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Everything posted by jaimeastin

  1. I really, really liked the 2019 RAM. In fact, I know while it is and I believe it to be the truck of the year. I test drove them all, high and low end. The ram drove the very best, had the room and was the most lux, next the GMC. I got the 2018 Silverado because the deal was pretty dang good and it was loaded with all the things I wanted, but many of the the things that werre on the nice to have but not going to get... I was really sad to sell my FJ, but it just about gave me this new truck. Thank you FJ
  2. I don’t see anything wrong with it. There isn’t any structure in the area, but it looks like some fish were right under you. The sonar cone at 5 feet is not that big. Down and side view are mainly for structure. I run mine side by side as well. Sonar shows fish, side and down show cover. The fish on down are usually small specs. The fish on side are the same. You will look for shadows on side for fish as well. try a different spot with a tree in the waters. You will see a clump of fish and stuff on the sonar, but you will see the tree on the downvu.
  3. These are screenshots of of the GT34UHD transducer. They are so Mich clearer than the clearvu transducer. these are displayed on a 93SV
  4. Just getting if the lake at midnight. It was a fun time. I have some video of the units in action. A couple screenshots as well. The UHD is definitely clearer. It is all on default, but I will play with the settings. The mega on hummingbird is much bolder at this point. Still, it is way clearer than the clearvu Ok, I was reading bottom going 30 mph tonight. It seem that I have finally found the right place for my transducers.
  5. I have allot in my electronics right now... So all I Al doing is learning and messing around with the stuff rather than fishing. That's what I will be doing tonight... playing more with the livescope, just added a ultra high definition sonar last night,. Etc. Electronics help, but they get in the way. I have a greyscale fish finder on one of my kayaks that I just plan love. It tells me all I need to know and I do the rest. What I am finding with my electronics is that I am doing waaaaay too much of everything but fishing. I find myself thinking about all the fishing I use to do and I fish I caught when I just used what was in my head. Why do I do it? Because I know it will pay off on the end. I need to expand my fishing skills. The electronics are giving me more information than I can understand at times, but I just keep grinding, learning and applying. If anything, I would buy better than cheap. I personally like Garmin and have been using them for years... I have yet to find a lowend Garmin. Not the same with lowrance, I have and had units that were just not up to snuff. So I'd you choose lowrance, don't buy the low end.
  6. Added the Garmin gvc20 and the gt34UHD to the boat. I decided not to go fishing this evening... I did put the Bimini top back it. It's getting hot here. I will go Friday. I'm excited to see if I get almost mega like imaging.
  7. I just purchased a GVC20 and GT34UHD transducer for my 93SV Echomap +... It will be here Thursday, so I will compare the two this weekend.
  8. Congrats! Hopefully your good news comes sooner than 12 weeks.
  9. Finally replaced the trailer light I cracked. I purchased them for $23 on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DV355Z8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_.NaVCb6AX7MCZ
  10. Well dang... I won an eBay auction for a Garmin gvc20 and Ultra HD transducer... This is Garmin's mega. I went ahead and purchased if, lol. It has HD down and side. I already have livescope. I really just want to to test it and see the difference.
  11. Basic cleaning... But more importantly is the use of 303. I have case of the stuff in my garage because I use if on my boat, vehicle, outdoor patios/pool stuff. I use it on everything.
  12. I will say, I am very happy to be a member of this forum. I try to help when I can because I am learning even more! Thanks @Glenn and others for keeping that site top notch!
  13. I just fixed the issue for my boat. I would lose readings at 6mph. I moved it farther away from the center and prop. It saw increased reading up to 10. I kept working outwards and for a sweet spot. Now I get reading up to 10-20 mph that I can use for scouting. I get depth readings on plane at 27 mph as well.
  14. That's what I do. All of my kayaks are paddle and all have about trolleys.
  15. Kayak fishing is my favorite... I find fishing our of a boat to be more of a pain than kayak fishing
  16. What unit to you have? I used to have an echomap 94sv with the long transducer. I upgraded to a echomap 93sv plus with a short cv52.. I bought two of them. The cv52 has sidevu and downvu just like the long one. Cool thing about the short cv52 is that I have it on my trolling motor. The one on the transom reads the bottom up to 27 mph on my boat. I just bought a new gt34 for my Garmin unit. It is the HD transducer. I am selling my cv52. I just boufht my fish finders in late February of 2019, so they are oy a couple months old. If you have any questions about the cv52 or interested in min, PM me.
  17. Okay, I was able to read the bottom going 27 mph today. I just lowered it a smidge from the last update. Still no rooster tail.
  18. I might lower it just a hair. Ratman said he gets 20 mph with a. Rooster tail. I don't have a rooster tail, but I want to get more reading... I will try and see
  19. Yes, waste. Yes my wife hates when I work on the boat because it consumes my time so.
  20. You didn't waste any time... I like that. Keep us posted for sure!
  21. Bigger on bow... Console is where generally find a spot, but you don't spend time there. If the 5 cannot network... Anyway you can get two 7s? Does the side view transducer work with eh 5 so you can use the package you are describing, but have the 7 up front with down and the 5 on console with down/side (maybe)?
  22. Congratulations, but that package seems kinda expensive not to get all you needed. I was really looking hard at some g2 helix. What kind or mounting solution are you going with?
  23. I have my panoptix livescope networked between two echomap plus 9 inch screens. 9 has been good enough for me to see on the bow standing oeesnong on my but seat. It is also big enough for the person fishing on the rear deck to see it. It is on a ram mount so I can position to be viewed. I was doing see night fishing the other night and was just too much fun. I saw crappie, bass, catfish and see what they wanted.. I was out till 11 pm. The screensize is not really the issue, it's the resolution. So the echomap units are using a lower resolution screen... It works, but if you are considering a GPSmap, that's would be cool. I think they have a higher resolution. Some units also have a second network port so you do not need to buy (or make like I did) a network hub.
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