I can understand that. Are you still going to get a boat? What brand? You do get what you pay for.
I try to take in the good and bad, then use my wisdom. I know this, the more I am involved and maintaining what I own, the better it is. I hear a lot of crap from people about many things to come to find out it was a user error. I am a programmer and in the it industry, it is almost a joke but usually true. User error. They will complain all day long about something but never say they are at fault. A mechanic who has to work behind to these people would say that the failur rate is high
Think about it like this, if tracker is a high selling boat to noobs with Mercury motors... While they are learning (not), they mess it up. Now it is in the shop. The customer and mechanic both complain, but it was the user. Maybe the motor is touchy, but in the hands of a bad owner, it is going to fail.
I know Ratman had an issue on day one (NOT HIS FAULT). I will do my best to check mine over to see if there is anything not hooked up or leaking thanks to his reporting to us.. With them rushing the boats, I am sure we will see other issues.
Still, I cannot wait to get my boat. I think if we keep sharing information, we can get all the kinks worked out. (Thanks Ratman)