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Everything posted by roadwarrior

  1. I target smallmouth on the Tennessee River, but tend to catch everything else that lives in the river
  2. I have a pontoon. Pros: Comfortably seats 8 adults for general boating or 4 for fishing. Smooth, safe ride even in rough water. Economical, burns about 1 gallon of gas per hour. Cons: "Old man" boat. Two man job to trailer. Slow.
  3. https://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/guidelines/
  4. The Damiki Axe Blade has me intrigued. I hope to fish it below Pickwick this week. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Damiki_Axe_Blade_Tail_Spinners/descpage-DAXB.html
  5. Favorite Italian restaurant: Zia's in St. Louis https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CAOJUW_enUS1022&tbs=lf:1,lf_ui:9&tbm=lcl&sxsrf=AJOqlzXoLzoG3dfL9yAUoeIMeOqyY49VMg:1677942092147&q=st.+louis+italian+restaurants&rflfq=1&num=10&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjdq-yyxcL9AhWrJEQIHYSmDiIQjGp6BAgSEAE&biw=1366&bih=617&dpr=1#rlfi=hd:;si:11428278693050701666,l,Ch1zdC4gbG91aXMgaXRhbGlhbiByZXN0YXVyYW50c0iko9yB54CAgAhaLhACEAMYABgBGAIYAyIcc3QgbG91aXMgaXRhbGlhbiByZXN0YXVyYW50cyoCCAOSARJpdGFsaWFuX3Jlc3RhdXJhbnSaASNDaFpEU1VoTk1HOW5TMFZKUTBGblNVUjFNVTB0WTBsM0VBRaoBRwoJL20vMDl5MmsyEAEaHxABIhu8Xpvf15_ycL-TgAJqRVgAcauLRQ_9B6hjVh4qFyITaXRhbGlhbiByZXN0YXVyYW50cygA4AEA,y,D8_R5LGQUkY;mv:[[38.6491194,-90.20457619999999],[38.572475,-90.30916239999999]]
  6. I bet his biggest bass are caught on red shad worms, too!
  7. Take a look at the Legend Tournament series. I own the LBTC72MHM https://stcroixrods.com/products/legend-tournament-bass-2022-new-models
  8. Karl's Tackle is offering an exclusive BassResource code! It's a new customer coupon (BR10) for BassResource members. $10 off your first order of $25+, new customers only. https://gokarls.com/bassresource
  9. "I lost one well over 9 one year because I didn't get a good hook set" Well, at least you got to weigh it.
  10. Rain started around 4:00 PM yesterday. It kind of stopped at 7:00 this morning. Round 2 is forecast to start around 5:00 this afternoon. So far a little less than 3", but the heavy rain tonight might include hail and tornadoes. We're going to stay buckled up.
  11. Starting fishing the Cut R when it was first introduced several years ago. This worm is a consistent producer here in the Mid South. I rig it with a split shot and a standard T-rig. Every color works for me, pick your favorite!
  12. Hmm... Looks a lot like a Space Monkey to me.
  13. If I only had one rod, this would be it!
  14. Dead is good.
  15. Not for me. For largemouth bass the Senko is still the gold standard.
  16. My "safe room" is my fishing room/ man cave off the garage. Reinforced concrete, but not underground.
  17. Heavy rain, thunderstorms, hail, wind and tornadoes. 3"- 5" of rain.
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