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Everything posted by jaimeastin

  1. I cannot wait to get this dang boat out of my garage. I have not had the time to get this stuff installed and done due to other things keeping me away. Besides that, just little nuances where the desire of perfection is overwhelming. I finally decided to run some 10 gauge wir3/e to a fuse box. The livescope is mounted under the console. The transducer cable is long enough to go from the trolling motor to the console. I have done a lot more modifications along the way. There is light at the end of the tunnel... Hopefully tomorrow I will get the boat out. Reminds me of when I installed all of the lights on my FJ. What started as a project to put lights on the rear so I could retrieve my boat from a dark lake easier enee up being a complete overhaul. I will have to take a day off to finish the boat
  2. Yeah ... I just decided to keep service to a semi annual schedule. I will be changing my oil twicr a year. 25/40 summer and 10/30 winter. I will probably change gear oil twice, fuel filter once a year unless dirty. I will do the major service in 2 and half to 3 years. Currently I am running a new wire and installing a circuit breaker box.
  3. @Mw Michaelis I wish I would have purchased an hour meeter on my boat before I started.
  4. You are correct. My boat is just wired up for fish finders, everything is spliced. Tracker just hooked it all up as is noone would make an upgrade. So I am running new wire and going to install a circuit breaker under the dash. Thanks for your feedback. I truely appreciate it. I will start with mine on the trolling motor. The way I have it all run, I could easily move it to another mount. I see many people making it portable, and it is a need idea. I may do it later, but not right now.
  5. Yeah... I told them the same thing last year. Your add is still up without disclaimer online. For anyone who does not one , they will.made the trip and get a shock once in store. Fact is, in all the small print, and without mentioning SKU, the image can be wrong. Getting some credit back is better than getting to the store and they sold out. Yeah, even if they stop honoring a price mistake is a sell out... To make me feel better, lol!
  6. Yeah... I barter all the time. I read hate low ballers who don't even greet you, they just want you pull your pants down. I am never in a rush to sell. They say " I will buy it for $50" I will add whatever discount to my price and say "I will sell it to you for $150" It always turns the right people away. When I meet really good people, they first know I am selling it at a good price. Second, I will probably still give them a discount, third they might walk away with more gear after we meet. That's the truth. It's all about respect and communication. I am the same way at gun shows and such. I have money to spend and they have something to sell... But I befriend the sellers and we can work out some great deals... Good luck.
  7. My kayak is like 70+ lbs. It is still fast, carries a lot of weight etc. I look at the accend kayaks and they are super stable and slower. Many people complain about weight. I seem them as boats more than kayaks. I get that many people want them. I listed pro's and cons. For me, this direction is just more involved that was simpler kayak fishing was/is. I have seen it, performed it... I get my kayak out, rigged, and paddled off faster than a lot of the other ones, even pedal drive. Getting back out, I am also fast. Get home, I would then hoist it up on my paitio ceiling using a pully system. That was when I lived in a condo. Now I own a house and I just put it in the back. Finally, looking over the years, a lot of the fun was rigging it up. Cutting and running things. Now all is done and people are afraid of their kayaks. This the same in all industries though. No real slight, just the costs of innovation. I have GAS, GEAR ACQUISITION SYNDROME. I am always looking for something. When I see these kayaks, I like them, but I see more limitations for some of my personal application. As you said, thankfully we all have a wide variety to select from. In the end it gets us all fishing. All because it is not my cup of tea does not mean it is not good for others or the industry. Their direction is just where I chose to stay or course or turn away, however you want to see it. We all get to some water to fish.
  8. Thanks for your feedback. Did you write it back to the motor or did you wire it with your current electric fish finder?
  9. They did this last year. I thought I was getting the touchscreen garmin plus in the add for 449, but it was the chirp... Like you, my closest Bo's is 60+ miles away. I send an email and reveiw. They contacted me. I explained that it was a bait and switch. . we get the ad, get our hopes up, make a long drive only to get there and see a small posted sign that it was a mistake. They gave me $25-50, can't remember, in points. Bass pro always has mistakes in ads. Their customer service has always taken care of me in one way or another.
