I keep thinking about a case for fraud for making money off giant bass he either didn't catch or didn't legally catch, but there's no definitive proof; and fraud for taking tournament money from anglers who were legitimately catching their fish, but again there's no definitive proof. What we have is credible eye witness accounts, but that isn't enough in the court of law. I'm thinking about how he likely did try to kill other anglers who knew what he was doing by loosening their wheels, and how that criminal behavior needs to be punished, but again there's no definitive proof. I'm thinking about how he used intimidation tactics, especially regarding a 13 year old boy, when he made it clear he knew where he slept and shined lights through his window, and how that criminal behavior needs to be punished, but again that can't be proven in the court of law.
This scumbag will get away with almost all of this. The only thing I can see him being in legal trouble over is snagging the bass in this video. How much trouble in the grand scheme of things probably isn't a lot, if any. I'm sure a case would be made about stalking, recording without consent, cries that he isn't the man in the photo, something, anything.
Sadly it seems it is up to the industry to punish him. Take away all his sponsors, take away his lake records, and ban him from all the lakes. No tournaments, ever, although it seems he stopped tournament fishing because he's a fraud who couldn't answer questions honestly.