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Everything posted by Glaucus

  1. Fishing bug is real. It doesn't matter the age. It's all about when, how, and why it happens, and you don't always get born and bred into it. I picked up fishing all on my own. Because of me my dad is getting into it. I had parents that wanted me outside doing normal stuff rather than in front of a screen. They built me up for football though. I was running 4:14 miles and being scouted as a freshman for WR and CB. Then I had a freak injury that cracked my skull, caused me to nearly bleed to death, forget most of my youth, and I later developed PTSD in another matter killing my football career. I picked up a rod at the store one day to see if I liked it and never looked back. It's my new life (well, many years old now but new as in it is what I do now rather than football)
  2. I already do. Those are broomsticks.
  3. Right. While there is no standard, there is "typical" if that makes sense.
  4. The 6'6" MH casting for weightless or lightly weighted soft plastics. I just don't want to get it and it fish like a M. I guess what I'm looking for is a MH that is on the lighter side of MH but still very much so a MH if that makes sense. Edit: has to be their 6'6" because I max out at 6'10". A mixture of kayak, wading, and bank fishing over the years has made 7 plus very uncomfortable to me and I have no intention of changing what isn't broken.
  5. Same. 3/8 to me is my all around large size. Anything under 1/4 is finesse. We're both Northerners though.
  6. The problem with the SLX is that the selections are so limited.
  7. I have some Tatula casting rods that I love. There's nothing wrong with those rods.
  8. I've avoided them because I've always been told that their power ratings are laughably overstated. How bad is it really? I'm currently looking at a Fury that might fit the bill for something I'm looking to do. (doesn't matter, just looking at one)
  9. McDonald's vs Red Robins Nah she's right. Daiwa wins.
  10. Smaller baits in general will catch more fish. You're just sacrificing quality on a lot of those fish.
  11. Somewhere there's a fat bass ready to eat that fool.
  12. Yeah I'm not really buying that either. It's not that women can't fish, it's just that most women don't want to fish. My wife fishes with me. She's the exception, not the rule, but even then it's maybe 1 in 10 trips, and we just got her taking her own fish off the hook last year.
  13. Not my point or position in the slightest
  14. What will be your primary target species and where will you be fishing? Smallmouth or Largemouth? Rivers or ponds and lakes? Little of everything? This is important to know.
  15. I had no problem with it in the past. However 2 years ago I was fishing a bed in a clear water bass and bluegill pond. I caught the male and bluegills completely devoured the eggs. They came in for the feast seemingly out of nowhere. I released him as fast as I could but the damage was done. I felt absolutely awful. I had known this could happen, but I had never seen it until that moment and I wasn't proud of myself. I'm one of those guys who takes it hard when I gut hook a fish and it ends up dying. Rare for me these days but it happens to everyone. I had that same feeling knowing I'm the reason that bed got destroyed. Now I will never intentionally fish one again.
  16. Yes. I literally dream about fishing too. Completely obsessed.
  17. That's not your hand, right, Scott?
  18. That website seems to be a leader in illiteracy.
  19. I feel like I need to cancel my cards and burn my phone just for clicking on that website.
  20. Jimmy Houston is just a legendary name to me, like Bill Dance. I watch Roland regularly on YouTube though because of Scott.
  21. As I said, I'm not 30 yet. Haven't had cable or satellite in years. I stream everything like everyone my age. I learned how to Bass fish watching YouTube videos of guys around my age. Bill Dance is lore to me.
  22. I've seen some YouTube videos after specifically searching for him, but otherwise I don't know a lot about him. I almost 30. Fairly young yet. He seems like a good guy. Seems to me that for the older guys it would be finding out KVD or Scott Martin was in the hospital. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
  23. Basically. I clown on it because it isn't bass fishing. It's "whatever will bite" fishing. They were definitely using some sort of live, dead or prepared bait, and casting it out and waiting for whatever would take it. Some guys like it and that's the only way they fish, but most bass guys aren't about it. This style of fishing will do nothing to help you to become a better bass angler, and that's OK if you want to fish but don't really care about a target species. Here, we target species.
  24. Watching paint dry.
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