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Cory Doras

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Everything posted by Cory Doras

  1. Maybe even higher. We'll find out in a few weeks. But....I was just at a Ranger/Triton dealer last weekend. Price tags of $75-88K rigged was quite common. The tin Rangers are up around $35 rigged as well.
  2. Vexus is going to be unveiling their aluminum at the classic in 2 weeks. They put out a couple of teaser pics yesterday. Its a game changer. Curves like a glass boat but aluminum. 150hp G3 on the back. Also saw a side by side pic of helm of a Vexus and a Ranger. Makes the Ranger look like an old Bass Tracker. Im in the market now for a new boat. I got a Ranger 205vs now and wouldnt have even considered a tin boat. I may end up with a Vexus tin from just what Im seeing.
  3. The Z launch has some pretty poor reviews. I was thinking about buying one till I saw that.
  4. I dont know much about the boat but I've heard horror stories about Force outboards. Never owned one but a few friends did in the past. All had nothing but problems with them and would never own another.
  5. Whats your budget? I may be selling mine in the spring. Havnt decided yet. Live in Mass
  6. Salesman told me they sold 14 already. Keep in mind, its the dead of winter here so sales are slow. I would imagine sales are much higher in the south. Im sure they will have no problem selling 2500.
  7. I went to the BPS in Foxboro Ma today and seen the Heritage. I already have a boat so Im all set but for $10K, its well worth it. Its not as small as I thought. Perfect for a weekend guy or a first boat for the kids. Salesman told that they are only selling 2500. If your looking for a good lil cheap boat, this is it.
  8. I had a 2008 G3 175 w/50hp yamaha. Great lil boat, awesome motor. Fit 8' rods in the locker. Now, the bad. Its a narrow beam and was too tippy for my liking. Im 50 with bad knees and a bit top heavy.
  9. Cabelas is 10 mins from my house. I go once a week just to see whats in the bargain cave. Ever since BPS bought them, its a waste of time. Before the BPS acquisition, I use to get 15-20% off coupons all the time. Now, nothing. 20+ yrs ago, BPS was the place to go. Prices were good and they had the selection. Now, its a money making operation off our dimes. I do still buy things there but very little.
  10. I was going to buy a couple of the 3700's but I read online from a bunch of people who bought and tried them. No one had anything good to say about them. Just passing along what I read.
  11. Ahhh, I cant fish with a foot of ice. At least not with my boat. Keep your eyes open, cheap boats do pop up every now and again. Have you checked out the anniversary tracker? $10k, not a bad deal.
  12. Im currently on boat #9 or 10. After having old used wrecks, good used boats and new boats I can honestly say I will never buy new again. We all want a nice shiny new boat but the fact of the matter is it dont catch any more fish than a used one. I actually catch more fish with a used one cause Im not worried about scratching a $60k boat and I go to spots I wouldnt take a new boat. My last boat was a 17.5 alum bass boat, too tippy, no storage. Had a lot of good points but I sold it 6mo's after I bought it. Now Im back in a nice glass boat. I picked up a 20' Ranger w/225 merc for $5k. It needs a lot of love but if I dump $3k into it and a some elbow grease, Im ahead of the game. Way ahead of the game. Something to think about. BTW, I fish small lakes and ponds too. All I need is a halfway decent ramp.
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