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Everything posted by NaterD

  1. Interesting article I was just skimming over after reading this... http://www.redorbit.com/news/health/1644953/being_overweight_carries_same_health_risk_as_smoking/ -I've never really smoked either... but almost all my buddies do, tragically, most of the same ones are overweight. I enjoy the ''high'' of a workout over any other - just my 2 pennies
  2. Do you think we all get put on a special list for this convo? :-X :-X ;)
  3. -Even if the conditions for life are right, aren't the odds of molecules coming together to make a life form astronomically small? This being said... is it safe to assume we evolved? :-/ I dunno...
  4. I also plan on getting more comfortable with this... what do you guys use for a Jig around docks / in mats?
  5. ;D
  6. Hey Gang, Still pondering the Economic situation and it got me thinking about conversations I used to have with my old highschool buds. We used to think about pooling our money to buy something really cool (which in retrospect were always idiot ideas). The other day I saw a news report about 10 employees of a New Jersey company who pooled their lottery money and won over 200 mil.! - If we all pooled 10$... what rediculous things would WE buy as a forum? :-?
  7. Student and Sales Representative for a nursery during the summer. Graduate in a year- "Business Management" Major, "Communications" Minor - - hopefully there are some jobs leaft by then
  8. -I'm not pretending to have the answer, but in some cases it seems like bailouts are delaying the inevitable... but on the other hand are saving jobs...yet are costing taxpayer dollars... I don't *** politicians jobs at the moment.
  9. Went and saw KVD at his brothers tackle shop in Kalamazoo MI this weekend. He talked a little about what happened at the classic and gave some spring fishing advice. Seemed like an awesome guy - i'm the guy on the right
  10. - I don't think pumping will work. Investopeida.com is the simulator that we use and it simply mirrors the market. So in a sense, my (or any number of other buyers) transactions aren't really affecting the simulated market. -On another note, I dumped a bunch of money into ticker symbol GOLD (randgold resources) which is a mining/exploring type company as well as ticker symbol GLD- a gold trust before the ''stimulus'' was passed. Gold was climbing as market confidence was slipping and I was doing pretty well with it... but to make a long story short I dumped them thinking the stimulus would help turn ''cheap'' investments into an upward trend... wrongO - I challenge you to find anywhere else you can make a consistant 4% @ relatively low risk right now
  11. I just watched in awe thinking "he's really going to do it''. -It would be a long fall down those wet steps.
  12. ditto on the ford
  13. i thought it was overkill as well
  14. I've got a class right now (financial management) and we have to invest 100k in the market (obviously play money) - seems impossible to make money unless you are selling short. -any tips?
  15. Hey gang, listening to the Free Beer and Hotwings radio show this morning and they were talking about a girl getting beat down by a cop. Turns out they had a link to it on their page... check it out for yourself http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com/seattle911/archives/163025.asp
  16. Hope College, Holland Mi-we have no club tho :-[
  17. "Smith and Wesson has a cure for that." ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  18. I am anxious for this as well... but being a Lord of the Rings fan, I can't wait for The Hobbit (whatever century that will happen)
  19. "In the NFL all teams have comparable payrolls. How they allocate their dollars is up to each team. Case in point: Jason Elam, Atlanta Falcons. Elam loves Denver and the feeling was mutual. However, the Falcons offered twice as much money which the Broncos decided they could not match. It's all about "allocation", but the total pool of money for salaries is equal." ~Game, set, match.
  20. scary stuff... whatdya make of of the ''stimulus'' not passing ?
  21. ooranmirag funky keevin Burninator117 bassdocktor dan0saurs jcrzy4smlmth GENERALPATTON71 alifeoncelost27 Prophet X3 H0RATI0 CAINE---Notice the O's are actually zeros.
  22. Bud = Scud... its not even an American owned company anymore... we can hardly call it the all american brew
  23. My whole family does!
  24. I wonder how much a station really profits from the sale of gasoline... or are they just hoping to get you in the store and purchase other things, such as Mega Millions tickets!
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