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Trox last won the day on July 17 2022

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About Trox

  • Birthday 06/29/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Antonio, TX
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Sam Rayburn

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Short Fish

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  1. My first wife, yes, she was very resentful towards my fishing hobby (I normally only fished once per week, nothing crazy) which is one reason why she is now called my "first" wife. My current wife encourages my fishing habit, sometimes fishes bass tournaments with me, is addicted to crappie fishing, and all but begs to go fishing with me every chance she can. It's kind of "our thing" and I think I'm going to keep this one! Of course, I'm not saying that anyone should choose fishing over their wife - but when there is a large amount of resentfulness and negativity towards something that plays such a major role in our lives, and for most, brings us a form of peace, it has a tendency to stem from, and/or cause other issues. Especially when that thing isn't affecting any other obligations or commitments elsewhere
  2. For the love of all things can Choke Canyon and Canyon Lake get some of this "rain" that y'all speak of?!?!
  3. Well, sounds like you got it. It's very easy to get caught up in "people pleasing" the ones you love and forget that they would just as much love to "people please" you just the same! It can be hard to imagine at times that others care about you the way that you care about them, but give them the room they need to do so and they will most likely surprise you! It's great to hear about the solution y'all came to - Sounds like you have a good group of people around you.
  4. Cleaning house a bit and selling a majority of my fishing gear as I'm hangin my hat in regards to the serious tournament fishing that I've been doing since forever and no longer need 30 combos. I still have NRX's and other nice stuff that I'm keeping, but no longer need 2 to 3 combos for each presentation, etc... Moving into the next chapter of just fun, relaxing fishing! PM me for pictures or more information about any of the item(s) that you are interested in. All items are available for local pickup in San Antonio or can be shipped within the US with an addititional shipping cost (I've eaten shipping in the past and it's killed me - especially for rods). Will strikethrough items on this post as they sell. No holds. No trades. PayPal goods and services only. Thanks for looking! FYI - I used Amazons general "Marketplace Items Condition Guidleines" when evaluating all items: https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=201889720 Casting Rods (+$25 for shipping - US only): NRX+ 843c MBR || 7' F/MH || Condition: Used - very good (one small knick in cork) || Price: $450 NRX 894c JWR || 7'5 F/H || Condition Used - like new || Price: $450 Conquest 904c MBR 7'6 F/H || Condition: Used - acceptable (one replaced guide and one missing insert) || Price: $400 Expride A 1711XH || 7'11 XH || Condition: Used - very good (two small knicks in bottom "cork) || Price: $250 Expride A 172MH || 7'2 F/MH || Condition: Used - very good (one virtually unnoticeable knick in cork) || Price: $175 Expride A 170M-G || 7' M/Glass || Codition: Used - like new || Price: $185 Expride A 1610M-G || 6'10 M/Glass || Condition: Used - very good (small scratch or two from hanging lures from Fuji lure keeper) || Price: $185 Expride A 173XH || 7'3 F/XH || Condition: New (cork plastic never removed) || Price: $200 IMX Pro 904c SWBR || 7'6 F/M || Condition: Used - very good || Price: $285 Spinning Rods (+$25 for shipping - US only): Poison Adrena 270M || 7' F/M || Condition: Used - like new || Price: $300 Poison Adrena 2611MH || 6'11 F/MH || Condition: Used - like new || Price: $300 Casting Reels (All right handed - all come with original box - +$10 for shipping - US only): Shimano Tranx 150XG 8.2:1 || Condition: New - open box (put it on a rod but never used it) || Price: $175 Shimano Aldebaran 50HG MGL 7.4:1 || Condition: Used - very good || Price: $325 Shimano Aldebaran 50HG MGL 7.4:1 || Condition: Used - good || Price: $300 Shimano Aldebaran 50HG 7.4:1 || Condition: Used - good || Price: $250 Shimano Curado 150HG 7.4:1 || Condition: Used - very good || Price: $150 Shimano Chronarch 150XG MGL 8.1:1 || Condition: Used - good || Price: $180 Shimano Chronarch 150 MGL 6.2:1 || Condition: Used - very good || Price: $200 Shimano Chronarch 150HG MGL 7.1:1 || Condition: Used - very good || Price: $200 Shimano Metanium DC 100HG 7.4:1 || Condition: Used - good || Price: $250 Spinning Reels (all come with original box - +$10 for shipping - US only): Shimano Stradic CI4+ 2500HG || Condition: Used - good || Price: $125 Shimano Vanford 2500HG || Condition: Used - very good || Price $150
  5. I don't. My wife does. I'm surprised we don't have solar panels yet...
  6. ... I recently went flounder gigging miles away from mainland a little after midnight... You can actually see those satellites flying around if there is zero light pollution, and they're fast... one of the coolest things I've ever seen.
  7. Definitely one of those things you don't forget about!
  8. I love this thread. I haven't been an "active" member for too long here, but since I have been, actually met someone from this site for a day of fishing who taught me a ton about the jerkbait! Now, the water temps are reaching 90 degrees here and I'm still whacking em on it if you can believe that! All it took was me spending a day with someone with condifence in something that I didn't know much about... Also, I love the continued effort by admins and moderators to keep the content organized. Really helps my adhd brain in this adhd world we live in. 100%!
  9. Today, I was drop shotting the top of submerged trees in 25-30ft of water (trees topping out about 5-10ft below the surface)... Set the hook on a fish (zebra mussle lake) and the line snapped immediately so I spot locked to retie my drop shot. Once back up on deck, I moved to a different tree that I had marked (maybe 50ft away)... casted. played the top of the tree for a bit... reeled back in... about a foot from the surface I get whacked as a fish chased my bait all the way to the boat. I quickly boat flipped him (I mean, he was dang near in the boat already!) and he unhooked himself and flopped onto the deck, but I was frustrated as I saw what I thought was my drop shot hook and weight in his mouth still, broke off abount an inch above the hook, so I figured my line had broke again... Got the fish, got the hook out of its mouth with weigh hanging and threw him back... Looked back to my rod totally expecting to have to retie, but to my amazement, my hook and weigh was in tact!!! I had just caught the same fish on back to back casts, on different trees... He had literally moved trees as I moved trees, and refused to let me reel in without him on the other end of the line. Got my hook, soft plastic, and tungston drop shot weight back... I feel like he was saying, "HEY FOOL! YOU FORGOT SOMETHING!"... Now he's swimming hook free, and I got all my gear back... me and that fish are definitely homies now ?.
  10. I very much appreciete this forum, and here is just one reason why... I would be very interested in hearing why everyone else here loves and continues to visit this great site! - My personality type is what is known to be a people pleaser. I HATE conflict. In fact, it has kept me from enjoying a lot of things in life such as (but not limited to) asking questions in fear of being called stupid, standing up for myself instead of just going with the grain, etc... yet, I have felt embodied to do both of those things here so far and I am appreciative for that... I don't post on Facebook, I don't post on whatever else, but I post on here for these exact reasons... I have questions, I have opinions, and I feel like everyone here has given me, personally, the leeway to just be myself thus far and let 'em fly - as long as they are respectful to the OP and other participants of course - This is something that I hope this forum never loses site of!
  11. Trox

