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About Basshound92

  • Birthday January 12

Profile Information

  • Location

    Central North Carolina 
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River

    Lake Harris or Lake Kerr

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  • About Me

    87 Tracker tx17, Johnson 90

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  1. Yeah talking about something similar its a amazon knock off version. I've seen people on youtube basically molding it with hear to use for cosplay outfits lol
  2. Just bought a 1995 Procraft V200B that needs new carpeting. I don't really care for carpet though so I really would like to use EVA foam flooring. My problem is that the space between the boat flooring and the storage hatches is so large it would have to be wrapped but I'm not so sure this stuff can be wrapped. Product I'm looking at is only 5mm thick(a little less than 1/4" I think) which makes me think that with a razor knife and a heat gun I think it could be done but what are y'alls thoughts on this? Anyone have experience trying it or just with the material in general? Thanks in advance!
  3. Alright guys I'm pretty green to lake fishing and especially fish finders. Currently I have a Humminbird 400tx that came with my boat and I really want to upgrade this week. I've looked at a few in basspro and online but it seems like a rat race trying to find what I want because this one has this without out that and that one his that without this... To the point I'm looking for a unit that has traditional sonar, down imaging, side imaging and maps. I JUST learned that most of the lower in units don't have maps, like less than $300/$400 bucks. I'm torn between buying something this week in the $400-$500 range or saving up and paying upwards to $800 for something a little nicer. Also curious on how often you guys with SI use it and do you really find it to be useful and worth the extra bucks. Any suggestions would be appreciated. What do you use? Do you like it and what don't you like about it?
  4. Hope everyone is able to enjoy the spring bass slayin. Trying to get the boat on the water and I’ve run into an adapter I need for my engine controls. I have a 1995 Johnson 90 which I’m trying to control with a newer set of controls. Looking for the adapter that converts new wiring harness to 96 and older. I have found it on a few websites already but being new to the boating world I’m not too savvy on trusted, reputable and inexpensive websites for marine products. Any direction would be great and thank you in advanced. Adapter product number: CDI423-6344
  5. Ended up ordering a rebuilt Johnson 90 from Outboards Unlimited. Thanks for the help guys!
  6. Wow, good info man I really appreciate the help. I think my best and most comfortable route will be to order a rebuilt online. I just feel like people are snaky enough, I don't want to buy something I don't know much about on top of that. Thanks! You asked about controls. The steering controls are there I believe but no throttle controls. The guy I got the boat from took the motor off and put it on another boat he bought and I can only assume he took the controls with it. The boat is currently stored at my old mans house since I live in a townhouse and work on the road through the week. I'll be with the boat this weekend
  7. Hey guys, I'm new to the forum and happy to be here! Last year I obtained a 87 Bass Tracker Tournament TX which I'm stoked about because its the first boat I've ever owned(not considering canoes and kayaks). It came with a depth finder, trailer and 50lb trolling motor but no engine... reason why I'm posting. I've been out in a local pond just trolling around and I really like the boat but now that I'm ready to buy a engine for it and get to some real water I need some help. Not looking for my hand to be held I just need to be pointed in the right direction because none of my family or friends know enough to help and like I said... this is my first boat so I know NOTHING about this world. I'm in the used market. I know the boat is rated for a 90hp but here in NC I am having a hard time coming by a decent one or really a 90 at all because I would like to max out for what it's rated for. Through my troubles I've started to look for smaller engines but my big question is how small can I go before the engine is overloaded trying to push this 17' aluminium boat? I'm in a few facebook groups and I saw one guy with the exact same boat with a 40hp on his and I wanted to ask him how it pushes it but cant find it again. Also does anyone know if going over the rated hp creates issues with registration or legal issues? I see a ton of 115hp engines on craigslist and I'd totally do that but I don't want to violate anything. Thanks a lot for any responses guys, it's like pulling teeth to learn anything about this just by asking people I know.
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