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Everything posted by operationgrass

  1. So finally home and can give a report on what I found. In the last two weeks of fishing every day around carrice area. Our big fish came from Drains with grass on them. White chatter baits. Not many bites doing this but you would get 4 to 5 bites a day. Also we used frogs and spooks to locate bass around these drains. They would not swallow eat the frog but push it with there mouth closed to get it away from them. Then we would drop a weightless fluke on them. You had to let the fluke sit for up to a minute but it was a bite pretty much every time. For our numbers we would find ridges and hard spots in 15 foot of water where fish were setting up. I think we caught 5 Male bass in 2 weeks. All females staging up. Also yesterday we finally got on a flipping bite. Ridges with grass flipping black and blue stickbaits. The bass would not touch 5 or 6 inch stickbaits they had to be 9 to 11 inches long unpeged and you had to stroke the worm hard. This was in 5 to 10 fow. Big thing for us when we went shallow was doing something different. Nobody had a frog or spook in there hand and it allowed us to find fish going behind the 20 guys flipping or rolling a spinnerbait.
  2. Its correct yall better check the back of those creeks trying to figure out how to post a picture. Had 10 fish smallest going 4.5
  3. Caught a few in the rain this afternoon. Arig, jigging spoon, dropshot Carolina rig. Last deep water in the cove. Water temp 53 degrees.
  4. Caught a few staging fish. 10-15 fow drop shot and the biggest spot I've ever caught to go with them. Nasty weather but had fun after the rain went away for awhile.
  5. Got here about 3pm girlfriend and the dog ran to the bank 15 minutes later she's setting the hook lol. Good stuff.
  6. Thanks catt. Will be there for 2 weeks starting Monday hopefully I'll have some pictures.
  7. Anyone been fishing around carrice?
  8. David Dudley does pretty good also. Brings you through his whole process of breaking down the lake on the water.
  9. Every point made in this thread is excellent. It seems as the common point made is that the decisions we make on the water through educated guesses and trial and error effect our day on the water. Taking in all of the information off and on the water we can to come to a conclusion then executing is the hardest part. Mechanically fishing is simple. The putting the evaluation, decision making, and execution all together at once and making the right call is what separates a bad, good, and great day. I am not a firm believer in the fish just are not biting. I have been in to many tournaments or been back to the ramp and someone has had a stringer while I am scratching my head thinking they should fill the a lake with concrete or drain it.
  10. I am just ready for the next two weeks of work to end so I can start fishing the extreme north end. Had plenty of good days this fall up there. So Catt what is your take on the Bends lake level. Do you rather extreme low, low, at pool, or above? And why? How do you think it positions the fish differently or does it when you fish structure?
  11. Are yall tired of all this rain lately?. They are calling for 3 to 5 inches of rain by my house in north louisiana. They already have the high water signs up on the roads by the creeks. I believe it catt.
  12. Definitely the nasty weather could have helped because this is one of those lakes that perform well during bad conditions, but I've been in similar conditions and had that confused look on my face all day.
  13. Rock concrete or something solid. If I'd run those spots with no luck Then would try the middle of a defined creek. Figure those fish will put their bellies on the mud. Once you find the depth that those fish are holding then you should have a pattern that you can take all over the lake. But if you prefer to fish shallow I would head straight to the back of the creeks if the water is rising and muddy water is coming into the lake those fish should be positioned to eat anything and everything that flows down the creek into the lake. Do not let the muddy water scare you. They don't care.
  14. Go for it. You'll never forget your first time.
  15. So yesterday as I am researching a particular lake that has given me fits for nearly two years I came to the realization that I am over thinking the situation. How often does this happen to everyone. A lot. Don't believe it? Think back to anytime you've been on the water, and think I cannot even get a bream to hit my line. Or better, when you get back to the launch or weigh in and the guys who did not catch them gives the line of I just could not get on them today. We've all been that person to say it, and that is when our mind races in every direction on what I should have done. Then think of your times on the water when everything seems to be going right. Every decision you make just seems so spot on. What is the difference? We have confidence. So I decided to go out in this terrible weather today and fish with confidence, and what happened i banged out a 20 pound sack on a lake that in 2 years I have not weighed a total of 20 pounds in two years with all the fish i have caught on it. If you're a beginner remember you're learning. If you're a seasoned veteran remember you know what you're doing. Don't over think it. If they're there they'll bite.
  16. So I havent posted in awhile as I've been working on a project. As of yesterday I've logged over 500 hours of graph time making my own map. Would seldom bring a rod except a crankbait and a rod with a 2 ounce tungsten wait just to feel the bottom if I found something extremely good. I noticed something as I reviewed alot of screenshot/ time spent dragging/cranking but I seem to notice someone has taken the time to strategically dump gravel/ rocks in a particular creek. So as I put this together and talked to my brother in law who use to work for ldwf as a biologist/diver he suggested we go and give these spots a dive. So we went and low and behold each spot we made a dive was teaming with life. Bait fish and predator fish in abundance. But better yet we found that it was 5x5 or 10x10 patches of pee gravel in almost perfect squares or circles. To ever put them out thanks.
  17. Ended up catching solid 3 and 4 pound fish sunday on Crankbaits and baitball spinners.
  18. Catt I got here about 4 and fished for about 3 hours. Caught 8 on a drop shot fishing bridge pilings. Nothing big just nice 15 inch fish. Did notice fish were suspended up until and hour before dark then they got on the bottom and set up nice. Just took awhile to figure out they wanted the ds
  19. So what has been the ticket besides the night bite. Main lake points, humps, creek channel swings during the day? Been away with work need a jumping off point.
  20. Hope everyone has been doing okay and good uck to anyone fishing the big bass splash this weekend.
  21. I'm with you catt. I'm ready for some warm summer nights with a Texas rigged worm, my favorite black crankbaits and maybe even a buzzbait oif I want to hit a flatt.
  22. Man happy to see everyone is doing good and to see some good fish being caught. Lane I think you work with my buddy dustin.
  23. I guess I didn't think about the fish that spawn in January and February and early March.
  24. Happy easter. So the last 2 days was a grind. Yesterday I punched hay grass and caught some good fish. It was slow but got a few bites. Today it was wake worms and flukes. Also went graph some main lake stuff that always has fish on it. I was seeing a lot of small schools of 3-5 fish caught a few of them and they where post spawn females. So I know there are always fish in all phases this time of year but doesn't that seem like the first stage of the migration back out?
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