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Everything posted by jaimeastin

  1. Gone Fiahin Marine in Dixon had my number on the boat at pickup as well. I just got my plates last week, so it took almost two months to get them. The gift card was sent by email in two weeks. I had my VIP same day as pickup. I haven't taken mine to the delta yet. Just been fishing San Pablo and berryessa. I live just as close to it... Maybe tomorrow. Been thinking of taking it to grizzly island. I was at berryessa and I have our seen one other heritage out with me. We need to do a meet up like I do with the various cars i have/owned. It was always fun. Maybe we make a heritage bass tournament that is onky for heritage owners. We could have chapters and all... I will have to get with the Facebook group.
  2. I put some boeshield T-9 on my seats and no more noise. I also use it on all my waterproofing and such
  3. Good fishing. We went today as well. Got a new max speed of 33.5mph, lol!
  4. It's screws in... They probably didn't screw it, but you can. It is stable without and makes for a quick disconnect. I don't leave mine on the boat and tuck the wire into the back of the unit. It stays put. I wish it had a gromit to protect it like my Garmins have. You really gonna hook it up!!! I like it all. Get that boatbsonwe can see some pics.
  5. Just unscrew and pull the cable. On the back of the unit, use two fingers to pull up on thr "T" darker colored portion. It is spring loaded and not real obvious. I guess good for theives... Should someone was t to steal this unit.
  6. My side vu works great on my transom. I have it right beside the hook 3. I keep the hook 3 on 83 and sometimes use 200... But the Garmin uses 77 and 200 for traditional with chirp. The side and down vu is like 483 and up so interference is not an issue. I like the quick draw. One of my fishing reservoirs is only outlined, so I can now add the contours of the lake as I fish. I like my garmin striker and echo units a lot. The only thing is the side vu and down view is not as clear as others I have seen demos on... but none of those units have the quick draw feature. I would say quick draw is very important now that I have used a sonar with maps. When I am looking for look spots, I look at my echo map and see not only the coves or body of water but I am looking at the contours so I can see how deep, humps, points, and channels... I can see all of that before I get there. I saves me a lot of time rather than driving and checking them out, I know before I leave the ramp. I have the echomap on my console, but this would be the same with a striker after you have drove around the lake a bit. Good luck and hope you are still catching fish on every trip, even if it is on in the spare tire, lol! Yes, I plan on adding one to mine. I have been researching just what to get. I really do not want spend a lot of money, but I don't want junk. I want to shade my dog, wife, and myself on days where we just need a break.
  7. Nice install. I might just do just to do it, lol!
  8. Maybe about 10 inches or more. I will have to check. My first boat, but I have been on others. I am still learning from everyone. That's what is so nice about this forum. Especially this thread. A lot of us are first timers, but we have. The Vets on here passing on tips and helping along the way.
  9. I assume to get the motor out if the water if trolling through some shallow water. I just trim up when I get to my fishing spot. With the switch on the hi bow I could trim up only when I have to and not every time.
  10. Awesome! Stick around and share some tips with us. There is a YouTube video by Mark .. who received new hub caps. One of them were different. It has some welded piece inside of it.
  11. Maybe have a checklist. Whenever someone is rushing you, talking to you, or there is an issue, your focus can be goofy(slowed) or just broken. I must confess two mistakes. #1 Last time I took the boat out, I took my wife and her friend out. My wife said she wanted to learn how to do all of the steps and help. She would not pay any attention or help. That frustrated me. To make matters worse, the hitch ball lock would not open up... After finally getting the trailer on the hitch, I just jumped in a drove away. When I got 9 miles from the lake, I stopped a gas/bait shop. Got out and saw that I left the trailer jack down. OOPS! Thankfully it did not drag or was damaged. #2 I take my puppy out with me... But she can be a pain in the vehicle. After getting my boat ready and putting the gear in it... I jumped in and backed it down the ramp... Looked back and did not see it float up. I put the FJ in drive and pulled it out. Forgot to put the plug in and unstrap it from the trailer. OOPS! So, have a checklist before you leave and before you launch. So many things can cloud your mind and while you know do to something, you just don't for what ever reason. I think I will go fishing today Talking about it has me ready to go. I will leave the office early and hook & book! Tight lines--
  12. Yep, just have extra of the things that could be misplaced. Having tools is always a good thing.
  13. Sounds like your boat went to someone else. Yes, sometimes it pays to be a squeaky wheel. I believe that since my wife and I contacted the dealer and then made a trip there to meet them and checkout the service dept, they took care of us. We had the boat the very next week. They were always clear on the dates and other information. This was a local deal rather than BPS. Good luck!
