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Everything posted by jaimeastin

  1. I stopped by BPS today. the staff in Manteca is the best I have encountered in California and Arkansas. I don't remember how they were in Missouri. People make sure that when you use your VIP discount that the discount is actually apply to your receipt. My discount card is in the system and valadin to 2020, but boat tracker in Rockland and now Manteca's system says that the car does not exist. But when customer service looks it up they can find it. I made a few purchasing Rockland and the discount was applied and I didn't realize until later. The manager Jackson and his staff Destiny and Christina really really take care of me and they made sure I got all my money back as well as any other past receipts that I didn't even have they looked it up. Yeah I belong to the Richmond Rod and Gun Club. We have access to private land in Fresno. whenever I go back to Arkansas I take a few guns or use some guns that I have out there and shoot on our private hunting land. Thanks again
  2. Congrats and we are neighbors. Man, I originally placed my order at Manteca in Dec... I moved it to Dixon since they are closer to me... I will be in Manteca tomorrow and will go to BPS... I thought about bringing my boat, but I don't know yet. Going down for a family event. I will be skipping out and planning some things to do. You know of a good gun range there or should I bring the boat. I got home late this evening and took the boat all the way to berryessa and did not launch. It was aready 9 pm and they are giving tickets to people after 10 at the launch I wanted to go to. All the other pay sights wanted to reserve the space for people who will purchase 3 day passes for the holiday. Just bummed me out. Back to topic. The rear seat in mounted on wood while the rest of the deck is aluminum. I am not having issues with my rear seat mount... But I only use it when my wife is with me. I will post pictures of my carpet issues... Can you please post pictures of yours? They are questioning because I installed stuff on my boat. It has NOTHING to do with what I installed. They backed down when I showed them the lower deck that was coming up. Thankfully they gave my boat back to me while they waiting for instructions from tracker. I do see the outline of the deck where the rear seat is. My carpet has come unglued in the rear storage hatch. I also had them run the engine. They said it was normal. I did take it out the day before dropping it off and I did not get my normal top speed... We are talking about 5mph or so. It was drastic like you are thinking. I wish I would have put a counter on the motor, Great idea. I will do it this week end. I was ticked off today. When they filled it with water, my gear in the storage deck was soaked. They did not open the hatches to let anything dry. Man.
  3. Update. So my dealer did not find a leak. I will still check around the live well drain. The main issue for me now is the bulging carpet on the edges of the bow and the lower deck. Tracker says they have never seen this. There is some stripping on the edge of the carpet that the carpet is on. It is not sticking down. Is anyone else having issue with their carpet?
  4. Dropping my boat off Saturday morning. I will tell them to seal the live well drain as that is the only place unless the hull has a leak. They are also gluing the carpet down. We have a wedding to go to Saturday and maybe I will take the kayak out on sunday… I will miss my boat... sobs). I guess will have time to edit my videos
  5. Added new lights to my FJ mainly because I fish in the evenings and leave the ramp at night. One night I didn't leave until 1AM. The lights work great for backing down the ramp and putting things away once the boat is off of the trailer.
  6. Yeah, I keep StarBrite NoDamp in my main storage compartment. I keep the PFD in the $15 bass pro boat bag. I always leave the hatches open to air dry when I can. We left my wife's tackle bag in the boat storage and it had mildew all over it. I learned my lesson. That compartment is not watertight. I have an orange storage box that I sometimes keep my electronics in when in storage. Now, there never any moisture damage. I just dump the starbrite container every now and then. It always has water in it. It is even more important to use when the boat cover is on. My front storage hatch houses my anchors. I use the bass pro anchor bags. They keep my anchor, rope, etc. I leave them out to dry when I get home as well. I haven't experienced water getting into the front hatch either. Yeah, I am taking mine in this Saturday to be checked for leaks... It has to be the drain for the live well. I am also getting the carpet glued down. In all of the heat, my carpet is coming up everywhere.
