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Crow Horse

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About Crow Horse

  • Birthday 01/04/1956

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Guilford, NY
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Beals Pond
  • Other Interests
    Native American philosophy, paranormal interests....... Pondering questions like "What if feathers tickled birds?" or "How do you know when you're out of invisible ink?"......... Quelling insurrections...

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  • About Me
    Avid kayak angler

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Keeper (5/9)




Community Answers

  1. Normal is subjective. Based on my experience, my "normal" is what most people would consider the "lunatic fringe" (I'm being charitable on my own behalf). 😃
  2. It's tough keeping tackle dry when it rains....
  3. For rust prevention you might consider the Zerust Plastabs. They are VCI's (vapor corrosion inhibitors). They work well. I use them in my Edge & Stowaway boxes as well as all my tool chests/boxes. They work and take up no room if that matters.
  4. I'm going to reserve judgement until I get more information. I did follow up my first question with a second one.... If the DEC has no boating control of the lake, would that mean that the statewide fishing regulations are not in play? At face value it would seem logical that both boating regulations and fisheries management regulations should be warranted. I'm waiting for their reply. There's definitely a missing piece to this puzzle. I guess "high powered" is subjective. From my kayak perspective everything is high powered. I think we'd agree that the boat that swamped my buddy and his wife , being a 21 footer, center console, deep V with 200hp for this body of water is overkill and ridiculous. I did learn that personal watercraft are prohibited on the lake which I'm thankful for but it seems "bass ackwards" in logic.
  5. I suffer from some arthritis and Raynaud's Syndrome. The medications I take exacerbate the Raynaud's. Consequently, tying knots is challenging. I found a product that makes knot tying incredibly easy. They are pricey for what they are. I'm going to modify some upholstery needles and they should work just as well for a lot less money. I'll grind or cut the point of the needle off and then round it off. I'll then dip most of the needle in some PlastiDip. Done. Easy peasy for a lot less loot. Rapid Fishing Solutions Line Guide
  6. This makes my eyes leak......
  7. Thor & Loki, my trusted companions. Our bond was so deep that I dreaded the days that I would have to say goodbye. To honor them and others who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, i wear either their ashes or dog tags with all the names who have made that final journey. I always thought that losing a trusted furred companion would get easier as time went on and the next loss would be easier.Maybe I would become stronger, maybe even callous to some degree to make their passing easier on me. I was wrong. Each subsequent loss created a deeper wound and a deeper void in my heart. This became a vexing question that haunted me. It wasn't until we lost Amber and while I was grieving the veil of sadness lifted for a moment of clarity and the answer became clear as to why I was wrong. When we lose a loved pet they leave a void in our hearts. We realize in a real way that life is so precious and fragile and we respond by loving more fiercely and deeply to those who still remain in this 4D world. When they finally cross that bridge, our wounds and void are deeper than ever. Each loss becomes more painful because we have learned to love deeper.
  8. Kudos to you guys and gals who have strong religious connections. I admire and respect all who choose that path in life. They are all honorable paths, regardless of which one you're on.......
  9. No, I couldn't afford it. However, with over 30 litter boxes to clean daily, I have assigned myself the title "Lord of the Litter Box"! We might just have the western hemisphere's largest litter box. I made it to accommodate the 3 CH kittens. It measures 3.5' x 4'. Photo was taken while I was building it. Truck for size reference.
  10. So true. Painful experiences, whether they are physical or emotional, are great teachers and the impact of those experiences is in direct correlation to the wisdom and growth we receive. Those experiences we deem as negative sculpt who we are today. This is a core understanding of the human experience. We are always given a choice, either to assume the victim role and learn nothing or to truly feel the experience, acknowledge it, release the pain it caused because it no longer serves you and honor the wisdom presented to us.
