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Jig Rookie

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About Jig Rookie

  • Birthday 07/10/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Chicagoland Suburbs
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Anypond, IL

  • Other Interests
    Following my Lord Jesus

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  1. I've never seen one of those, that is too cool--thanks for this! And yeah, definitely planning on next season; I'm gonna go out as many more times as I can this year before hard water (gonna slow-roll a Huddleston, a Klash9 and deadstick a jig), but not super-hopeful I'll catch anything. I'll look around and see if I can find something like it.
  2. The nail is two inches long, the zip ties are about 3.5 inches. I figure a tiny hole and small zip ties won't obstruct/affect the fish's movements or hunting abilities.
  3. I checked that fishtagger site; good stuff, a bit out of my price range though. I decided to go with a skinny nail (for a hole-punch) and the small-sized zip ties. At work now, I'll post a pic for reference when I get home.
  4. DUH, I didn't even consider this! I guess I wasn't even sure it was legal; just did some searching and there's a fish tagging site where you can buy some. Thanks!
  5. Thanks! Speaking of seeing her again; I need to go back through my pics and see how many times I've caught the same fish. Last night I was watching the latest Working Class Zero vid on YouTube, Mike Gilbert was talking about how he's caught the same fish years apart. He figured it out because he went back through his pics and saw identical markings on fish catches. At this point, I've caught enough big fish outta this one-acre pond that I HAVE to be catching the same few over and over again--there just can't be that many 4+ pound fish in this tiny body of water! I'm actually looking forward to finding some re-catches, I'll definitely post here if I do!
  6. Couple short fish I got one night last week before the water got too cold: one on the DRT Joker and one on the Tiny Klash. I target big fish with these baits, but sometimes the short ones are so aggressive it's insane. What were these lil dudes thinking??
  7. Ah, I get the concern, thanks! The fish was motionless because it was a photo, not a video. And it's actually a vinyl tablecloth big board I made, and I wet it down before a fish goes on. I know, blurry picture, and some people put bass on inch-numbered paper bags for pics...I guess? Never heard of that but I'll take your word for it! Thanks again for your concern and kind words, God bless! Way to go get em, had to take advantage of that day! No matter how big theyre all beauts!
  8. Thanks--so true, I know the southerners are like, "...6 pounds?? My kids catch those with bobbers and hot dogs all the time..." Haha! The search for a 7 begins... Thank you--God just keeps giving, His love is so perfect and abundant! Praise Him!
  9. I did--great minds think alike!
  10. FINALLY DID IT!!! Cracked the 6lb mark, WOOHOOO! Caught this one on a Tiny Klash blank I rattlecanned; Tuesday was a 79-degree high, had to get out there and give it a shot before these storms and cold weather rolled in last night and God gave me a GIFT! She went 21.25" @ 6.26lbs, so pumped. I've wondered whether I'd ever get to see a 6 up close and personal and the dream has come true! Might be my last fish of the season, the water in these ponds is cooling off quickly, but what a fish to end it on!
  11. Fall bite is finally turning on over at the ponds--got one right at dark today on the 3:16 Baby Wake, part of this "traveling bait share" thing we're doing on the swimbait forums. Bait arrived today and I ran out for a quick sesh (each of us gets 7-10 days before we've gotta send it on to the next guy on the list). She went 21" @ 5.22lb. God is GREAT, and so faithful. Hopefully more to come before the season's done!
  12. Man, I guess everyone's summer was as horrible as mine! For this fall bite I decided to go big--if I'm gonna take the skunk, might as well send what I wanna send. Finally paid off; got my first Deps 250 fish at a neighborhood pond! God is GREAT!! Hope you guys find some good fall action before it's over, these nights are getting CHILLY.
  13. Finally got back out there a couple times this last week--these few rain days have been much needed for my ponds. Got a couple over 4; one the other night on a wakebait during those tornado-like winds and one this morning, right before the morning's storms rolled in, on a frog.
  14. This is absolutely fantastic, great work Gramps. So good to see young kids catching--this kid will remember this day and be an angler for LIFE. I only hope I'll be able to put my grandkids on fish like this and give them lifelong memories of Grampa. Bravo,, hats off to you slonez.
  15. I thought for sure there'd be a good bite yesterday before the storms rolled in so I got out there. One cast, the rod about gets snatched outta my hand and I think Oh, this is a good one...until I feel the fight and finally lay eyes on her... I guess swimbaits don't only catch bigguns 🤣
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