Today, I was drop shotting the top of submerged trees in 25-30ft of water (trees topping out about 5-10ft below the surface)... Set the hook on a fish (zebra mussle lake) and the line snapped immediately so I spot locked to retie my drop shot. Once back up on deck, I moved to a different tree that I had marked (maybe 50ft away)... casted. played the top of the tree for a bit... reeled back in... about a foot from the surface I get whacked as a fish chased my bait all the way to the boat. I quickly boat flipped him (I mean, he was dang near in the boat already!) and he unhooked himself and flopped onto the deck, but I was frustrated as I saw what I thought was my drop shot hook and weight in his mouth still, broke off abount an inch above the hook, so I figured my line had broke again... Got the fish, got the hook out of its mouth with weigh hanging and threw him back... Looked back to my rod totally expecting to have to retie, but to my amazement, my hook and weigh was in tact!!! I had just caught the same fish on back to back casts, on different trees... He had literally moved trees as I moved trees, and refused to let me reel in without him on the other end of the line. Got my hook, soft plastic, and tungston drop shot weight back...
I feel like he was saying, "HEY FOOL! YOU FORGOT SOMETHING!"... Now he's swimming hook free, and I got all my gear back... me and that fish are definitely homies now ?.