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Everything posted by Glaucus

  1. Daiwa Aird X rod with a Daiwa Fuego reel. Comes in under budget and leaves room for the line.
  2. I've been of the opinion that the ladies who don't fish a whole lot or any other newbie doesn't need really expensive rods because they wouldn't be able to tell the difference in sensitivity between a cheaper rod and more expensive rod anymore than the average person can tell the difference between cheaper wine and more expensive wine. Well my wife and I went fishing for a little bit this afternoon. We had an HMG and a Fury spinning rod on us for finesse. The HMG didn't have anything rigged up on it but the Fury had a Ned Rig. (I was throwing chatterbaits). She fished the Ned on the Fury for awhile until she broke off. I said well we might as well tie one on to your HMG now that neither of them have anything on them. So after a little while she asked if I put a different Ned jighead on. I said no and asked why. She said because before she could feel everything she touched and now I don't feel nearly as much. I said well I don't know, it's the same stuff. A few seconds pass and it dawned on me and I said, ah you're using the HMG now.
  3. Well he's not
  4. I feel like ranking pro bass fishermen is a lot harder and not the same as ranking NFL QBs or something. I really like Brian Latimer but he isn't the best.
  5. There's virtually no way you could know.
  6. That's my favorite way to fish lol
  7. I bought a couple of those exact crankbaits last year because they were super cheap so I thought what the heck. They are absolutely garbage. Didn't run right for me either.
  8. What I meant was, if you think taking your dog fishing is going to be a danger to your dog and the only corrective action you can come up with is inflicting pain, your dog doesn't need to go fishing. IMO
  9. A dog doesn't need to be shocked to learn. The dog doesn't need to go fishing. You want the dog to go fishing. Key word being: you. If you feel you need to inflict pain, no matter how minimal it is, on the dog, the dog doesn't need to be there. My opinion only.
  10. It's best to do research before purchasing something. No way would you want line that thin on a baitcaster if you knew better. If you have a spinning rod that needs line, keep it. If not, return it for 40lb and put that on the baitcaster.
  11. That's the way I do it too. I let it sink and then give it a few good jerks. The erratic darting produces more strikes than the lift and fall method.
  12. But that's not junk fishing.
  13. Jana and Dionna, mostly.
  14. 25 bass to start a 72 acre pond that was stocked with bluegill. Not enough bass for the bluegill so they eventually took over I'd imagine. That allowed them to grow big, which disallowed future bass to prey on them, stunting bass growth and increasing bluegill growth.
  15. What's the name of the video?
  16. I've never seen anyone get violent on the table or on the water, in a physical way. I've seen shouting and such. Like B Lat said, you just become known as that person who has no respect out of principal.
  17. Pool is my second hobby. There's an unspoken rule that you don't walk into the vision of a person who is down on the table getting ready to shoot. Even the random bar people who don't play pool know this. It's a respect thing. An honor thing. Same with fishing. You know the unspoken rules. By all means everyone has access to the public water and the pros don't actually own any spots. But come on, be a normal, respectful person. Don't be a jerk.
  18. Bad hooks are bad hooks. The sad thing is, renowned companies tend to provide bad stock hooks. Loosening your drag to compensate goes beyond the meaning of drag. Use drag properly and use good hooks.
  19. Bass in ponds don't act like bass in bigger bodies of water. I find that in decent temps they are always shallow. Overcast helps so I don't get the problem. They are less visible to prey and elements.
  20. If it's really that heavily weeded top water and punching are your best bets. I wouldn't expect numbers from that situation. I would expect weight and PBs.
  21. Yeah man that's what I want. I like unique styles. This thread taught me that we live amongst 10 year olds who shoot over clothing. Guess fishing isn't as far removed from the hood as the "spit tabaccos" think
  22. I fish squarebills at rocky, snaggy river dams and they work great. People fear the trebles but that bill causes more deflections than snags.
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