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Everything posted by jaimeastin

  1. Don't want to bombard, but here is another video on maintenance:
  2. I second the Garmin echomap. I have used Garmin fish finders for years and I have have 6 currently. I too bought a couple echomap 93SV for $600 at bass pro shop. I love the menus and it has been hard to be Garmin on features and value. Currently, you can get an echomap 73sv for $500 at bass pro...
  3. Finally got the boat on the water to test the upgrades.
  4. That's everything we buy these days. They may things to fail so we can have a higher re-purchase rotation. Back in the day, some companies made products so good, they went out of business because people bought one and was done. Now no matter the appliance, we are buying more due to failure... Or the new big thing, design or features. In the example that was posted with the schematics. You can see that they change one and turn on part to one that was not replaceable yet fails. This is not a engineering flaw but a corporate and financial design.
  5. Is there a ti2 package that comes with what you want? I believe you can buy them transducer free. Maybe you can return and buy what you need. Check eBay for pricing. Also, if your transducer is an upgrade to another person's older unit, maybe you can get $150-200. Anything more would push me to just spending $300 for the one that you ultimately want. Just a number that you can accept because you want it gone.
  6. No issues with my 20 plus. It was a great value and I will but again I when it cracks out.
  7. Pflueger Trion Pflueger president if you find it on sale. I use both and have a lot of each. You can't best a Trion for it's value.
  8. Yeah, I guess I was an easy mark. I was cornered, held up, and robbed!
  9. No .. but "WIFE" could. If she found out just how much I've been spending... Thankfully she has been supportive and I keep telling that she told me to get exactly what want to make it complete. I'm sure that day when I have a "KID" , I will repurpose any funds.
  10. Just shy of $3k. I am afraid to count for presision. What's started as a upgrade for one fish finder that I was only going to spend $300 on, I ended up with two Garmin 93sv, livescope, a new minnkota maxxum, and whole lot of smaller gear, wiring... Besides that, I have purchased so many new reels and fishing rods. I really have a problem... I have G.A.S. Gear Acquisition Syndrome. I'm ashamed of myself.
  11. Pics of the install. I installed the black box under my console. I rant the long livescope transducer from the console to the trolling motor. I ran the cable under the side gunnel, but used right-angle aluminum to protect and keep the cable secure. It was slower installed because I had to test and make decisions on where to put my hardware. I wanted to be able to access it if needed, but wanted it out of the way. I also ran new power cable to a fuse box and other things. I will tidy up the network cable, but it as well as the switch in the plano box is still being tested out. Like other boat electronics, I know everyone has to make their own decisions on the install.
  12. Do you know how to knock a wall for studs? Maybe you can find a hollow sound or a thud, meaning a support is present. I have a different boat, but just cut the deck to install a tray. Do you have a front hatch or plate screwed down where your wire is plugged into? You can pull that up to have a feel around. I just googled your boat and found some with a tray installed. On my boat, 1 inch from the tray is where I started my cut. I will a perfect cut and all work. Sorry I cannot help more, but I want to help if I can. everyone who does it do not leave instructions, so I am writing up some for the heritage boat to help others.
  13. Finally got the boat out of the garage and on the water for some testing. Everything worked, Which is great! The maxxum is very nice. In comparison to the edge, I love the variable speed. It felt so smooth and the power was nice. At Max, it pulled me at 3mph. I installed a G-force cable to replace the rope cable. It was a little windy, so I still want spotlock, lol. I love the recessed tray. It was very comfortable. The foot controller stayed in place. This should be standard. I never thought touch screen units were that big of a deal... Until today. It made navigation and usage so much better. Garmin has a great setup as menu options are always available on the lower portion of the screen. I used RAM mounts on the console and the bow. The worked good enough. I may need to upgrade to more robust models, but so far this GS stayed in place The panoptix livescope worked in the position I had it in on the trolling motor. I liked being able to look around hands free. I might keep it on the trolling motor and not make a side Mount/pole for it. Notice in the pics, I ran the sheilded network cable and the livescope cable in the gunnel. Both cables are very thick, so they are masked/protected by right-angle aluminum. It think it looks really nice. The panoptix livescope blackbox (gvc10) is mounted under the console. I originally had it in the front storage hatch, but I wanted better access, better temperature management, and wanted it closer to run the power to it. It is accessible and out of the way at the same time. My homemade network switch prototype worked flawlessly. I am working on making it small we and self contained with different parts. I decided to put a power on/off switch on it. I have it zip-tied to kydex under the console. Other parts I added a blueseas fuse box. On the battery terminals, I have a Marinco quick connect block. I finally mounted my battery charger. My third battery was previously kept in a minnkota power center. Now it is mounted and secure. I have more room for storage back there. Probably tools in a dry box Finally, I will do all the maintenance this week. I purchased an hour meeter, which still.needs to be installed.
  14. I will test. I use a put seat and tall pole. I will put the other seat in later... i sliced my finger open earlier working on something for the boat... went to get stitches, line waaaaay too long, so I went to cvs. Will see how it goes, lol!