  14. You made the right choice. Congrats on the new boat. I have had a couple people with me and it was crowded, but worked. You will love the extra space. I was going to upgrade to another boat, but my wife insisted we get this one. We both loved the styling and all. I know, I wish tracker gave an option to not have other boats painted. I wish I was heading your way... I still have not purchased a tired yet. Please do check in and take care.
  15. Nice! Always good to just help out people. I just don't get how we sportsmen act so un-sportsman when it comes to fishing. I know I am serious about fishing and don't like people getting in my way, but helping others makes things so much better. Etiquette is what and how we should perform... But we need to extend curtesy as well.
  16. I guess I don't feel too bad for some of my short carpet cuts. The mod looks good and I like orange. I am using this space for the light, boat push/hook pole, and fish ruler.
  17. It is very noisy and comes unscrewed, but never anything dangerous. I upgraded my bow seat to a power mount and butt seat. I love it and it is very quiet. Yes that tube... It is open on both sides. Sounds like you have a great setup. I was going to put my hook 3 on the kayak z but my wife wanted one she you.see on the stern, so I put it there. I am thinking of putting a new hook unit back there for her and then putting this one on one of our kayaks. We already have a couple fish finders for the kayaks, but they see black and white.
  18. I have spent a little time in Nebraska.. Sutton, Grand Island, Hastings area. Farm land and corn. Fished there a couple times. I enjoyed it. Flat and windy... Or just HOT. Never been there in the colder months.
  19. Mine was so hard to get off.. I will.try again... I ended up cutting .y hook 3 cable and sofering it back together. I did a pretty good job in the end, but man I wish I could get the cover off! What's the plastic black tube for?
  20. I have wanted to add gauges from day one. I have a few designs in my card and really have in the wiring and matching fuel cases. I just could find games like the ones you have. I like turn alot. Can you provide sources or links? It looks good and stock for sure. I will get those added when I add larger tank and move batteries around.
  21. I thought about getting a plug/cap and installing it somewhere, but since the heritage boat is not enclosed on the rear, it was just too easy to get to the cable. The way I have my cable and I back my boat up the garage, it is just easy. No need in adding additional features. I think all of your solutions are nice.
  22. That is pretty neat and would have been nice for one to come with the promariner 20+ I have. I just have my charging cable mounted and routed using 3m cable hooks to the top of the hatch door. When I charge. I can get the cable without opening hatch. When done, the cable stays put and has yet to get wet or damaged. Maybe I will look for a "plug" for it, lol. ---------------------------------------------------------- New Tracker Heritage Videos
  23. I will mount mine on the trailer where there is a bracket/mount. It is on the right side of the trailer under the drivers seat on the boat.
  24. That's me... Find the location first. Having a fish finder in the bow is novelty... You will fish more than wanting to mess with that thing. Get the best for your console so you know where to go and how to get home.... I have console and now networked to share marking and such. I use the on ont he bow and stern for quick glances, but it's the console that got me to the spot and the one I used to cruise the steam for full detail. Gooduck! Mine lists my trolling motor... Maybe they are denying the claim because it is a package deal rather than add on. It is not like it is a secret. I still need to submit min, but I am sure now it will.be denied as well.
  25. I've get the same squeal! Happened 2-3 times. Made me cautious Looks like what I am using. I like mine so far in the same config. It has really hoped us find coves to fish on lakes I have never fished before. The fishing finder works well. I have a Garmin upfront and the lowrance on the rear deck. It works out perfectly! I can getting information form anywhere on the boat. Very clean setup... I am jeleous that itooks so pretty in your garage and I have mine, lol! Mine is on the driveway ready to go fishing in the morning. Taking a comp day. Will take my puppy and fish all day, hopefully till night fall.
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