  10. I sold mine for $175 less than a year old. The buyers were happy. I think you have a. Good price.
  11. I have one. It's off and stored now, but on certain days, you just can't beat it to take a break. Fishing isimited, but it's not be used all the time, just when you need it. You cannot beat the comfort when you want a break. It's not just a few degrees, but double digits in comfort. I purchased mine from Amazon for $150. 20 minute install. My wife and I fished a catfish tournament and this thing made our time comfortable. She approved it for breaks. For fishing, it's limiting
  12. Where I believe that the industry of kayak fishing is going wrong is that the kayaks are too big! I currently have 4 kayaks right now. I have 10-12 feet, sit in and sit on top. I had a neighbor give me a huge 16' that I passed along. The beauty with kayak fishing is that you can get out there and anywhere quickly and safely. Another nice thing was DIY rigging. The new kayaks are huge, heavy, slow, pre rigged, motorized, pedal driven, electric motorized, require two people, trailer, truck bed, etc. For me all the things that I loved about kayak fishing are being lost with these "fishing kayaks". At this point, you may as well use a canoe or row boat because storing and setup is so much more envolved. You may have to register it. Believe me... I was the guy going fishing in a 12 foot or less with about 6 rods and other gear. Kayak fishing got me very strong. In my upper body. I could take a good headwind and punch right through. I never need to stand up or have a big seat. At the end of the day, use what gets you out there. For me, I love kayak fishing over boat fishing. Fishing out if a boat seems lazy. I like fishing out of my float tube more than my boat. However, I have been fishing out of my boat more than all mainly due to being rear ended and me ultimately having back surgery. We got the boat just so I could fish pre surgery. I fish anywhere and almost out of anything... Or just than bank. Just go fishing.
  13. I've been kayak fishing for years, kinda before it was the big thing it is now. There is a reason it took off and somewhat of reason it is going through wrong way. Kayak fishing changed the game for me. Gave me access to lots of water. The best part I could keep it at my condo, put it on my SUV, go just about anywhere and launch. My first kayak was and is 12 feet. Very stable, sit on top, and I rigged it up weighing about 70 pounds. For many people, especially living in cities and such, don't have the space to store a boat to drage around. My kayak lived on .y vehicle and I fished around 4 times a week. I was going right after work. Not major prep needed. Even if I didn't have my kayak, I coipsosd it in less than 10 minutes.
  14. Hi guys. My install keeps being delayed by me. My boat is ripped open in garage and I have a couple options for the install. I have a tracker heritage. I have upgraded the trolling motor, moved from 12v to 24 volt, electronic will now be run off of the house battery rather than a separate battery, I upgraded the console and bow to a Garmin 93sv, and of course I have a livescope. I currently have the livescope installed in the from storage hatch. The power and all wires are run under the front deck to the electrical wire run for a bow unit. The issi with this is that I would like to network the devices now or later... Just can keep loading the 14gauge wire with electronics. Alternative option is to put the black box under the console. I have 12gauge wire that I have already run from.rhe batter to the console. I can have the black box here and I can run the transducer and network cable up to the bow. In both cases, I and most likely going to install the livescope transducer on the trolling motor. I was originally planning to put it on a separate pole, but I want it as simple as can be. The first option is the cleanest, but the cons are networking limitations and that storage hatch gets hot where the max operating temperature is 158 degrees. Option two where I install under console is the most serviceable, but is not the cleanest. What are you all doing? Where is the best place to mount the transducer? I am very partial to the motor, but I need feedback from you all... I really want to button up the boat tomorrow
  15. I'm late... But it's not that technical. I have cut a transducer cable in half and sodered them back together. It's just wire. Use marine hest shrink afterwards and you will be find. If not lines a are cut deeply. I would use liquid tape and then heat shrink it one it dries.
