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Everything posted by jaimeastin

  1. I might have to make a storage box like that one. I am thinking of extending my deck and you found some ideas that I might use!
  2. Congratulations @Cullum44 I love my boat. I am looking forward to getting a lot of fishing on it in my second year. I'm about to do all of the service and more upgrades. Just fish and enjoy your boat. We are happy to have you on the forums. Ask any questions and post anything you can. We need to see pics of your new toy!
  3. Garmin, just get the features you want. They units work. They are not slow and more bang for buck than hummingbird. Other than that, you can't go wrong.
  4. Welcome and congratulations! Looking forward to your build!
  5. Garmin is hard to beat with their units. You get more features that actually work SMOOTHLY for a better bundled price. I am currently working on a video comparison for fish finders in the entry and mid-levels. Hummingbird is more expensive and you have to really pay for the next feature, even chirp. Any Lowrance unit with an "X" in the model name is just not worth the purchase. Do not be fooled by the features, it performs slower and lacks the processing power. Garmin units all perform for exactly what they say they will do. The striker plus 4CV is a nice unit, I have one as well as other larger garmin units. The 4CV has all the features but built in maps. The contour drawing works well and the screen is plenty large to see. I prefer the portrait screen for this screen size. Good luck!
  6. Finished mounting my maxxum on the boat. Happy to to say that it is pretty easy work the right tools. For me that was long screwdriver with a racheting wrench duct taped to it. The cover still fits perfectly, so I am happy-happy!
  7. It looks good and functions. The self tapping screws will hold fine. I almost cut my access hole bigger. There is one screw home that couldn't be used that I will put a screw in too seal.
  8. I didn't think of doing that. I used an 18" screwdriver with a rachet wrench attached to it with a hose clamp and duct tape. I was able to get it all, but it was a major pain.
  9. You just want to share waypoints week the blue and brown wires right? You don't need heavy gauge wire at all for that. Can you run under the carpet or tuck it in the outer parameters of the boat? I did that with mine. It has never come out or anything. We have a different boats, but there has to be an easy solution. How comfortable are you with unscrewing a few things? I have opened my boat up more that I should have but it allows me to be comfortable with doing what I can. I haven't needed a dealer yet.
  10. I put the maxxum mount on the boat this evening using the same screw holes that tracker put on the boat. Not sure if is okay or not... Tracker used machine screws in a few places rather than bolt , washer, and nut that Minn kota supplies. It's such a tight fit that did the same for the farthest screws... I would have used all bolts, by my trolling motor came minus one screw... All set to be a good fit. The trailer winch prevents me from fully testing it, but so far so good.
  11. Yeah. I will post what I do. The 9 is a big screen, but it should fit based my my preliminary testing. I ended up getting the flu, so I am a little behind. I need to get the ram mounts or something similar to test placement. Bass pro has these swival base mount that look interesting. They would allow the unit to turn... Mounting on the dash is the most limiting.
  12. https://support.garmin.com/en-US/?faq=gIrXJ4RZGm0ypilqQFGs0A Information on the Garmin website detailing difference CV and gt
  13. I purchased the 24v 65lb thrust minnkota maxxum a few days ago. I debated to keep my edge as a backup, but ended up selling and it today. All in all, after rebates, discounts, and use of the bonus bucks and reward, this upgrade is only $90 out of pocket. When the guy came to buy the old trolling motor, my wife asked me what I was selling, lol. She had already seen the new trolling motor, but was happy with the upgrade only costing $90 in the end. No, I do not have spotlock, but have a more efficient and powerful trolling motor. I will see how I like it this season. The ultrex is still pie in the sky.
  14. I know... ? But my wife is on my trail. the thing is she just found my two new Garmin 93sv units and the Garmin panoptix livescope box... She knows how much I paid for all of that gear. I am trying to sneak this trolling motor in replace it, and hopefully sell the edge just to get it out of the way without her knowing.
