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Everything posted by roadwarrior

  1. The Mississippi River is -10.7 ft, but expected to rise 3 ft this weekend. The forecast here in Memphis is 1.5"- 2" of rain.
  2. #6 Seaguar Gold Label https://seaguar.com/freshwater/new-lines/gold-label
  3. No. Umbrella rigs are for boaters with lure retrievers.
  4. Two monsters this week that got away. The first was fishing a Vision 110 in Second Creek at Pickwick. After a wicked strike I swept my rod, but in the process somehow hit the release. The line balled up like cotton candy. I tried to bring it in by hand, but the fish staged and bent a middle hook. The back hooks had two scales intact and that's all she wrote. Number two was yesterday below Pickwick on the Tennessee River. This was a big brown bass that struck, dove and ran. When I got this princess turned around she came at me, then up and out...a three foot leap at least. Brought her a little closer, but she didn't like the boat, so she went airborne again. This time she returned my lure, express mail.
  5. Great steak house!. They serve your meat on red hot plates, too.
  6. Rage Menace, Structure Bug and Baby Craw.
  7. https://www.jobabylures.com/store/p23/_Lumaflex__Skirts_(Package_Of_3_Skirts).html
  8. We need a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico, then north up the Mississippi Valley.
  9. Well, like many of you I have bought a lot of vehicles over the years. It really surprises me that I have NEVER had a pleasant experience. Why is that?
  10. Buy your JDM somewhere else. I shop several stores without any issues. Here are a few: https://www.google.com/search?q=japan+fishing+tackle&rlz=1CAOJUW_enUS1022&oq=japan+fishing+&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j69i57j0i512l3j69i60l2j69i61.9796j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  11. Harps is in "downtown" Bull Shoals. 939 Central Blvd, Bull Shoals, AR 72619
  12. Gitzit baby diaper yellow.
  13. You don't need big, expensive swimbaits to catch DD bass. WRB has probably caught the most on a jig and pig. My PB was caught on a golden shiner in Florida, but my other DDs have all been caught here in the Mid South on Senkos. I have had great luck with the Rage Tail Structure Bug locally with dozens of monsters the past several years, although none of them quite met the 10lb threshold. I came close at Toledo Bend fishing the Rage Hawg.
  14. Record low level for the Mississippi River: https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/mississippi-river-hits-historic-low-levels-amid-drought-151050821675
  15. We positioned the boat in the weeds/grass that defined a drop into slightly deeper water. Cast giant golden shiners with a balloon out a few feet beyond the weed line and let the bait swim freely. I don't know exactly where we were because it all looked the same to me. You need a guide. If you want to fish artificials only, this is your man: https://www.aeguideservice.com/
  16. Wow! If that's an invitation to go fishing with you, I think I'll pass.
  17. I like jigs and will fish one sometimes when I KNOW a soft plastic would be a better choice.
  18. Caught my PB at ToHo in January.
  19. Hmm... I don't agree with you at all. Our brown fish here in Tennessee have put on the feed bag and are aggressively chasing everything that moves. With four generators in operation we are running 35,000 CFS through the gates. The current is strong and the fish seem happy!
  20. Stradic for $137 https://fishing.asian-portal.shop/category/select/pid/299375
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