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Everything posted by operationgrass

  1. I fished mid lake out of my kayak No graph so not sure what water temp was. Had some big girls choke a buzz bait tho. Not many bites though but I was really just searching.
  2. I’m taking that as one of those good catt tips.
  3. Think I’m going to get the kayak out and head north and get mud shallow and see what happens. Boats at the doctor.
  4. Thanks. Think that means it’s a no go on getting the boat out.
  5. @A5BLASTER how much rain have y’all received? Need to go and get my boat but afraid the road might be to muddy to get to it.
  6. yep I do the same thing @Lil Joe The Grinder That’s good advice thanks @Catt
  7. So there are many ways to do it I’m sure but this is how I go about it. 1. Map study at home or work if you have a bunch of free time?. You have to use every resource available. Paper maps, google earth, navionics, lake master mapping, and probably most importantly A historical map of the lake before it was built. You need to map out and make a plan before ever hooking up the trailer. 2. Read, read, read. There are articles on both Toledo and Rayburn and really any lake you intend to fish. That tell were why and how people catch fish consistently on both. (I know you didn’t ask about this but I feel like people don’t think about it and it gives good historical base of where to start at certain times of the year). 3. Once I’m on the lake and I Have a plan what I normally do is get on the major creek and using the map study I have done I will use side imaging and scan where I have already identified on a map where a ditch or smaller creek meets the major creek. Once I have found it simply follow it from there. Also if I’m in a shallow situation I look to the land around it. Water will drain into the lake, there is your ditch/drain. This is a map that I started on and haven’t had a chance to finish. I’m sure some of you know where this is just by looking at it.
  8. So Catt like I said I was reading jacks old post @2am but I didn’t say why. Well I finally have my first days off in a year and my best friend called me and wanted to go to the bend for a day so we loaded up early this morning. We fought about what to do the whole ride. He wanted to go way up north around Tenaha and I wanted to put in around carice. Flipped a coin and I won. So my 7 rods: 1. tail spinner 2. Carolina rig 3. Crankbait 4. Jig 5. Texas rig 6. Utility rod 7. Drop shot( never had to pick it up) so we start out on bug island/pipeline area after reading about that guy catching suspending fish I figured I could find some fish on the east side similar to what he was doing and would be able to pluck them with a tail spinner. Got nothing but fish where out there just could not find an active school. next we started hitting some of the points just to the south east of the carice bridge. Picked up 3 or 4 tight eyes nothing to talk about. At this time my buddy looks at me and says you think it’s to early to try our secret, and I say heck why not. So we get on plain and get there pick up the utility rod and bam buddy catches a 7. Had another guy close by so we put her back pretty fast. Fish some more nothing. I check the phone eat a little lunch and say I know a spot that may have fish on that I dove 2 summers ago. So we pull up to the ridge fish for 30 minutes nothing. Turn around and notice a group of lunes about a 100 yards away so we ease up and they’re diving under the boat and there they where. Massive Shad balls, lunes diving and a big wad of fish in 40 fow suspended in about 10 to 15 fow. I’ve noticed when you pull up and the lunes don’t leave you’re in the right spot. There was also some special I had never seen there also and I have graphed and dove that spot dozens of times. If I had to guess it was something that was about a 3x3 square. Drop the tail spinners and start catching and never stopped. Best 5 today in picture 21 pounds best 5 overall 25 pounds. so just my assumption but Toledo is in dead winter mode. It may have been a warm winter but the amount of sun light we are getting isn’t enough on top of cool nights. In short time the fish will be set up perfect for y’all while I’ll be at work lol. all fish were put back Will be back in April and June.
  9. Thank you catt. Funny you say that Catt last night about 2am I was reading jacks comments on carice. Wish I could spend a day with him around there. I rarely leave that area and when I do it’s because I want to drive fast??
  10. One thing about it you’ll figure them out soon enough! Sorry I don’t post a bunch with changing jobs and moving last year did not get much chance to fish or do much. New lake is Conroe so we’ll see how that goes.
  11. I don't know how many days by 12 oclock I'm sitting there with 1 bite all day and say well time to find them. Get on a creek channel, throw the Carolina rig behind the boat, and get on the trolling motor just dragging it. You might go 4 miles but eventually you'll run in to them.
  12. I just get tired of people complaining about the grass. I only fished the lake a few times before the hydrilla died and yes it was fun to punch it, but to say this lake doesn't produce is crazy I've been beat by a few 30+ sacks in the last 3 years, and most spring tournaments I've averaged 13-18 pounds and have been beat by plenty of 20-25 pound sacks.
  13. I wish I knew where that lawnmower was lol
  14. So I’ve made more than 100+ dives in various areas on Toledo and I can firmly tell you the fish are still there. See the great thing about diving is that bass and other species are curious and attract towards you typically. I think it has something to do with the bubbles. On numerous occasions I’ve actually had schools of 10 to 20 3 pound bass feed near me or come and check me out. And once had a mega school 100+ fish come out of no were and start chomping. I’ll see if I can find the GoPro footage it was amazing. most guys are off the mark when fishing even if they’re in the right area. Think about it like this. How many 3 to 5 pound bass can you fit in your live well? Personally I know I can fit 20 comfortably. Now think how big a creek channel live oak stump and root system is let’s say 10x10 give or take a few feet (This is your break line on a creek channel that’s 3 miles long). How big is that live oak stump system? You can easily fit 20-100 fish on one stump. Now take the depth of water say 15 feet across the whole lake just to make it easy. Now take how many square acres Toledo is 185000 square acres. It all boils down to you’re looking for a break line that can be a 1 foot square or 20 foot square on a lake that is 185k acres with or without grass. And you may say but the grass holds them true but when fishing grass I know typically I catch all my fish in key areas of the grass. Guess what, there is a break line there it may be rock, a stump, lawnmower etc. anything you name it.
  15. When do you find the arig works the best? I’ve thrown it around a little bit and catch here and there with it but never great? Is it better on certain types of structures than others? Or is it a situational thing?
  16. What do y’all know about Christmas trees?
  17. Merry Christmas and happy new year from Conroe
  18. Well I can finally start fishing again. Last turnaround for 4 years and no more moving houses Thank god. I love reading about all the successes and struggles. Hopefully I can catch a few in the next few years. Anyone need a fishing buddy? My boat stays in lufkin.
  19. What's up everybody. Finally back after a move and 3 months of work training. How is everyone? About to make a trip to rayburn or toledo tomorrow tired of the golf course ponds.
  20. Rayburn went pretty well for me. Swim jig and then backing off with a Carolina rig later in the day. Rayburn is nice but it's still not the big pond.
  21. How's everyone been? Been on nights since March 3 and in the middle of moving right now. Going to be in Texas from here on out! OH and waiting to launch at Rayburn only fished it once hopefully it doesnt hurt me to bad.
  22. Yeah a ridge with grass on it. Took me about 3 months to find it in the fall. It's just a small 3 foot rise maybe 100 yards long and maybe 4 foot wide. Yes most where custom sinkos I made for falcon a few years back. At one point in the trip we were trying to super glue the regular 5 and 6 inch versions together.
  23. I love fat prespawner but I sure miss consist summer bass.
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