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Everything posted by jaimeastin

  1. Video Overview. https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=YlR-dYYrKuM
  2. They run along the top, you cannot really see them as the carpet covers, but you can feel them. So run your finger over the area. There are 5 on top... The same or more along the bottom. I will take a picture of it later tonight or tomorrow morning when I get back started on it. They are easy to find... Just a pain to get out. A lot of them stared to strip before budging. You will notice a lot of places on the boat, they did not just go straight down, but any angle the screw caught, they went with it. A lot of them look a little messy. THey are also self drilling, so they just drove them down hard!
  3. I know man, I have been waiting for this boat. Like i said earlier in the thread, I am not sure if couldn't wait to get the boat to fish out of or to modify . I am making videos of every step, I will post one later tonight. Not my highest quality videos, but i am just to excited to set up the production like most of my other content. There is a lot more to come! I think it is a good idea to... I sat in the chair and simulated using it... It is not bad on top, but sinking it would make for less objects to trip over... The trays are rather expensive so I will have to play with if for a while. I will have to take up the deck to see just where the space would be to do so... I will start with just screwing it down. I would love to put some bolts from the bottom so I could use wing nuts on the top, in case i wanted to take it off. What I want to do more than that is extend the deck as when you turn around, you have huge drop off!
  4. Ok. Started ripping this thing open. This boat is so easy to modify. Bravo to tracker for keeping it so simple. The bow is 100% prewired for a fish finder. The wires are positive and negative with crimps ready for in loom ready die your connection. The problem is getting the cover off to access to them. They used tapping screws which are so dang tough to get out. Most of them stripped and I had to use vise grips to turn them out. The screws are in the top and bottom of the panel... Every screw must be removed or the panel will not move. I was about to mount my batter charger, but I want to out it on some wood first. Tomorrow I will install the new console fish finder.
  5. That is a screaming deal, good job!!! They are some the best out there... Very few bad reviews. Their quality is top notch.
  6. Got my boat today! Already about to get it opened up to install some gear. Everything is really accessible and there should be no issues at all. My dealer gave two tracker shirts to us... Almost gave the pup one, jk. They set me up with the VIP same day, just have to wait for the gift card. I am about to put up some videos on my YouTube channel later tonight.
  7. Finally got the call today! Picking her up tomorrow, thing is we are going to get a log of rain starting tonight and I believe through the weekend. That's ok, I need some alone time with the boat in the garage. I have a ton of stuff to install. I will be posting videos on my youtube... Same name as on the forum. I will be sending pics and updating you all. I just want to adhere to the rules, I am not advertising for my youtube, and I don't even put ads on my videos unless i am making a video for one of my supporters. I still need to finish the garage.
  8. Good pics! Glad you are enjoying it!
  9. Fixed! Auto correct is crazy... I should have read it over. Does anyone know if there is a fuse block un the console? What gage is the wore from the battery to the console if I decide to use it and put. Afuse block in... Trying buy some parts now, lol. I think I said before, I might just want the boat for the project ?. I love working and taking something to another place.
  10. My coach is my wore, she is just as excited and pushed to get the boat. She has wanted one for some time. We primarily kayak fish, but then I bought and Intex Mariner 4 inflatable boat so I could take her other places. Selling that when I get the boat. It is funny to me. I am trying to get my wiring and fuse blocks in before I get the boat. I will not do all of the work I want to do before it's madian voyage, but I want to get both bow and stern donars installed and networked together. I told them at work that I when the boat comes, I will most likely not be in.
  11. Tell me about it. My friends at work were laughing saying that I am "nesting". All I did was get up at 4am Saturday to clean out the garage in preparation for the boat. I have of this gesr in boxes just waiting for that phone call any day now.
  12. Thanks for the update. Will be sure to look at mine ☺️
  13. Just to clarify, I did not mean your situation was "user error". I just mean in general with reviews and such. Your situation was an out of box bad thing. Thanks for the pics... Something is not right then. I know from a friend who has a tracker trailer and from the dealer, the lights will fail. You can pay to have them replaced over and over. This dealer sealed my frields after they had to replace them. Bass pro sells a whole waterproof kit for $30 on their website. Great I deal... looks like that is where I will keep mind. Add a bracket for it. I was thinking somewhere along front or back of the seats too
  14. I can understand that. Are you still going to get a boat? What brand? You do get what you pay for. I try to take in the good and bad, then use my wisdom. I know this, the more I am involved and maintaining what I own, the better it is. I hear a lot of crap from people about many things to come to find out it was a user error. I am a programmer and in the it industry, it is almost a joke but usually true. User error. They will complain all day long about something but never say they are at fault. A mechanic who has to work behind to these people would say that the failur rate is high Think about it like this, if tracker is a high selling boat to noobs with Mercury motors... While they are learning (not), they mess it up. Now it is in the shop. The customer and mechanic both complain, but it was the user. Maybe the motor is touchy, but in the hands of a bad owner, it is going to fail. I know Ratman had an issue on day one (NOT HIS FAULT). I will do my best to check mine over to see if there is anything not hooked up or leaking thanks to his reporting to us.. With them rushing the boats, I am sure we will see other issues. Still, I cannot wait to get my boat. I think if we keep sharing information, we can get all the kinks worked out. (Thanks Ratman)
  15. You better get on one. That would be great for you. From what I hear, unless that store just bought some with anticipation for a hot sale, they are trying to fill orders rather than stock. Again, this store could have just ordered 4 boats. What I am thinking is they received the boats in to inventory so they could sell them to the people who have orders for them. They have to bring them into inventory. The inventory checker probably does not filter out reserved boats and just reports inventory. But do not assume anything, call and if it true, get your tail over there!!! Please report back Would love for you to get in on the action with no agonizing wait like we are enduring :}
  16. Went to my boat dealer and saw a guy with a Dodge neon with a 2" tow hitch... He car sounded awful when he cranked it up and drive off... Well awful to me. The car still drive away.