  11. Bass fishing and all that it entails can be all consuming yet there's another part of us that remains hidden from view here. With that in mind, what defines you and what are your interests going beyond bass fishing? Currently, my most time consuming and most rewarding pursuit is our cat rescue & sanctuary named Kallie's Kats. We've taken in sick, injured, impossible to adopt, feral, trapped, and those with behavioral issues. We tend to their needs accordingly and provide a safe and very active home for them to live out the rest of their lives. We aren't crazy cat people. We're just addressing a need and provide love, a safe & healthy environment, and excellent veterinary care. Currently (and we're at our maximum) we have 39 cats in our home. All but one are rescues of some manner. 6 are FIV positive, one amputee, one that is FIV+ and has PCP (plasma cell pododermatitus) and 3 severe CH kittens (cerebellar hypoplasia) that require constant & lifelong care. I wear many hats during the course of the day: janitorial, PT trainer, referee, therapist, and BFF. It's lots of work but incredibly rewarding. Some of the cats who display a certain aptitude, I'll train with non verbal hand signals. We work closely with our vet and the Humane Society. All are neutered or spayed. I love it! After nearly 2 years of working with a feral named Abby, she now sleeps on my chest with her head tucked under my chin every night. The gift of trust is the most precious gift that they can give to me and I protect it fiercely. I am their Kahu. In addition to our cats, we have 6 goats (one is a rescue that is blind) and one goose. The goose, Phoenix, just showed up about 9 years ago and stayed. I guess he adopted us. Occasionally we'll have an avian visitor that will need some help. When time & weather allow, usually in the spring or early summer, I'll walk the town roads picking up roadside garbage. It boils my blood having to do this but someone has to. I wish people were better stewards of the land. I hope that Iron Eyes Cody is smiling. I love to tinker and build things. When I was younger I was building suspensions, swapping motors, & modifying my 4x4's but no longer. Now it's smaller, less physically demanding projects and most revolve around fishing and my yak. I have an intense interest in all things of spirit,, the physics of the metaphysics, and learning as much as I can about all religions. I'll meditate when time allows. I also have a great interest in particle wave theory (at a lay level). Addendum - I neglected to mention a passion I have, teaching. I love teaching but not in the academic realm. For 2 years I ran and taught in a small outdoor/survival school and taught the same in the Scouting environment for older Scouts and their parent(s).. We focused on the primitive skills taught at the Tracker School run by Tom Brown Jr.. I'm really proud of the work we did and I had an amazing suite of instructors that complimented each other. An excerpt from the course description: For most of humankind's history, people have lived in close association with the earth, enjoying the many gifts of the natural world in a sustainable relationship. Today, in our modern world of concrete and plastic, we still feel the call of the earth, the pull toward a simpler, self sufficient way of life and the desire to establish harmony with the environment. Now, Red Hawk Outdoor School, Inc. invites you to experience the rewards of living with the earth through AWAKENINGS. AWAKENINGS is a four day, three night journey back to the Earth. In AWAKENINGS, students will truly experience their own place in the web of life by learning how to provide shelter, fire, and water for themselves from the gifts of Earth Mother. These skills give students the ability to feel part of their environment and the knowledge to survive anywhere without the umbilical cords of society. Students will also expand their senses and heighten their perception of the natural world through the ancient skills of tracking and awareness. Through it all, the spiritual dimensions of living with the earth will be explored through native beliefs and philosophies. The skills are taught in a lecture/ workshop format and all meals are provided (including a vegetarian option). During workshops, Red Hawk instructors are always available for one on one instruction and guidance. Though Awakenings is both exciting and challenging, this course is not designed to be physically demanding. It is our philosophy that the experience of living as one with the earth should be accessible to all people, even those differently 'abled', physically challenged, or who may never have gone camping before. 2001 sessions of AWAKENINGS will be held in Livingston Manor, New York. (A scenic two hour drive from New York City) With three thousand acres of woodlands surrounding, this beautiful spot offers both breathtaking wilderness and rustic accommodations. Students are expected to provide their own camping gear, tent, and eating utensils. Drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited Some of the skills you'll learn: Shelter- Build a waterproof and insulated shelter that is effective at temperatures way below zero. Fire- Learn the basics of fire building and fire by friction. Stealth Movement- Move silently and undetected in the wilderness. Primitive Containers- Make containers that you can cook in or eat out of. Cordage- Make rope using natural materials. Stone Tools- Learn how to make stone tools and arrowheads. Awareness- Expand your senses far beyond your current levels and watch the world come alive as never before. Tracking- Uncover the mysteries laid down by the passage of animals. Philosophy of Living Close to Earth Mother- Explore how living close to Earth Mother intertwines with the fabric of life. Edible & Medicinal plants- Learn how to identify & use wild edibles. Experience the Sacred 'Oneness' that connects all things.
  12. April 25th if I'm lucky. Air temps might break 60 but at early morning launch time it'll be in the mid 30's. Factor in the wind and that will be challenging for me.
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