  7. Silly, but I must ask... Are you starting from the bow of the boat? There is a pocket for the trolling motor. Maybe adjust the height/depth of the trolling motor. I would imagine that the cover should fit over it.
  8. I asked my dealer well before I received my boat. I wanted to install the items myself, but yes, they come shipped like this.
  9. Video to come. Yes, you can dirive with it up just fine. We purchased it from Amazon. Leader Accessories Grey 3 Bow 6'L x 46"H x 73"-78"W Bimini Boat Tops Includes Hardwares with 1 Inch Aluminum Frame https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ITIB590/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_pbffBbJPEBZWP
  10. My dealer still has not let me know if they ordered my steering wheel cap. Maybe i need to let BPS order me one as well. I need new hupcaps too, espcially if they are staying on for people now. I mounted a transducer block using the holes they drilled in for the originaly fishfinder. This way, you can patch up their work and place your transducer anywhere you like, within range of course. The transducer block is only $20 and will allow you to make adjustments without concern. The transducer should be just below the boat, just barely... You what it more even than not. Too low, and you will have a roostertail, too high and you will not get good readings. I can still get readings up to about 10 mph, or a little more. I cannot get reading going over 20. I am still playing around with it. There are many videos on youtube, few are great though, lol. The garmin instructions have a diagram. I moved mine as clost to the motor, on the right side. I made sure it had clearance since it is a long side imaging one.
  11. I made a few new mods to my boat... New video ideo to come tomorrow. The biggest check is the Bimini top. My wife and I entered into a catfish contest. We didn't win, but just sitting for a fish to bite in 90+ degrees was nice under the Bimini top. Although I still got a migraine from the heat, it was after we left the lake rather than during the fishing. I will provide install instructions later The install was easy. I installed mine yesterday and it is husband tested, wore approved. We love it. It was awesome today. It cooled things down at least 10+ degrees. Made it comfortable. So comfortable, it was hard to standup and fish... Although before we put it up, we were standing up and fishing somewhat comfortable and very hot. It was easy to install and only $145 on Amazon.
  12. Latest catalog I received in the mail. I think the pricing might be the 40th anniversary tracker, high end one.
  13. I guess tracker is making up for the lost of selling the great deal of a boat the 40 anniversary tracker was... Who said the Pro 170 was under powered worth that Mercury 150?! Get yours today for $28K!
  14. It's gone. I have looked in the boat and battery storage box to see it is there... I hate that it's gone and trying to find another one.
  15. Win for you! I am going to try to take mine out this evening. Go get yours and enjoy!
  16. This is a first...any else lose there steering wheel center cap?
  17. Well, there were many of us :). Please tell me why though?
  18. Fished in the BPS Open in folsom over the weekend in my Heritage. I didn't have anyone to fish with me, since I decided to get in 2 days before. There was a 14 year old fishing from the bank, his mom let him go with me. We had a great time and caught our limit... Lots of small bass caught with the largest for us being under 4 lbs. We didn't win, but we kept up with others in boats $$$... NOt that we were trying to keep up, I was playing my game and it paid off... but just not enough pounds. It was fun... The winner a heritage boat. It would have been cool to win a heritage boat while fishing from a heritage boat. This boat is now tournament tested.
  19. The boat is looking nice! 303 on the windshield should not hurt it as it is water based. I used it on all plastics, especially lights so they wont change color from the sun. UV protection at its best. I keep my fuel line routed away from the back or sides of the tank. My tank is strapped down pretty good as well. Never had mind come off. Have you all checked your fuel pump for a blue dot? If it has a blue dot, the recall dose not pertain to you.
  20. That's awesome that it will all work out for you.!
  21. I've been in some windy water and wakes and we handled fine. I was worried about they as well. The videos are in the nice backwood lakes... I wish in deep lakes and reservoirs that are always windy through certain channels. I will make a video in near future.
  22. I have no issues with mine. I didn't see any where to adjust the see either. I will check mine again. I upgraded my front seat to a power post and butt seat. I lean on it and have no issues at with it coming loose. Good lucK!
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