  17. I will be getting my heritage boat next week... Honestly, if I would have ordered any later than early Jan, I would have been tempted to buy a different boat. The 170's hull is all that is shared with the heritage. They 170 has a much larger gas tank. The tank is not a portable tank, but a nice one connected to the boat frame. Has a larger livewell and rod locker. You also have more deck and more storage. The seat is bench setting where as we have the seating like one of the pro team boats. Come join us on the heritage boat forum. When I get mine, I will be modifying it.
  18. I will most likey take a video. But I will let you all know. Today I stopped by the dealer to see the demo boat to take measurements. I guess they sold it to the highest bidder cause it was gone. Wonder who was lucky enough to get it even though we were all on order? Good news is that mine shipped from factory and will be here next week. While I was there, I saw a tracker boat with the console removed and wiring exposed. I started tracing the wires, lol. Thankfully they used screws to assemble the deck rather than rivets. Looks like the deck job will be easier. I am not going to put the hatches in just yet, but I am going to run some wires. Replacing the stock fish finder and and installing another on the bow. I will also run some accessories power for ports. Addendum... I talked to parts to see about ordering matching carpet and a spare moon cap tire.
  19. CURT 57184 4-Way Flat Electrical Adapter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001EOV424/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apap_JqU2BKgHIhO6q That's what I used. I hoped to get my boat this week. I also used a curt mounting bracket. The 4pin connect s to it matching pair. I ground the ground wire on the frame. If I ever need the 4 pin, I can e get it. I read over the warranty a fee days ago. While the deck is under warranty, it stated that you could void the warranty of the deck or sections of the deck where you make alterations. I do not thing screwing items on the deck is an issue, unless you are screwing in some corrosive. What I think is cutting hatches or anything that would allow the wood to be unprotected... Or just any varible that altered it from factory questions who is at fault do the damage. With that said... I will be pulling my frame up in sections for see what I can get to. I need to run some wires and plan to had a hatch or two. Wood decks die mainly due to weathering. Second I am more concert the frame and hull staying in compliance rathe than. The deck. That's something we can replace much easier...
  20. Can you put a link for which one? I have been trying to get the size for one. Or just size. Thanks for the heads up. I know I cannot wait to get my boat, but I was afraid that this mad fmeush to fill orders would lead to new quantity over quality situation. I will check my boat from "rooter to Tooter" we I get it. I hope you get this resolved promptly.
  21. That's probably the second or maybe first reason I cannot wait to get it! I love to modify my vehicles and kayaks. I am a DIY person. My boat will most likely not go the dealer for service or installation. I will do the oil changes and servicing, just like my cars. I just about a Garmin 74SV for the console... While I am thinking of moving the hook 3 to the bow, I I will most likely buy another FF with at least chirp and down vu/scan. I am adding a third battery which I already have. I will add a 3 bank charger. I am in no rush to upgrade the trolling motor unless I got a good deal. I work a spot much longer than the typical bass fisherman run-gun method. I would like a trolling mother that saves more battery, but that why I am adding the battery. More battery life at very little cost rather than buying another trolling motor. Going to add a spare tire, but more likely used will be a patch/plug kit. I bought a new transom saver because many tracker owners complain that the one that ships is junk. Lots of people said it broke on them in short time. So, I will use it till it breaks. I will also seal the trailer lights... I have heard many tracker owners have to get their lights replaced because the lights are not water tight... I see bass pro has "water proof" lights for sale around $30... I will just use marine goop and call it a day. I need to get my boat so I can work up some diagrams for a rod locker. I want to get measurements in-between the two seats as I will add another seat where the drain is. Finally, I might extend the deck to the console so that I can store more gear with a hatch... These are longer projects... No too long. It is hard for me to wait for stuff as one my mind is on it, I have to get it done although I might not be able to use it for a while.
  22. Congratulations Ratman! Thanks for the update. Pics!!
  23. Same snobs who scoff at us kayakers... Just unhappy people who worry more about others or need to justify what they have by putting down others... Can we all just "fish" along
  24. Decisions... Congrats on the new boat. I would recommend you consider getting a more capable vehicle. You don't want the sport you love to hinder your daily life. I love cars, and always have them... But I wish my first would have been a truck/SUV. They changed the game for what all I could do. Don't just rush to get something to haul, make sure it is reliable as not to add any expense. As others said, it will work. Becareful trailering and at the ramp. At 18, last thing you need is another bill or your main transportation out of commission. I am sure it will all work out. What state do you live? Maybe a forum member can be or more service.
  25. I am happy for all of you! Thanks for updating on the forum and for the pics. Some of us refuse to use Facebook... I know a herd of people went there from a couple forums. I went to bass pro for the sale. I bought agsrmin echo 74sv for $450. They gave me a $25 gift card. I was given a $75 birrhday gift card to bass pro from my coworkers... That with the one I will get for the boat takes me to $400... I need a couple anchors and 3 banks charger. With the rest I will most likely get a gun ?
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