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Everything posted by roadwarrior

  1. Man, GREAT story!
  2. I only fish the Tennessee River, Cumberland and White River (AR) plus impoundments on these rivers. The Tennessee and Cumberland are stained, but the White is gin clear.
  3. Gitzit, Baby Diaper Yellow BPS Tender Tube #72 Rage Menace Rage Structure Bug
  4. Jigs are fished successively around the world for a variety of species. As is often noted, jigs account for a large percentage of big bass catches. For those that are wiling to devote the time necessary to master the lure, the rewards are huge!
  5. "I mean sure there's some inconsistence in size and the surface could use another coating, but for the price ($30 a pair), I am not complaining about the craftsmanship. " Or, they suck, but what do you expect for $30? Not something I would consider.
  6. I feel like I have entered the Twilight Zone...
  7. I have several St. Croix and have fished the brand for more than twenty years. Never had this issue nor heard of it. Talk with St. Croix to have it fixed or replaced.
  8. Shimano Stradic 2500 $154.44 https://www.digitaka.com/item/5/4/1/4969363040169
  9. Did you miss the Tom Brady Era?
  10. Welcome aboard!
  11. Store line out of the sun in moderate heat. Shelf life is indefinite.
  12. Well, my friends in Texas say this is "Dallas' Year". So...1996 revisited...
  13. You are the Good Son!
  14. Hmm... I don't think people get used to the heat, but sometimes we simply have too deal with it. Without air conditioning I don't think most Americans would want to live in the South. I think we could adapt to BBQ up north as long as there is sweet tea! Has not been over 100 since yesterday here.
  15. Welcome aboard!
  16. Yes, I have bought two reels without any issues. I rate them 10/10.
  17. I Googled white perch and it looks like you nailed it!
  18. No, you are part of the majority that have no issues with knot failure. This is the rule: If it ain't perfect, it ain't good enough.
  19. 2019, the second 500 year flood in the last 10 years... https://www.google.com/search?q=flooding+at+pickwick&rlz=1CAOJUW_enUS1060&oq=flooding+at+pickwick&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l4.9134j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:6ce08e41,vid:0e5c2Kokchk,st:341
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