  15. I would really like to have spot lock. I do not want to use anything without a cable steer personally. I just like the responsiveness is the cable steer provides. I'm really not sure how remote wireless or with the wired foot pedal would work. I am on my way right now to Bass pro shops to decide between getting a maxxum, 24 volt at 65 lb or possibly getting the powerdrive. I know it's not the mall you ask for, but I've already spent way too much money on my fishing with the panoptix. I'm more leaning toward the maxxum because if I can get a more efficient trolling motor with battery as well as power, maybe I won't be so frustrated holding my position. Currently I am going between the max at 5 and then going back down just to fight to win or two fish. Edge is just not efficient enough for me when it comes to actual usage, I am adjusting it too often.
  16. I purchased a couple Lowrance units last year to test. I loved the idea of the hook2 units. I do not need mapping on the bow of my boat, gps and plotting is enough. During my testing, those units frustrated me so bad. They were slow and just inconsistent. Lowrance has so much marketing behind them, I don't understand how they let these units out of the door. To make things more confusing, they have the hook2 # and the hook2 #X. During my testing I found units that worked and I wondered why one model worked better than the other. I found that the models with the x, no matter the screen size or transducer features, the model with the "X" was lacking. If you purchase a hook2, make sure it is one without the letter x. Those are decent and elite like.
  17. Congratulations to serious black! Bass resource used his pic on an Instagram post, lol! I don't blame them, that pic can get anyone of us excited to get on the water. Very cool that it is in a Heritage boat.
  18. I purchased 2x Garmin 93SV units and one panoptix livescope transducer. I am debating if I get a new trolling motor... I really want one worth spotlock. I just got the bonus bucks. I don't like that the triple points are now club points... Previously it was tripple reward points. I have no interest in a club card, but for those who have and use them responsibly, that was a great deal! I will admit, I kinda thought about signing up, lol!
  19. Wrong thread
  20. If you still use a sonar on the bow, what's your transducer solution? Do you just have a networked solution with a single transducer on the transom? Thanks.
  21. So... You have a Powerdrive with spotlock and a transducer attached? I use Garmin, not hummingbird or lowrance
  22. I believe it is a 24" sized drift sock. It helps a lot. I am going to to get a second one. I just hate having to manage lines and such. I paying my dues to learn to overcome the obstacles.
  23. Okay, it's about to be one year to the date that I received my heritage boat. I am just getting her back on the water and myself included. What do I like and what needs to change? First of all, I still like my boat. I still believe it was a great package and of all the boat packages out there, this was the first boat that I ever had to buy. I know what the boat is and what it does, and I know what it is not. I fished a tournament with it against all skill levels and all boats... I did okay for my open tournament, I didn't win the race to get to the fishing spot, but thankfully, my spot was not taking. I'm a southern guy living in California. I love being in the backwoods, brown water, hidden oxbows and lakes, rivers and some of the other big lakes like Ouachita... I love fishing in Arkansas. When it's cold, it's, cold... When it's hot, it's hot. Outside of that it's mild. I like fishing in NorCal, but I truly hate one thing. It's always windy. I am so sick of being blown around in my heritage. I control it in my kayak and float tube. In the heritage, I am working the trolling motor waaaaay too much while I fish. I don't blame the boat because this would be the perfect back in Arkansas. The lakes/reservoirs are flooded valleys (aren't they all) and are deep, shallow water anchors not really a solution for me. I have a drift sock as well. The one thing that I want to upgrade is the trolling motor with GPS spot lock or equivalent. I am running Garmin and will be putting panoptix up front... I need a solution to make fishing in this thing less of a chore. Anyone else have an update on their boat?
  24. I prefer a fish basket, non floating. The floating lid creates drag with moving and opens the door... I have had crappie leave the basket. What I do is cut a pool noodle and then put it on the basket handle. The basket now sinks deeper for the fish and has little drags other than the weight of the fish. I tie the basket on a clear and when I really need to move, I take the whole basket out of the water, put in in the kayak or on my legs. Alternative to the the basket is a plain old stringer. The fish might startle when they try to swim off, lol! I fish some Waters with predators like snapping turtles, gar, bowfin, snakes... In places like these, I really prefer the basket or will have a place near short I will periodically drop my fish off. I have seen those creatures steal people s stringer and don't want anything that big tipping me over, u expectedly.
  25. I made a 12v LED light pod. Very I expensive. You can customize it how you like. Just get the lights and the wire in the link. Great for working and fishing at night. http://jaimeastin.com/2018/11/03/create-a-portable-work-light/
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