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Everything posted by jaimeastin

  1. Ok the first two pics show how I currently have the batteries. I just have the charger on a board flat. The third battery is in a battery box that I had. The last picture shows have I had it mounted. I will mount it back once I figure out the complete layout of what I ultimately plan.
  2. Yeah, I have a 2 gal I was going to put back there. Just did some measurements... 2' 7" x 1 x 1 on each end where the gas tank is. I might relocate the gas tank to the other side.
  3. I will get some pics for you tonight. I have the pro Mariner tripple bank 20plus. It's about 6 lbs. I had mounted on the rear panel in the back of the hatch. Currently I have it laying on the floor in the back. It's on a board. Both ways work. It have it on the floor as the board keeps my battery box from moving. I am toying with ideas to creak the most room. Now I am debating on adding more gas reaserve.
  4. Acetone. When I was replacing the transducer with a block, I used acetone to clean the hull. It cleaned just about Avery spot on there. 91% alcohol is good as well. Depending on what you are cleaning/preping, both acetone and alcohol have pros that they evoprate quickly. Acetone leaves a slight residue, but you usually get that as you are whipping it up. As I said both can promote or prevent certain adhesives to bond. Not an issue for what you are doing. These are some of the best cleaners. I use them when I prep some of my custom gun work.
  5. Ratman catching a catfish in the spare tire is funny! Finally got around to trying out the cover. It's nice. The boat is finished and now I am running three fish finders. My wife wanted one. I am using a third battery for all of my electronics. I am really thinking about a larger gas tank or a second...
  6. I bought a brown/camo butt seat right after that post. It is the BP tourney special for $25, but with 20% it is 20. It was $20 during the spring sale. Other thing I will most likely be doing is going fishing without the bow seat. My wife said that she might not want her either.
  7. Yes... It may seem like we're being anal to others, but it is always best to be safe than sorry. Thanks for keeping us posted! This is very true!!! The seat is always in the way. I tried to drive a few times with it up just to see if there was any way to avoid taking it down after each move. Result, you need to move it. Thankfully, it is just pop the seat off and put it on the floor with the pole on the ready. What I will mostly likely do is Not use the seat at all. Just leave it at home. Second is just get a long pole and a butt seat. I knew I should have bought the butt seat a couple weeks ago...
  8. First fish on the Heritage caught by my wife. Ranbow trout caught will fishing for bass, lol. The boat ran great. No issues.
  9. I bought a pro Mariner 20 plus triple bank charger on Amazon for $160. My dilemma, if someone can please advise... I have to have 3 batteries on the charger so it will not throw and error code. I have a third battery that I want to use just for accessories... I will not run it parallel for the trolling mortor. My setup would be... Cranking Cor engine out, trolling motor on it's on batter, and finally the electronics on it's on deep cycle battery. My third batter is one o have used for my inflatable boat, group 27 and is 1.5 years old. Always maintenained and in great condition. Again, I do not want to have it parallel... Will this be ok to charge with and use? I know I can always move my eletrobsck to he cranking batter if needed... I just don't like the idea of my electronics on my cranking battery... If need be, I can go and buy a new battery, but thing I want to match it to the interstate and those dang things are as easy to grab as they are in specific stores, especially for marine batteries
  10. Nice add ons. I though I will add the smart craft to mine. So they just p it t a second tank in and a switch or do you need to do a quick connect. I like that BP in little rock , always make a stop by when I am back home. I sure wish I could take my heritage to some of the back wood waters I love to fish in southern Arkansas... Man ?
  11. well, I originally wanted to mount it on the side wall. Just want to make sure I have room for my third battery. I think I will move the tank too. I see the gas sticker is on the side where the tank was... I want to put gas in on the same Side I do on the towing vehicle too! Right now, I have it on a spacious block of wood. even if I laidd it down, it can see the status lights. Thanks for the help! Thanks. I was just thinking that since it is a waterproof charger, it would be ok if it got wet. Thanks for the sound advice!
