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Everything posted by Glaucus

  1. That's a booger
  2. - When someone sees me catching fish and moves close to me in an attempt to catch the fish I found. * There was a particularly nasty incident of this a couple of weeks ago. I was on them in a shaded corner of a highly pressured pond with a tough bite. After 7 or 8 bass, a man and a woman were hoofing it in my direction. They got close and the man angrily shouted, "yeah, we see you catching fish over here," and then proceeded to stand 10 feet from me. I had been using a fluke with whatever retrieve was working that day. He looked to be an old school guy. He had 1 baitcaster with him with a big spinnerbait on it. Rather than get angry, I decided to embarrass him in front of his woman by using something I was confident that he either hadn't heard of or hadn't fished: a Ned Rig, 1/15oz ShroomZ with a Coppertreuse TRD. I stopped counting how many fish I caught while he got skunked. I did feel bad for his woman because he started to take the frustration out on her. ... - When someone stops to ask me if I've caught anything, what I'm using, and then wants to continue a conversation with me, a complete stranger to them trying to enjoy a day of fishing, about absolutely any and all irrelevant topics. They think they're being friendly, but not counting the fact that I have high functioning ASD (Aspergers) and don't like to be bothered by people, I'm out there ignoring everything else in the world and focusing only on fishing for a reason. I'm there to fish, not to chat, and I'm certainly not telling anyone over the age of 16 how I'm catching fish. - When someone shrieks at me for releasing my catch. I hadn't had this problem before, but since moving to the Indianapolis area, multiple Mexicans who speak poor English have seen me toss my bass back into the water and freak out that I'm not keeping them to eat. I get it from a cultural perspective, but leave me alone. You don't agree with me practicing C&R and I don't agree with you keeping fish from a public pond, but I don't bother you for it so....leave me alone. - TRASH. Humans are disgusting in their lack of care for the environment. ... That's about it. I'm a simple guy. Please don't try to talk to me for 15 minutes while I'm trying to fish; don't be a jerk and invade my space; don't question me; and pick up your trash.
  3. That's actually really creepy.
  4. It's been mandated here too but people still won't listen and most stores are too scared to turn maskless people away.
  5. At least that's somehow better than the parents who have their kids in the store without a mask on, chewing on the handle of the shopping carts lol. I see that all the time and just can't believe they're so careless. I know you're joking, but I really do see parents who just don't care that their kids could get Covid. It's crazy.
  6. Well if you're one of those who deny Covid science, your IQ is a bigger issue than doorknobs lol
  7. Be careful out there with the heat and COVID-19. The heat has been blistering and can take even the strongest men out, and COVID-19 cases in the US keep rising and breaking records held since the beginning of the pandemic. When fishing, stay cool and hydrated, and watch for signs that you're pushing your body too hard. When at the gas pumps and elsewhere, take necessary precautions to not expose yourself to the deadly virus.
  8. 7' MH/F and M/F But really if I only had 2 rods it would be a MH/F baitcast setup and a M/F spinning setup.
  9. To each their own. I typically have 1 BC and 2 Spinning setups with me because I fish pressured ponds for LMB and rivers for SMB and I like to catch fish. BC are more enjoyable to use, but catching fish is a greater pleasure than simply using the equipment.
  10. It's only a couple bad apples.
  11. I'm back in Illinois for a few days seeing the kiddos. I was able to stop at my old stomping ground for about 15 minutes before heading back to our hotel. A squarebill fished through the fast dam water never fails. P.S. Yes I'm wearing my girlfriend's extra pair of sunglasses because I forgot mine like a doofus.
  12. All I know is the fish have never cared about the difference between 10# and 15# braid as a mainline and my casting distance hasn't been noticably different between the two. But fingers get cut a lot less with 15#.
  13. These aren't the kind of exchanges that we have here. I got irritated once by what I thought was stupidity a couple years ago. Someone was trying to convince us that 50lb straight braid was the way to go for drop shotting. It was bizarre and my sarcasm couldn't take it anymore. This goes beyond that. You're disrespecting a well respected member here over absolutely nothing. You aggressively disagreed the first time and he documented how he's gotten his opinion, and this is how you respond? You must be used to Facebook groups and YouTube comments sections. But let me tell you, we ain't it chief.
  14. My girlfriend and some of our friends went boating and swimming a few days ago during a camping trip. We got way off shore and took a dip. Some of the water was unbearably hot. Almost felt like it was boiling. We didn't know how deep we were but nobody could swim to the bottom, just gave up for safety after about 10 feet. This is in Indiana. I don't think I've felt lake water so hot before.
  15. Aird-X rods are not stiff. They actually don't live up to their fast action rating at all. Moderate fast is more accurate.
  16. Senko, Fluke, and jig depending on where and what the situation is.
  17. I've done everything I can reasonably do. I've greased it in the lube port, taken off the side plate and took the spool out, cleaned what I could, etc. Still does it. Performance hasn't suffered but it is annoying because of my OCD. The reel isn't very old and wasn't particularly dirty at all. No abuse. Idk.
  18. Once in the same spot each time. It only lasts a split second. Speaking of the clutch... This reel did something a few days ago that might have something to do with what's going on maybe? I went to cast and there was a loud grind noise and the lure didn't travel very far. I recognized this as the clutch because last year I had a Silver Max do the same thing and you told me then it was the clutch. The Silver Max did it all the time though. This Speed Spool did it just the one time.
  19. Yeah it does. Edit: I read that as "with." I'm not sure if it does it without. I just went and bought some Lew's grease. I'll do that and check the side plate and report back.
  20. I've got a Speed Spool that has started to feel rough when turning the handle and retrieving. It only feels like this for a split second in the same location though. The whole process is smooth until the handle is turned to one exact spot somewhere inside. What could it be? I don't take apart reels so I wouldn't know where to start.
  21. Split shots? Nah, forget it. Sold out everywhere. Lame. Can't even get the simplest of things.
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