  16. Honestly, I agree about the size of my console unit. It is big and in your face. I have not used it on the water, but after wiring it all up I am like WOW! I originally purchased a 9 and a 7 in screen. But for $75 more, I could got with the larger unit which I did, two 9 inch screens. I am already thinking or maybe going back to a 7 inch unit and putting the second 9 inch unit on the bow. Funny thing is that I had a 9" garmin and a 7" Lowrance ti1 purchased at first. I like Fish Reveal and the 3d view. I ultimately went with garmin and livescope just to hopefully not have a desire to upgrade again! With Lowrance, I believe the live sight works on HDS and above, leaving the ti and ti2 out...
  17. Ok. I just so happen to watch my original video on modifications and I did say that I should have put the fish finder off to the side using the ram mount. I purchased two mounts for my new fish finder. My goal was to be able to see my screens while in the captians seat or on the rear deck. The mounts needed to at least be able to swival. I purchased a Johnny Ray mount and it worked well in testing on the dash. I then tested the ram mount on the dash. It was more cumbersome because of the weight of the 9" screen. With the gimbal, the weight was 4.73lbs. in the end, I like the ram mount more. The ram mount I got was a medium with round base... The box said 4 lb. I would suggest getting the larger bracket if you can. I secured Min to the deck with screws washers & nuts on the underside. The mount fells secure and when tightened down, doesn't move. I can swival and raise the unit. I really liked the Johnny Ray mount, so I used it on the bow. Now I can swival the fish finder to find optimal position... Truth be told I am thinking of maybe replacing it with another ram mount. With the ram mount, I can better find the perfect position
  18. Ok, some progress. I installed a stabalizer on the trolling motor. I have it worked using the minnkota plug. I cut/enlarged an access hole in the top deck and cut on on the deck storage. I mounted the console fish finder and Plastic welded all of the holes, including the ones the original fish finder left. I used too much plastic, but for my first time plastic welding, it came our okay. I have all of my live scope wiring run, just need to soder the wires together... I might get a network hub or a high frequency transducer that comes with a network hub.
  19. @ratman Yes, I second the request for pics. I am interested in all of it.
  20. @Zigkx Thanks for the feedback... Believe me, I'm kinda jealous of the spotlock. I have have not used a bow trolling motor without a cable and I am so used to the direct response of the cable. I am always trying to fish from the back of the boat and I would love to do just what you are doing. I am rigging my boat up as I text... I put a stabilizer on the maxxum and I have it wired. I am not looking up my new fish finders and my panoptix livescope. I am in a conundrum with how I want to rig it up... I think I will put it on the trolling motor... I know I will eventually run it separately on a alluminun or PVC tube... But it's just the hiding everything... I will put the black box under the deck in the storage. I am cutting an access door now. For you, I have seen many transducer poles that you can use sans trolling motor. I will eventually go to this if I just get tired of dual purposing the trolling motor and live scope
  21. Do you have a tattler to see I'd you have power up front? It coupe be a bulb. What kidn of light is it ok how is it install?
  22. These will handle the delta just fine, we don't have to worry much about the tide and bottoming out. I'm happy that Berryessa is getting water because it is very low in many of my spots. The edge works as it should for the boat. I didn't have any issues with anything it was supposed to do. Even in the wind, kicking it up to 5, I was always able to get moving... With that said, the wind really kicks this boats tail. Will I would love to upgrade to an ultrex, you really get all you need with that motor. Spot lock would work well fishing open water in Berryessa. I upgraded my edge to the Maxxum mainly for more power and efficient power draw off of the batteries. I never ran out of battery, but I was always concerned. All of Conn Dam/Lake Hennessy and parts of San Pablo reservoir have gas or all electric motor restrictions. With this new motor, I can fish those places a little harder as the fishing is good there.
  23. Good move @12poundbass Also, thanks for getting this going last year. Its the reason I am on the forum and I have known about this place for a LONG time.
  24. Welcome @FreeDivr Yeah, same boat and no need for another thread. Hopefully more classic owners come in and we keep this thing going for a very long time. Finally an evening with no rain, so I will try to get my fish finders wired up... That is if I do not take one of the kayaks fishing this evening.
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