  12. Yes I am. I will let you know when. Most likely tomorrow. I just spliced the old fish finder wire up and tested it. It works. The electrical tape is not where it was cut, but more to keep the loom in place and from unraveling. My new fish finders are installed. I am just trying to give the transducer block I installed as much time to cure inside the garage... I am sure it is ready to go. I am just cleaning up the boat and trying to put all of my tools away. Here are couple pics I took last night. I am debating on the original charger location which was on they wall where the batteries are... Or on the transom where it is just hanging out... Its not mounted here, just out of the way while I work. I also have these seat stands laying around, so I thinking of making center console on it... Cup holders in coushion or cupholder and step. I went a head and replaced the transom saver with the beefier one I bought. You all can get one now for $10 https://www.westmarine.com/outlet/buy/west-marine--adjustable-motor-support-2-5hp-to-40hp--15958713?recordNum=22
  13. Yeah l really would like a larger gas tank and a fill cap on the outside. The 170 is a nice boat! I am going to end up with 170 stuff, lol. I do like the fact that although the heritage has a smaller tank and other things go, it is just about as open of a canvas as a ready to go/ready to board boat can be. I can install a larger tank with ease. The layout is open, so I can extend. With the heritage, I can add just about anything without ripping or cutting it open.
  14. I hear you, but this is a small majority with issues. Many of those viewing are lurking with boats or thinking of getting one. One has to use good judgement, there are only two issues here. One being a leak, that happens. The weld is what we all fear... But thats the first I have seen online and I am in few places. Hopefully some people know how to use discernment. This is the same as any reviews online... Same product has good and bad reviews. When you read the reviews people are, complaining that the sun wasn't shinning or they love it, yet just got it and never used it. Even I am reluctant to give it a review. I have it, but I have not used. It has been in the garage, lol!
  15. That's the thing... I know for a fact I could have been upsold. There is no denying deal is real with the heritage boat. The cover and Gift are is extra. However, iwould have bought a 170 too. This could like a bait and switch. Why wait when I can get this one now. The heritage made my mind up about getting a boat... So now I am getting a boat, it did not have to be the heritage, lol. My wife really likes the retro look so we stayed on track... But she was on me all the time, when sit here bait coming. I'm like, let's upgrade... She is like now I want that one. I compared the heritage, 170, and others so much. Congratulations on your 170. There are things that you have out the gate that many of us heritage boat owners want! Don't leave us though... We still have similarly the same boat and you had to make a choice based on conditions and environment.
  16. That stinks... I tried to look mine over like I do do all this GS I buy. This is different as I waited for so long, I would overlooked that... Good catch. Secondly this issue is would mess with my head. I would hate to give it back to be fixed when I just got it and would be tempted to seal it myself, given the location, it could be sealed... But that should be fixed by them or at the least acknowledged. Needs testing to see if water can get there. As much as it would make me crazy, stay calm and let them know to see what their solution would be... Last thing you want is for things to get worse and they blame you. Good eye! I am about to look mine over now. I did find a dent and a screw laying in the hull... They also randomly used a larger screw in the transducer mount... Just one which makes me thing the first messed up, lol.
  17. I hear you... I am already getting a tool box with "stuff" ready for that day... Its always the thing you said you won't need that you need.
  18. Almost a week with the boat and it is still in the garage, lol. Plan to take it out this weekend. New pics. These is the fish finder setup. They are networked. Have the bow mounted fish finder on a cutting board mount I made. For the mounting, it is all Scotty parts. The final picture shows how I can fold it down when moving the boat. The idea is that I can fish and control the fish finder standing up or sitting down... My have a pinched nerve in my back and it has been keeping from kayak fishing this new year. I don't want to bend down too much right now... I am not really a person who wants to sit down and fish, but I have to be responsible. I want to mount the foot pedal now... But something says wait until I use it. What I want to do is mount it on a cutting boar or something that I can put bolts under and wingnuts on top. This way, I can remove the fishing finder when need to without the need of a screw driver... Well, I That means the transducer up front too. See, always a new variable.
  19. I think they seating layout is the issue... Still boggles my mind. I will do 4 people if I take an adult and couple kids or something. On the heritage label, they have the sticker that says 3 people with two sitting in the seat and the 3rd sitting in the area in from of the passenger seat. I planed to put some kind of step/set in the middle. then I thought about just make it a step/console as I do not plan to make my boat a ferry :O). Finally I just said, they can sit on a cooler or the floor in front of the passenger.:). Bravo! A jump starter would be just what I need on the cranker... Curious question for you now... Can you jump start a cranking battery from another battery?