  15. Well, I like that it keeps the foot controller in place. I just screwed my pedal down a few weeks before going all in. I decided it's just wood and I can cover it with an aluminum plate if I don't want it. After Currington into it, I have learned so much more that there is no fear of the deck at all. I will make a video of under the deck and such as well as provide instructions for people. With that said, as beautiful as a day it is today, I am still outside working... Changed the oil Ina. Couple of our cars, doing yard work now, going to do the 100 hour service on the boat... Yeah instead of being on the water testing, I am working. Tomorrow will be different, I will have all of my work done and can fish without regret.
  16. Just do it. Getting he box from eBay sold by GPS City. They are on Amazon and sell from their website. I have bought a lot of fish findee accessories from them over the years. Fast shipping, mine was here in 3 days Ry hard to mess it up. You do not have to worry about hitting any beams. I will make some actual instructions and post them soon.
  17. Thanks. We need to make a wiki. . first thing you need to do, cut the deck. There is a general amount of space to move the uning front, back, side to side to get it where you want. This needs to be done before tackling the trolling motor. Once the deck is cut, you can put any trolling motor on you want because you will have all the space you need. This the same if you need to run wires up front.
  18. Ok, I have my two 93sv and lives in networked, latest software... One unit will not detect the livescope transducer regardless or where it is or of it is solo or directly connected. Update: I did a factory reset on on the unit and it all works now. I made a custom network hub and saved $250!! ?
  19. Success! We can network our Garmin devices without paying $250 plus on their Network hub. My unit are working together. I just need to finish the water proof container. The unit it pulls, .6 amps so I going to protect it with 1amp fuses to test. @12poundbass I just try to overcome obstacles... A glutton for punishment, lol! Now, I do not have access to a chirp unit to test anymore. Anyone local with one, we can test it all out.. Well, the chirp panoptix port is only for panoptix, no network in capabilities.
  20. Installed the recessed foot controller tray. Very easy... The hardest part was digging ng out the foam. I suggest a garden tool to do it. Very easy then too bad I didn't think of it until I was almost done. Jigsaw also makes cuttin the wood easy. I made a guide out of cardboard, taped it down, cur the carpet, the wood, then dig out the foam. I will run the drain tube tommorow morning.
  21. Yeah, garmin did the old switcharoo… For the original echomap chirp, you can connect to the striker and other units via blue and brown cables. For the plus, the blue/brown cables are not for sharing waypoints and such... Question is, can the echomap chirp share waypoints via its network port. I sold my echomap chirp after I upgraded to the two plus units, so I cannot test this. So what you need to do is connect the two units via the PANOPTIXS port, which is just a network/ethernet port. Just connect the units via "CROSSOVER" cable. Garmin told me that the units are smart enough to connect via regular nework cable, non crossover cable which your probable have laying around. You can buy or make them, if you make them you will need these https://www.amazon.com/Garmin-Marine-network-connector-2-pack/dp/B000MANU6O I have boxes of cat5e... I am currently testing a network hub that I may sell for much less than what garmin, hummingbird, etc sell with their proprietary ports. Last night I got it powered up and I am currently sourcing some cases that I can waterproof to make this all copasetic. This would allow people to network their garmin units as well as livescope on all units.
  22. I am just exploring the app. you can download maps to the your phone or tablet. This way, you can study locations, create waypoints while watching tv... then upload them to your fish finders next time you power them on. Yesterday I did some exploring on the maps to see how active other users are. I found areas where people have uploaded contours, I found places where I could add to the community because there was not any. I found some remote places in another state that I fish that someone has added information. That was cool. For me, most apps and companion apps are a waste of time. Updating the devices using wifi and a phone/tablet is just stupid. The fish finders should be networkable and able to connect to a network or each others. I can provide more feedback later this week.
  23. Just looked at this, it is $89 via Google Express. Looks like no tax and free shipping. Comes with two speaker I envision painting orange... Also, I almost p Bought that same hour meeter. How did you book it up? Is it always eating the battery or is it wired to the Motor... To the key switch?! Help me out. I might buy that one since you have it and it obviously works.
  24. Need your opinions... I am now thinking of going with two fish finders up front... the new 93sv for livescope only. I will use the striker for the down, sonar and depth... If livescope cannot do depth without the transducer. If I just leave it as is, I will just have the 93sv doing it all. It can split screen and I can put the striker on the kayak .. I have other fish finders so, putting the striker on a kayak only adds down view, create maps, color, etc. Ok, it does add benefits of to the kayak.. but still I am also recessing my foot pedal Friday... The tray arrives Thursday, so adds keep pushing me back, lol. I am also trying to create a network hub. I know, over $3500 in product and I am trying to avoid paying $200 for a Garmin nework hub. Exactly, I need to save cause I will be eating boat carpet for the next month.
  25. I almost bought a prop nut the other day at bass pro. Have you noticed any improvements?
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