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Everything posted by jaimeastin

  1. I was still lurking around... Went out of town to New York, new Jersey, and made a stop by Atlantic City. Drove by a few bass pro, but did not stop. We actually did good at Atlantic City, so I can get more junk or a nice payment on the boat, lol. For the boat, my got my new but seat and power pedistal. My wife has been blocking me from fishing saying I am not home... I'm like, well I'm not fishing either. I plan to go this weekend.
  2. Did you all see this? For anyone who missed out on the Heritage, tracker has make the Pro 160 into a similar deal You can now get a free dowco cover and $400 gift card on a purchase of the Pro 160. As we all know it is the same layout as the heritage, but it is 16'2" rather than 16'18". https://www.trackerboats.com/boat/?boat=4278
  3. Jealous that you got the matching carpet, lol! How many feet did you order?
  4. I completely understand... Was there. I still look at the brochure when I am at work and I have the boat. I was doing the same thing before I got the boat.
  5. I have a pro Mariner 20+. It is a triple bank charger. I just bought a matching interstate battery so I can run my trolling motor with two at 12v. Buy it from Amazon as it is $150-160. It will charge the batteries much faster as it is not limited to 5 amps per bank. It will amalyze the batteries and give the most needing the most amps while balanicing the rest. It is all about priorities people,lol! It will of course do battery maintainance charging. I believe charge time is 6-8 hours. @Fish bait I originally went to BPS in manteca to buy the floor room boat they had instock in Dec 30th... But they sold it to someone else. I put a deposit down... But I decided that I didnt want to drive to manteca or any other BPS and moved my deposit to a local tracker dealer on Jan 10. The delay was due to the local stores being closed for week Christmas/New Year's. I bought mine from Gone Fishin' Marine in Dixon, CA. It was a good experience. We kept in touch with Email and phone. They understood our eagerness to get information on the boat.
  6. My straps would be tight, but just cumbersome. Get them tight then fold the cam over. Got tired of my hands getting hurt/cut. The ratcheing straps are just one thing to make it easier, especially for my wife. @ratman, good job out there not getting skunked! Glad to hear the gas consumption is getting better and better. @bolar, I hear both of you in the weather. We had great weather upuntil I got the boat. I mean we had 70 degree weather in Jan/Feb. Get h boat and I have been so busy plus rain. I can't take it out this weekend either... If the weather was better, I would have taken a day off to fish.
  7. What's new on my boat. I installed ratcheting straps on my trailer. In one of my videos I made a comment that the ones that come with the boat are enough to get you home. That's true. Mine kept popping open. The ratchet straps made for quick launch and hookup over weekend when went fishing. The straps and mount bracket was about $60 OtD... You can get less on amazon, I bought locally. Like many have mentioned, I am now in the same boat... I lost a moon hubcap. I just took the other off and will put baring covers on. The moon hubs are chrome on the outside, but tarnish and rush on the inside... We are getting rain in NorCal, but I have the boat out of the garage. The cover is one, but I have a tarp over the engine to prevent water from getting into the boat. I don't mind the water, but my driveway is at a slop and my boat is currently not raised up enough for the water to go out of the drain hole... I do not want the bow to fill up with water. I also have a "No Damp" canister under the cover to aid in the removal of trapped moisture. Just an update. How is everyone else doing?
  8. That's awesome. You beat the crowd, lol coming late. Congratulations
  9. And you won't! I actually emailed my local dealer for updates. I then went by to see them and shake hands... Meet the parts. Little things to say, hey, I am here and ready to pay. I met with finance and that's where I saw the board. Just like car sales, there is a board with the sales on it. The dealers know when the boat is being made and shipped. Just be nice and hopefully they will give up the information. They don't want to be bombarded with questions... Especially since this thing is so popular. The shipping is going across the nation and world .. the boats are batched by location and such so that they can get a group of boats on a truck.
