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Everything posted by jaimeastin

  1. Congratulations and get over in the heritage/classic forum. A lot of use fish varieties of waters. For me, a deep v would be great for where I live, I just wanted a flatter bottom boat because I love to go shallow. I have had some great times with it and we are customizing them like crazy
  2. Yep, I would start worth he foot Controller.
  3. There was non $20k that got me to buy it. This boat was right on time. It has character. I also saved the money to buy these upgrades. Fact is, I wanted a Jon boat. My wife really like the boat so we got it. She was the big push. Fact is, if I had a Jon boat, it would have less value than I had in gear and sweat equity. Again, in was not going to go all out, but she said do it once and get what you want so I tried to future proof me... Still want an ultra HD transducer from Garmin and an ultrex. I need to sell some blood, sperm, kidney,... Maybe an arm and a leg now ?
  4. Since moving my transducer again, this time far right, I am able to get readings up to 18 mph. This a great compared to the 5mph I was originally getting
  5. That was going To be my suggestion. I use it on my kayak and my boat. 1001 uses is correct. Also, find an app to resize photos on your phone before posting. Your phone is set most likely to the maximum resolution, so you can significantly reduce the size and still have a clear image for us.
  6. The tank sawp is easy... Just four screws for the strap mounts. If you are not moving the batteries, you will be done! I knew I wanted to do it day own, but I thought it would be okay to leave.. yeah it was okay, but is much better to do the swap. You are just screwing into the sub floor.
  7. Pictures of my gas tank relocation, vessel view installation, and how much storage I have in the back of my boat. I can fit a Stanley 16 QT cooler if I wanted to and still have a little more space for a toolbox.
  8. Good stuff, please keep up posted! I love to see everyone's builds and mods
  9. Another Saturday I was not out fishing all day... There was a bass tournament that I was very hesitant about attending, and ultimately didn't go. so I did what my plan was, worked on the boat yet again. I installed my vessel view and surprisingly only had 24.6 hours on the engine. I also did the gas tank swap. I was so tired of the boat being uneven when I'm in the water because the gas tank was on the driver side. So I swap the tank, and I put my two trolling motor batteries for the most part in the center of the boat. Finally I moved my transducer as for our right as I could on my transom saver. I'm heading out to lake right now to do some late evening testing... I might get the line in the water but I'm more wanting to run the boat. Pictures to come later tonight.
  10. I picked up the 93sv. Model numbers are screen size, map#, feature. 3 is US lakes, 4 is blue chart, 5 is Canada. Garmin has been good to me. Hummingbird it's nice with mega. Lowrance, do not but a model with an X in the model number.
  11. Why not install the finder yourself? Save the is stall money for another finder for the bow. You will get to know your boat, if there is anything wrong, you will know where to fix it, and you get to have two finders. Lots of info to install it, we can help, and it comes with instructions.
  12. Transducer placement is "key". It's about finding the right depth and distance from center/motor, etc. I have mine mounted in the similar location as the old original I just need to fine tune it.
  13. I plan to get an ultrex... One day. I almost got the power drive with ipilot, but I decided against it. I upgraded to a maxxum, no spot lock... But next Motor will have everything I want.
  14. @Bolar Looking good! Question. Where is your transducer mounted? I cannot get any readings going faster than 5MPH. It has always been this way. I tried different spots and heights. I do not rooster tail. I have a down and side, as well as chirp. It has bee the same with two different transducers. I know I am getting rough water and air. Can you all post pics? What are your top speeds and reading the bottom?
  15. Bass pro will be the msrp or higher than Dick's as another person mentioned. Bass pro does price match. Dick's price matchs plus google "Dick's feedback coupon". Store nu.ber 3300, trans number 1234, random date, random purchase price. Take survey for $10 of $50. It stacks with any purchases, discount, price match... I just just throw a filler item in the mix.
