand would be so high. To make matters worse, I called up BP and asked them if they would transfer my information to a local dealer that was only 15 minutes from me and BP was about 1:40 minutes away. The reason I did not go to the local shop was because they were closed for the holidays. Thankfully, BP transferred and returned my deposit. So I waited for the local shop to open and put down another deposit... Both quoted me the same time frame, mid February. I just cannot wait for this. I have 4 kayaks, a couple float tubes, and a Mariner 4 inflatable boat... My wife really wanted a boat more than me so there was no issue there. This my first boat, YAY! Too nice of a package not to bite. I have been buying things for it since Dec. I set a budget and still trying to pick out a nice console FF, I wanted to put a new on the deck as well... I am very happy to see so many people getting one.
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