  10. Yes it is! I keep finding mess to buy so all in all, it is good for me! If was not so adamant about running 3 batteries, I would have bought the 2 bank charger and got the rebate for it.
  11. Well, why not I will submit mine tonight.
  12. I would have done the same. Once I was committed to buying a boat, I could have been upsold. We really like the uniqueness of the heritage boat, so I am happy we got in as early as we did... I can only thank my wife for pushing me to go get the boat. I was thinking in Dec that no one would want this boat and I would just go to BP and buy it off the floor. Boy was I wrong... They sold the demo boat before I could get it and then I wasn't even the first in line that day to place order, LOL! You also got a larger tank and deck, both of which I am trying to compensate for, lol! You also have a larger rod storage that can be used for other items and a larger live well. You paid a little more, but you will be fishing and not miss a dime. I am happy we are all doing this together, even if a few are not on the heritage, its the community that I am having a lot of fun with. Do not leave us, your boat is so similar. The heritage is an unpainted mix of the 160 and 170. Congrats! Happy Birthday! Ours was Christmas, that we then hoped would be delivered valentines day... which led to the first of march. Congrats! Some dealers were proactive and ordered more boats without orders ahead of time. That's interesting... I hope your dealer didn't slip up and procrastinate. I originally had mine at a local BPS DEC 30th... But they were almost 2 hours away from me. So BPS and Tracker agreed to move it to my local dealer 15 mins away. The only reason I did not order from them is they were closed for so much of the holidays... I could not get it all order from them until Jan 10. Thankfully, everything was already in the system, so all we did was changed deposit locations. Everyone worked it out for us. That's why I am hoping they did not sit on your order. You are a rock's throw away from the mfg... I would think you would have yours by now.
  13. It will be right on time when you get it. Maybe less rushed. I have spots in my carpet where they cut too soon and other little things. You will have one of freshest boats and a lot of information to what exactly you want to do with the boat, if anything.
  14. I asked my dealer the day of delivery and they said they could order matching carpet for me... Forgot to medicine that they said it was a non issue
  15. Sorry for the long response... No, did not talk with BPS. I discussed with my dealer. The goal for any company is to keep people from making repairs and such as 1) they make lots of money from service and 2) the user can break things and try to get warranty service frivolously. Thing is, the manufacture and dealers all know and somewhat encourage us to customize our boats. They give us parts and such. Take the prewiring for the bow fish finder... We have a wire, but it will need to be drilled in somewhere right? From all that I read, adding things like rod holders, fish finders, battery chargers and such was ok. What I was avoiding is things that would alter the structure, like cutting in the hole for recessed pedal or cutting hatches into the deck. This is why I did not drill into the hull for the fish finder. We can drill onto the deck to mount the foot pedal and what not. Where I put the rod holders was drilled into the sheet aluminum. For the bow, there is foam behind it. the ones at the back of the boat drilled into the storage compartment. That's why I mounted my batter charger on the rear wall so that it was just into the storage compartment. In my first video, I stated that I originally wanted to make the rod storage larger... But when I pulled the plastic off and saw that it was aluminum with circles cut for the rod tube, I knew from that point it was only going to be 4 rods there, lol. A screw is waaaaay different that drilling holes or cutting hatches. Things that can go wrong where we can be liable is if we do anything that changes the integrity of what they set structurally. In the places where they have foam, we do not want water to get in there. If we put a hole in that allows water to get to the foam, we will be liable for the waterlogged damage. If we cut/strip the wood deck and allow for the wood to rot, we will be liable. We will be liable if we introduce any electronics that cause some type of galvanic corrosion. We introduce anything to the boat that can cause some type of corruptive corrosion, we will be liable. What is most important to me from tracker is the "hull" of the boat or the boat itself. I am more concerned with traveling with the boat and driving the boat well enough that weld does not break... The wood deck is as protected as they left it. Its wood on water... I am not sure how long it will last, but I don't expect it to fail either. The foam will degrade... But if should not abnormally and should never be an issue. So, My goal is to keep drilling into the boat at its minimum. This is why I mounted my fish finders on a plate or my transducers on the mounting board. If might just use straps to keep the food pedal in place rather than drill it down. Instead of cutting hatches... I plan to make a removable deck extension. I want that deck extension to be light and minimum. Finally, for all of my ripping apart, I used other material to give me clues to what was what. https://www.trackerboats.com/quality/ So what's the take away? MOD AT YOUR OWN RISK. I truly believe there is minimum risk. See response above...