    raw oysters?

    Been eating Gulf Coast oysters all my life... Really enjoy them with crackers, cocktail sauce, and some lemon... Now, with that being said, had a buddy fly in some oysters recently from the eastern coast of Virginia and I will never look at Gulf Coast oysters the same. First time I actually truly enjoyed a raw oyster without covering it of to mask the taste... Life changed.
  12. I'm intrigued.
  13. My wife absolutely LOVES musicals and theater... I could care less, but I go. Believe it or not, I have enrolled in a theatre appreciation class at a local college that starts this coming Fall semester because of this. Nothing says "babe, you should go fishing tomorrow" like me taking the initiative to have a date at the theatre... I just wish I enjoyed them at least a litle bit... hence, the class. How cool would that be for me to learn how to enjoy it, and win browny points by doing something I like as well... Will it work? we shall see. We go to the "famous" Majestic theatre here in San Antonio, for what it's worth.
  14. Situational, but more often than not, I leave my sonar on. The only time I may turn my sonar off is when I can actually hear the pinging of my 360 as I am dropping it into the water. The condiitons have to be pretty dang calm for that though, and most of the time, I will just turn my Hydrowave on a very low setting to cover my tracks... Does it work? Who knows... The conditions are tough anyways ?‍♂️
  15. This sport is so incredibly mental. Do whatever you need to get your mind right again. You likely didn't start bass fishing by searching for a trophy, I would suggest you go back to where your love began... And I feel like I'm right there with you... When I was younger, all I used to throw was a watermelon senko because I didn't know many other techniques, or any really. Recently however, I've kind of gotten back to that, but have added dropshots, shaky heads, etc, because I have developed the same confidence in those that I had back then with the senko... Sometime (speaking to myself), you just have to put down the big jig and go catch some fish.
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