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Everything posted by operationgrass

  1. It has been a struggle since the rain. I had to change my approach the last 2 days. Ended up boating 8 solid prespawners. Carolina rig and drop shotting in 20-30 fow. Basically I've had to throw the Carolina rig to search and when I see a school feeding under the boat drop down on them and boom a bite nearly every time. Only problem is it's just me so I can't get back on them fast enough to catch a 2nd most times. Also if you see a plane 3600 loaded with flutter spoons floating around please let me know. Kicked it off the deck. Yall might disagree but I'm ready for summer. Consistent weather, patterns, and less boat traffic.
  2. You're right I never came out a said it was a shad spawn bc I didn't want to jinx it but in carrice and palo gaucho both have had a small shad spawn going on also. I struggled today as I went fish further south in hope of finding a bigger bite in indian mounds and housen. Fished all day with one 16 inch fish till I pulled up to my favorite tie up spot in indian mounds. Had the whole area to myself couldn't believe it. Ended up catching 9 staging females on the old quilters rig. 3-5lbs. Set the boat in about 15-18 fow casting to about 4fow
  3. Besides muddy I think it could bring more shad and bluegill up shallow, more bugs/seed from run off brings more bait. Which in turn could bring staging fish with it. Also could mean the fish get way way back in the brush to.
  4. Day #3 More fluke fun sometimes you need a little weight to get to where they are?
  5. Day #2 my flipping bite completely died which I blame on the cloud cover. Today I boated between 30-40 best 5 was 20+ lbs all on a weightless fluke and Carolina rig except one 7lber on a frog and 2 or 3 on a jig. She kept pushing shad off of her bed and unleashed on my frog. Best fish came out of about 5 -6 fow in scattered grass which was a mix of young hydrilla, and dollar lillies, and remember were the old bank was before that water came up also alot good stuff is being passed up by people following the new bank.
  6. Fished for the first time since early February. The pattern isnt dialed or something special. Basically I went your regular 12 year old with a boat fishing. Flipped anything and everything I could. What i figured out was watermelon magic/ green pumpkin gold flake got the most and best bites for me. Just a tip take the the plastic with the most action possible with you it helps. Also if you can get by with it go to the lightest weight possible. I know people are saying the weightless sinko bite is on but if you're like me you don't have the patience for that. Plus I went behind several groups on that pattern that were not catching and caught show them something different I guess. Also the better fish I caught where setting up on secondary points, and on the outside of spawning pockets in 5-15 fow. I figure by the weekend these fish will be doing the dead. Also I did see one pair about to do the dead as the Male was doing his crazy spin stuff, and also had friend tell me he saw one do that today also.
  7. Sorry for the absence a month of straight nights was not what I had planned. So serious question. I’m going north of the bridge for my 2nd time ever tomorrow. How does a south wind effect the Louisiana side up there. La nana specifically
  8. I haven’t been able to go and probably miss all of March but I heard the chatterbait bite is doing pretty good south. Not many bites but the right type of bites.
  9. Since I don’t plan on fishing the bend for awhile Bc of work. If I where to go next week I’d probably fish the creek channel in hurricane creek and possibly go to the back of it.
  10. After 2 tough days I finally ran into them with my biggest sack of my life at 36 lbs by myself. location: housen depth: 1ft to 23ft Water temp: upper 50s did see 60 45 minutes before dark. method Carolina rig, football jig, and trap Don’t be afraid up upsize ??‍♂️
  11. Another tough day for me anyone else out on the water today? i think I did find something as I caught 5 fish in the last 30 minutes. Just no size.
  12. Tough day today. Water temps never got above 47 where I was on the south end. Ended up catching 4 short fish, broke off on a really really good one, and missed a decent fish.
  13. Been tight lipped lately with the tournament coming up, but figure i would share somethings that have been working for me. When i've been able to get out on the main lake I'm still catching big stringers on football jigs on main lake points, and for my back up plan i have been slow rolling a spinner bait (2-6 lb average). Fine the coots, canvasback, loons and the fish should be near. I haven't had much luck with a trap lately, but have seen people catching on it. I feel like the spinner-bait is giving the fish a different look. Also, a guy in the media derby weighed in a 35lb sack throwing an A rig. I watched him for an hour catch a sack of a life time
  14. When you launch the boat idle around at different depths looking at what depth or depths the majority of the activity is”bait”. Then when you get to a point, hump , or ridge you want to check out go to that depth first and check it out. They maybe there or they may not. They may be actively feed or dorimate. What I’ve noticed if they are suspending off the botttom get ready. Also something I’ve learned is if I find fish suspended off of structure a lot of times if you go to the structure and scan that depth there will be fish actively feed. So basically you can sit on that spot and catch fish in waves going from what I call resting to feeding as they move on and off the structure. Also, timing is major fishing offshore.
  15. Anyone hear anything on the big tournament today?
  16. What area of the lake where you fishing north, mid, or south?
  17. Fell asleep as soon as i got home yesterday so i couldn't report. Had 5 bites for about 25 pounds saturday fishing main lake points. Fish were anywhere from 8-40ft. Jerkbait and football jig. Saw the water temp rise to 52 saturday. Time to go replace water pump now.
  18. Well got out today and should be back Saturday and Sunday. I did catch two good ones a 6 and an 8. Both on a drop shot rig fishing a ledge that went from about 25 fow to 15 that just so happens to have a ditch running directly through the center. When I figure out how to upload a picture I will. Anyone ever fish goodloe bluff. I wanted to stop and fish it, but was pressed for time. Looks text book with the river channel swinging right next to it with good chunk rock and isolated timber.
  19. Well got 5 days off of work and man do I need it from freezing transmitters, pipes, and heaters catching fire. Anyone been out at all this week? Thinking about making a trip in the morning or possibly this weekend.
  20. We are good here in north Louisiana. Just trying to stay warm. You think it’s worth making a trip next week, or stay home and stay warm?
  21. So I have been reading this post off and on for over a year. I have to say thank you for starting this post. It allowed me to understand structure and start to learn how to fish structure and not just shoreline cover. After 1 year and 3 months of pecking away at fishing offshore it finally clicked in my brain, and the funny thing is i forgot my paper map and navionics chip at home. I think this forced me to graph longer and also visualize what was actually going on under the surface as appose to just following contours, and saying this is where the fish should be. Where i normally would graph 20 minutes it forced me to graph over an hour picking up dozens of weigh point. I then went through and started eliminating them one by one till i hit 2-4 schools that where active. I then went out running different water to make sure it wasn't just a fluke, and i met success. I have to thank Catt and the others that frequently post. Your willingness to provide information has helped me and given me some confidence that i can get away from the bank. So here is the report. Mouth of housen water temp around 49-51 degrees Fish where caught in 20-35 fow Baits/techniques: Biggest fish came off of 4-5, 4-6 pound fish Drop shot: 3/8 oz weight 2/0 hoot 4 or 6 inch pb&j robo worm. Had to down size my line from 10 lb floro to 7 lb floro. The bite went from 1-2 bites every 30 minutes to 4-5. Really had to soak the drop shot Jigging spoon/flutter spoon in gizzard shad color. All in all caught around 30 fish. Pictures and more reports to come.
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