  16. Yeah, I just placed an order and decided not to order either until I see them... Might run up there in the next few days to test it out. I don't need it for at least two weeks, but it is on my mind now
  17. I was thinking of something similar. Make the side like you have as more of a rod cover. I was thinking instead of a door, just make a top hatch like the live well. This way, we can still get to the door and hatch they that is already on the boat. That's what I am leaning toward leaning on.. Pending Thank you processing
  18. Trying to decide on the power pedestal or the manual one... This will be used for my butt seat so I can stand and fish. I like the manual one because I can still use it with the seat that comes with the boat or with the new one. The power seat will just be screwed into the other seat and I will not unscrew it to swap out... Power Seat Post https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/bass-pro-shops-power-pedestal --OR-- Manual Seat Post https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/bass-pro-shops-threaded-pro-pedestal AND https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/bass-pro-shops-powder-coated-seat-mount
  19. Don't want to spam the forum with these videos, but I here are the latest:
  20. Just got my $400 gift card. I received and email. I then put the HIN in and the gift card was present. It was an e gift card. I have already been using the VIP. Just call in the order or in store and you can use the HIN from your boat to get the 10-20% off. I have another $50 cabelas card that I might convert to a BP card. I do believe this boat card can be used at both locations.
  21. Yeah he did come off as negative, but nothing we need to concern ourselves with. We got in on an opportunity that sold out for obvious reasons. There are no concerns or justifications necessary. It's just not cool when someone has to put another down to make themselves fell better it justified. I don't think he meant any harm though. He was in on the deal then bought a lowe. He has congratulated us as we have him. He did start with a fact... But that applies to 75% of the stuff we buy lol! He is in the same boat as we are in terms of buying something that depreciates as soon as you sign your name to it This boat ride was smoother than I thought. I know it doesn't have the "revolution hull" , but it was cool. We trimmed it nicely and just skimmed the water. There was another guy out with his Klamath vhull stern control and was cutting through the water very well. What difference we will have is a little more stability. I don't plan to crash through waves like I would work a vhull though.
  22. Do I wonder if this guy will just change the quick connect fuel line... And how will he put gas in it? What I am ultimately going to do is buy a larger tank, let's say 12 gallons. I will just put the one tank in. Rearange the batteries. I know we have to keep balance... I wonder why track moved it starboard when all the marketing materials had it on the left? Is it because of the trolling motor on the port side? Thanks for the pic!
  23. Sold my other battery and a trolling motor last night using Craigslist. I bought a matching interstate battery. Now I can run the trolling motor on parallel or just keep this one as a spare/electronics. I also took the advice of Ratman and put my 2 gallon can in the boat. I am still looking for a larger gas tank. I might have to do some rearranging. Once I get the new tank. True, but if I was buying something to increase in value, it would never be a boat. My investment is in my enjoyment. There are other places to invest. Thing is, there will always be a fisherman looking to buy a boat. How much can you really lose in this boat? Compared to more expensive boats... This boat will be a good and easy sell at any point in it's life. When it hits it's lowest point, it will still be a great sell. At they time, with use, it very well be a money maker. A 30k boat in the same time frame will lose waaaaay more percentage wise... Same with fiberglass. At the end of the day, a real fisherman doesn't care cause the fish sure don't. Get out there and fish in what you have. No need to justify or put down another.
  24. Man, so happy to be in this limited run! Would have been cool to see them numbered. I know mine was made in February and shipped as soon as it's run was completed. Congrats to everyone who got an order in.
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