  20. They feed off of the cranking battery... which brings me to a minor dilemma for me... I am going to put a third battery in my boat, no doubt. I wanted to setup a parallel 12v for the trolling motor so that I will have tons of trolling time, but I will have to buy a new battery. If I just put the one I have in there (Grp 27year and half old battery), I can just have it available as a spare. IF the trolling motor or the starter die, I can just hook up the spare to get me trolling again, or get me started. My third option is to just move all electronics to the third battery and not have it draining the starter battery. This way, push come to shove, I can move things around if I have to. I know that some people say the fish finder will not work well with the trolling motor, but I hate to be comfortable using electronics all day/night and then I cant start the boat! I would love to move the electronics and trolling motor to a 12v parallel set up. This way, I will have a ton of power and the starter batter is separate. Decisions... Don't even get me started on the gas tank... is it enough?! LOL! I plan to take some extra just in case... At least until I run the boat around and get a feel for it. That is where I initially mounted mine, in the battery compartment against the wall that separates it from the storage compartment. It seemed to be fine... But I don't want to create some kind of danger zone... This is after I read the precautions I chickened out until I can get some more information. I am thinking about putting it in the storage compartment, which I do not want to do. I am also thinking of mounting it to the stern... Not really mounting, just propping it up. I is mounted on a board with equal circumference around it.
  21. Of course it is Yes you can. Especially if you only cover the under and upper edge. My pictures many not show it, but this covers the sharp edges as it is filled over the edge topand bottom
  22. You all are very welcome. That's what we do here. Share with one another. I love open forums and YouTube. We can leave something positive that we never know who all read and help.
  23. Might be better by then... They a humping now. What you hear from us who have it true... Kinda messy and I found a few minor nuances... But nothing the ding the quality. The boat is nothing more or less than what they are advertising. It is a solid investment and you will be happy. On a positive note, you will be extremely prepared. Us on or me on the bleeding edge will make some decisions, some mistakes and other choices that you can do even better after seeing everyone enhancements. Honestly, it could be argued that no modifications should be made. If I wasn't so "me" I would have left it alone. Don't be pressured to need to do anything. The fish finder works... Congratulations
  24. That's for the feedback! I shave a few more videos coming. Learn from my dog and don't, lol. I have both new fish finders wired up. Getting that right side panel off just didn't happen... So I cut the wore to to the lowrance transducer. In hindsight site, I maybe syould have left itans had two... That wire might be like enough to get to bow for some of you. I wanted to move it to one of the kayaks anyhow, so I may fine with that. I will post a video of how to fix it and I will test it in my pool. Ok... So first pet peeves. Tracker drilled holes for the that fish finder. They used rubber and steel/aluminum gaskets. I thought my Garmin mount would fit the holes but they did not. So I was off to make a transducer mount out of a poly cutting board. Thing is I want a least a half inch to 3/4 of an inch. All cutting boards were 30mm. I need a restaurant quality one. I could not find one and did not want to drive to BP... Or just wait for one to be shipped. I make one out of two... After all of those hours, I bought one today and installed it, lol! Instead of drilling more holes, I used the three holes that they drilled. I went from. Their #10 hex to #12 flat head. I modified the transducer block with holes and creveces that the epoxy could lock most in. Nothing really sticks to poly. I mades sure I sealed the holes with 3m 5200 when I screwed rhem in. Buy #10 and 12 oval hesd screws. The ones they used stripped out. I used all of the same holes. Try to work with friend if you can. Thank for the tip about lock hatch sharp edges. I filed mine down but then decided to put some rubber gasket on it. It is not to insulate, more aesthetics. I have a little trouble figuring out where to mount charger. What are you all going to do? I tried mounting in the battery hatch, which I liked I have it on wood. I just don't know ow if it ok to have back there with gas and batteries. I am thinking about putting it in the locked storeage, buy then it will be enclosed when it does a lot of its charging. Finally I was going to mount it on the inside of the transom. This way it is fareast away from the batteries and gas, it is not covered and all can vent by the design of the boat. But I canopen the hatch further for maximum venting... I will be finishing up today. I will have a video done then as well as some how-to.
  25. Ok. Completely removed the lowrance fish finder... I had to make a decision to cut the transducer line. It was pined under the hydrolic line. And I could not open the channel where the lines are run on the stern... I tried and tried, has to be something I messed. The rest was easy. I will use the same lines the original fish finder used. I am about to install the new fish finders. I will have videos up later tonight or tomorrow.
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