I ended up going to a pretty big creek this morning. The first spot I tried was way different than the last time I had been there. The feeder stream coming in had a rock dam that someone made back in the spring. I hadn't been there in awhile but I'm sure it was washed out from the storms in August. There was a newish log jam that was damning up some water too, so now there's a new hole where I used to stand from. Anyways I caught a nice 1lber on a fluke, lost a little one, and caught a dark one that was about a half a pound. That was in a little over an hour in a that particular stretch. I hit two other spots, one that was only a little downstream and one way upstream. All in all a decent day on this creek as its probably my last time going there this year where I don't have to worry about the variability of colder weather smallmouth fishing. I hit a creek closer to me house on the way home. I caught a decent 1/4-1/2 pound pretty smallie and a redbreast in a bout half an hour. Ill try and see if I can upload some of the pics on here tomorrow