  16. That can be said about all fish, but I agree. I just hate to see people bash other for eating it if they choose to or spreading misinformation. Personally, bluegill Steve my favorite fish but I have tried many if the fish I catch. I released the majority of the fish I catch, especially bass... But there are times when I am fishing for food more than sport. My wife keeps getting on me that I haven't brought any fish back, but shoenher pictures. In the colder months are perfect times to try bass
  17. Yeah, I never pee or dump in the water. I know other people and animals do.i don’t have an issue whipping it out, I’d just rather do against a tree, ruff-ruff!
  18. I fished my first tournament on my boat last year. I was going solo, just like I normally fish. I prefished the day before and marked spots. Next morning, there was a mom working the event and saw I was solo. She asked if her son could join me. She said he was really good and a nice kid. I said, let me meet him. He came to my boat and we hit it off. I was going to make some room for his stuff, but he decided to only bring one of his favorite rods. I didn’t hog up anything. It was an opportunity to work with a young man and have fun. I let him drive the boat and fish up front. He kept me on spots so I could fish, lol. He ended up uses my gear, rods/reels, lures, and my techniques and we put fish in the boat. Near the end he was wearing out. I might moved to another spot and caught a bigger fish. He was almost wanting to lay down, I get it. It was hot and nearing the end. I told him to work the spot, he was not paying attention and then he reeled in with out realizing he had a bass on. It was the big of the day. We didn’t win, but could have placed higher. One or fish just didn’t make it. We tried hard to keep the fish strong. Secondly, I made a mistake... my new partner tried to warn me. I kept the wrong fish, had I listened, I would measured the two smallest to keep he right one. I brought one fish in that wasn’t up to spec and we points deducted for it and the two weak fish... i fished with a total stranger that I met at 4am, day of the tournament and it was a good experience... I can’t even say I would have had that experience with someone I’ve known for years. It it was a great experience and it saved me from some extra work so I could fish. He had fun. He was respectful of my boat, my gear, and me. We talked about family, school, and future goals.
  19. If I kill it, I would prefer to eat it. Bass is not a bad fish at all... It’s all BS that is a bad tasting fish. with that said, I would prefer someone eating it and last resort leaving it for nature. I know now it’s important for fish to stay alive and points are deducted if they aren’t, but the MLF format is really cool.
  20. I found some of my testing video. I will edit tonight and put it on YouTube... Will let you know when I'm done.
  21. I understand that. Do you have a store you can go to research? I recorded a lot of video of my testing... But I decided not to put it on YouTube... I am trying to to find it so I can go ahead and put the video up. Maybe it will help. Bottom line, will they work? Do they work, yes. I was just a little distracted and disappointed. I really like the price point and electronics do not catch fish. You just need a little information and then you catch fish. Bottom line, a purchase, test, and return wouldn't hurt.
  22. Never used one, but I think someone mentioned it .. bass pro has a Sedona on sale with rod. $50, that nets you free 2 day shipping with a cheap clearance fishijg lure, maybe no tax if you don't have one in your state...
  23. X Models have slower processors, less ram and the larger screens are still lower resolution, the image is just scalled up. I tested a lot of the lowrance units last year. Of the hook series, my conclusion was stay away from "x" models. I would get the higher end non x model as they performed beautifully. Go to a store and do a side by side. Ultimately I purchased a TI unit, then I decided to go with livescope so I returned the TI and got an echomap. I have used Garmin for years, I have about 6 of their units now, from.b/w to echomap plus. All have been fantastic. In fact, I like my old black and white Garmin more than one of my cheap lowrance units that came with my boat. In my opinion, non of the Garmin units sacrifice performance for price. I was disappointed in the performance for lowrances budget units.
  24. I have some Lucas Marine, the blue stuff, for my barrings. I trust Lucas red n tacky as it has a great reputation. I bought the Marine can because I might take my boat to brackish water. From all I read, both will work just fine. Most important thing about the bearings is to just take care of them. I don't plan on having a blown bearing story. It's too easy of a job not to do at least once a year.
  25. Don't get the models with an X in the name... Those have slow processors... I tested a few and features stuffings food, but performance lacked in comparison. No deal would make me get one.
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